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- APPM 1360ÌýCalculus II for Engineers
- APPM 2350ÌýCalculus III for Engineers
- APPM 2360ÌýDifferential Equations and Linear Algebra
- APPM 2380ÌýDifferential Equations and Linear Algebra for Aerospace
- APPM 3010ÌýAn Introduction to Nonlinear Systems: Chaos.
- APPM 3310ÌýMatrix Methods
- APPM 4440ÌýApplied Analysis
- APPM 5460ÌýDynamical Systems and Differential Equations
- APPM 5470ÌýMethods in Applied Math III, Partial Differential Equations.
- APPM 7100ÌýDynamical Systems
- APPM 8100ÌýDynamical Systems Seminar