Research and Publications


  • MacKay, R. S. and J.D. Meiss, Eds. (1987).ÌýHamiltonian Dynamical Systems: a reprint selection. London, Adam-Hilgar Press, 784pp., ISBN 0-85274-205-3. ()
  • Hazeltine, R. D. and J.D. Meiss (1991).ÌýPlasma Confinement. Redwood City, CA, Addison-Wesley, 394 pp., ISBN 0201-53353-5.
  • R.D. Hazeltine and J.D. Meiss,Ìý, (2003) 2nd Edition, Dover Press, 480 pp., ISBN 0486432424. ()
  • J.D. Meiss,Ìý, (2007) SIAM, Philadelphia 412 pp., ISBN 978-0-899816-35-1.

Pedagogical Articles

  • J.D. Meiss,ÌýSymplectic Maps, Variational Principles, and Transport,ÌýÌý(reprint)
  • J.D. Meiss,ÌýHamiltonian Systems,ÌýSymplectic Maps, andÌýThe Standard Map, articles in theÌý, ed. Alwyn Scott. (New York, Routledge) (2005). ISBN: 1-57958-385-7
  • J.D. Meiss, Dynamical systems,Ìý.
  • J.D. Meiss, Hamiltonian systems,Ìý.
  • J.D. Meiss, "Visual Explorations of Dynamics: the Standard Mapping",ÌýÌý(), (Corrected reprint).
  • J.D. Meiss, "Thirty Years of Turnstiles and Transport",ÌýÌý()
  • J.D. Meiss, "Ordinary Differential Equations",Ìý
  • J.D. Meiss "Integrability, Anti-Integrability and Volume-Preserving Maps",Ìý

Fields of Research

Computational Topology

  • V. Robins, J.D. Meiss, and E. Bradley, "Computing Connectedness: an exercise in computational topology",Ìý. ().
  • V. Robins, J.D. Meiss, and L. Bradley, "Computing Connectedness: Disconnectedness and Discreteness",Ìý. (PDF reprint),
  • Z. Alexander, J.D. Meiss, E. Bradley, and J. Garland, "Iterated Function System Models in Data Analysis: Detection and Separation",Ìý. ().
  • Z. Alexander, E. Bradley, J.D. Meiss, and N. Sanderson, "Simplicial Multivalued Maps and the Witness Complex for Dynamical Analysis of Time Series",Ìý. ().
  • J. Garland, E. Bradley and J.D. Meiss, "Exploring the Topology of Dynamical Reconstructions", ().

Fluid Dynamics

  • P. Mullowney, K. Julian and J.D. Meiss, "Blinking rolls: chaotic advection in a 3D flow with an Invariant",Ìý. (PDF reprint)
  • P. Mullowney, K. Julien, and J.D. Meiss, "Chaotic Advection in the Küppers-Lortz State",Ìý. ()
  • B.A. Mosovsky, M.F.M. Speetjens, and J.D. Meiss, "Finite-Time Transport in Volume-Preserving Flows",Ìý
  • R.M. Neupauer, J.D. Meiss, and D.C. Mays "Chaotic advection and reaction during engineered injection and extraction in heterogeneous porous media",Ìý.
  • K.R. Pratt, J.D. Meiss, and J.P. Crimaldi, "Reaction Enhancement of Initially Distant Scalars by Lagrangian Coherent Structures",Ìý. (Preprint).

Hamiltonian Dynamics

  • J.D. Meiss, "Transport Near the Onset of Chaos", Physics Today, Physics News of 1986, January (1987).
  • R.S. MacKay and J.D. Meiss, "The Relation between Quantum and Classical Thresholds for Multi-photon Ionization of Excited Atoms",Ìý.
  • J.D. Meiss, "Comment on Microwave Ionization of H-atoms: breakdown of classical dynamics for high frequencies",Ìý.
  • E. Bollt and J.D. Meiss, "Targeting Chaotic Orbits to the Moon",Ìý. (PDF reprint)
  • J.E. Howard and J.D. Meiss "Straight Line Orbits in Hamiltonian Flows",Ìý. ().
  • J.G. Restrepo and J.D. Meiss, "Onset of Synchronization in the Disordered Hamiltonian Mean Field Model",Ìý. ().
  • Y.S. Virkar, J.G. Restrepo and J.D. Meiss, "The Hamiltonian Mean Field model: effect of network structure on synchronization dynamics",Ìý. ().

Plasma Physics

  • A. Aydemir, R.D. Hazeltine, J.D. Meiss, and M. Kotschenreuther, "Destabilization of Alfvén-Resonant Modes by Resistivity and Diamagnetic Drifts",Ìý.
  • J.D. Meiss, "Transport Near the Onset of Chaos", Physics Today, Physics News of 1986, January (1987).
  • A. Y. Aydemir, R.D. Hazeltine, M. Kotschenreuther, J.D. Meiss, P.J. Morrison, D.W Ross, F. L. Waelbroeck, J.C. Wiley, "Nonlinear MHD Studies in Toroidal Geometry", Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1988, Lausanne, Switzerland (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1989), 131-143.
  • J.D. Meiss, "Comment on Microwave Ionization of H-atoms: breakdown of classical dynamics for high frequencies",Ìý.
  • J.D. Meiss and R.D. Hazeltine, "Canonical Coordinates for Guiding Center Particles",Ìý.
  • Hayashi, T., T. Sato, H.J. Gardner and J.D. Meiss, "Evolution of Magnetic Islands in a Heliac",Ìý.
  • J.L. Tennyson J.D. Meiss and P.J. Morrison, "Self-Consistent Chaos in the Beam-Plasma Instability",Ìý. (PDF reprint).


Classes of Dynamical Systems

Area-Preserving Maps

  • R. S. MacKay, J.D. Meiss, and I. C. Percival, "Resonances in Area Preserving Maps",Ìý.
  • Q. Chen and J.D. Meiss, "Flux, Resonances and the Devil's Staircase for the Sawtooth Map",Ìý.
  • J.D. Meiss and R.L. Dewar, "Minimizing Flux", Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Australian National University, Mini-conference on CHAOS & ORDER, 1-3 February 1990, Canberra Australia, Nalini Joshi and Robert L. Dewar (eds.), (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991) pp. 97-103.
  • J.D. Meiss, "Phenomenology of Area Preserving Twist Maps", in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, R. L. Dewar and B. I. Henry (eds.), (World Scientific Press, 1992), pp. 15-40.
  • J.D. Meiss, "Regular Orbits for the Stadium Billiard", in Quantum Chaos-Quantum Measurement, P. Cvitanovic, I. Percival and A. Wirzga (eds.) (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1991), NATO ASI Series C Vol 358, pp. 145-166.
  • R.L. Dewar and J.D. Meiss, "Flux-Minimizing Curves for Reversible Area-Preserving Maps",ÌýÌý(PDF reprint).
  • J.D. Meiss, "Cantori for the Stadium Billiard",Ìý.
  • J.D. Meiss, "Regular Orbits for the Stadium Billiard", InÌýQuantum Chaos-Quantum MeasurementÌýP. Cvitanovic, I. C. Percival and A. Wirzba. (Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic) 145-166 (1992).
  • J.D. Meiss, "Transient MeasuresÌýfor the Standard Map",Ìý. (PDF reprint).
  • H. E. Lomelí and J.D. Meiss "Heteroclinic Orbits and Transport in a Perturbed, Integrable Standard Map".Ìý. ()
  • H.R. Dullin, D. Sterling and J.D. Meiss "Self-Rotation Number using the Turning Angle",Ìý.
  • J.D. Meiss, "Visual Explorations of Dynamics: the Standard Mapping",ÌýÌý(). (Corrected reprint).
  • M. Gidea, J.D. Meiss, I. Ugarcovici, H. Weiss, "Applications of KAM Theory to Population Dynamics",Ìý.
  • A.M. Fox and J. D. Meiss, "Critical Invariant Circles in Asymmetric and Multiharmonic Generalized Standard Maps",Ìý. ()
  • O. Alus, S. Fishman, and J.D. Meiss, "Statistics of the Island-Around-Island Hierarchy in Hamiltonian Phase Space",Ìý. ()
  • J.D. Meiss, "Thirty Years of Turnstiles and Transport",ÌýÌý()
  • L.M. Lerman and J.D. Meiss, "Mixed Dynamics in a Parabolic Standard Map",Ìý. ()
  • O. Alus, S. Fishman, and J.D. Meiss, "Probing the statistics of transport in the Hénon Map", ()

Symplectic Maps

  • H.T. Kook and J.D. Meiss, "Periodic Orbits for Reversible, Symplectic Mappings",Ìý.
  • H.T. Kook and J.D. Meiss, "Application of Newton's Method to Lagrangian Dynamical Systems",Ìý.
  • R.S. MacKay, J.D. Meiss, and J. Stark, "Converse KAM Theory for Symplectic Twist Maps",Ìý.
  • H.T. Kook and J.D. Meiss, "Diffusion in Symplectic Maps",Ìý.
  • J.D. Meiss,ÌýSymplectic MapsÌý, "Variational Principles, and Transport",Ìý
  • E.Bollt and J.D. Meiss, "Breakup of Invariant Tori for the Four Dimensional Semi-Standard Map",Ìý. (PDF reprint).
  • R.W. Easton, J.D. Meiss and S. Carver, "Exit TimesÌýand Transport for Symplectic Twist Maps",Ìý.
  • E. Bollt and J.D. Meiss, "Controlling Transport Through Recurrences",Ìý.
  • MacKay, R. S., J.D. Meiss and J. Stark, "An Approximate Renormalization for the Break-up of Invariant Tori with Three Frequencies",Ìý. (reprint).
  • J.D. Meiss, "Towards an Understanding of the Break-up of Invariant Tori", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Chaos, Y. Aizawa, S. Saito and K. Shiraiwa (eds.), (World Scientific,Singapore), 385-394 (1995). (PDF Preprint)
  • J.D. Meiss, "On the Break-up of Invariant Tori with Three Frequencies", In Hamiltonian Systems with Three or More Degrees of Freedom (Ed, Simo, C.) Kluwer, Sagaro, Spain, pp. 494-498 (1999). (PDF Preprint)
  • H.R. Dullin and J.D. Meiss, "Stability of Minimal Periodic Orbits",Ìý. (PDF reprint)

Volume Preserving Maps

  • J.D. Meiss, "Average Exit TimesÌýin Volume Preserving Maps",Ìý. (PDF reprint)
  • H.E. Lomelí and J.D. Meiss, "Quadratic Volume Preserving Maps",Ìý. () (PDF preprint).
  • K. E. Lenz, H. E. Lomelí; and J.D. Meiss, "Quadratic Volume Preserving Maps: an Extension of a Result of Moser",Ìý. (PDF preprint).
  • H. E. Lomelí and J.D. Meiss, "Heteroclinic Primary Intersections and Codimension one Melnikov Method for Volume Preserving Maps",Ìý(PDF reprint),
  • A. Gómez and J.D.Meiss, "Volume-Preserving Maps with an Invariant",Ìý. (PDF reprint)
  • H.E. Lomelí and J.D. Meiss, "Heteroclinic intersections between Invariant Circles of Volume-Preserving Maps",ÌýÌý() (PDF preprint)
  • P. Mullowney, K. Julian and J.D. Meiss, "Blinking rolls: chaotic advection in a 3D flow with an Invariant",Ìý. (PDF reprint)
  • D.B. Wysham and J.D. Meiss, "Numerical Computation of the Stable Manifolds of Tori",Ìý. ()
  • Gonchenko, S.V., J.D. Meiss and I.I. Ovsyannikov, "Chaotic Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Hénon Maps That Originate from a Homoclinic Bifurcation",ÌýÌý()
  • J.D. Meiss "Dynamics of Volume Preserving Maps",Ìý
  • H.R. Dullin and J.D. Meiss, "Nilpotent Normal form for Divergence Free Vector Fields and Volume-Preserving Maps",ÌýÌý().
  • H.E. Lomelí, J.D. Meiss, and R. Ramírez-Ros, "Canonical Melnikov Theory for Diffeomorphisms",ÌýÌý().
  • P. Mullowney, K. Julien, and J.D. Meiss, "Chaotic Advection in the Küppers-Lortz State",Ìý. ()
  • H.E. Lomelí and J.D. Meiss, "Generating Forms for Exact Volume-Preserving Maps",ÌýÌý()
  • H.R. Dullin and J.D. Meiss, "Quadratic Volume-Preserving Maps: Invariant Circles and Bifurcations",Ìý()
  • H.E. Lomelí and J.D. Meiss, "Resonance Zones and Lobe Volumes for Volume-Preserving Maps",ÌýÌý()
  • H.R. Dullin and J.D. Meiss, "Resonances and Twist in Volume-Preserving Maps",ÌýÌý()
  • J.D. Meiss, "The Destruction of Tori in Volume-Preserving Maps",ÌýÌý()
  • Dullin, H. R., H. Lomelí and J. D. Meiss, "Symmetry Reduction by Lifting for Maps",ÌýÌý()
  • A.M. Fox and J. D. Meiss, "Greene's Residue Criterion for the Breakup of Invariant Tori of Volume-Preserving Maps",Ìý. ()
  • A.M. Fox and J. D. Meiss, "Efficient Computation of Invariant Tori in Volume-Preserving Maps", Physica D, in press 1-5-16, ()

Phemomena and Methods


  • Q. Chen, R.S. MacKay, and J.D. Meiss, "Cantori for Symplectic Maps",Ìý.
  • R.S. MacKay and J.D. Meiss, "Cantori for Symplectic Maps near the Anti-integrable Limit",Ìý.
  • D. Sterling and J.D. Meiss, "Computing Periodic Orbits using the Anti-Integrable Limit",Ìý. ()
  • D. Sterling, H. R. Dullin and J.D. Meiss, "Homoclinic Bifurcations for the Hénon Map",Ìý. ().
  • R. W. Easton, J.D. Meiss, G. Roberts, "Drift by Coupling to an Anti-Integrable Limit",Ìý. (PDF reprint)
  • H.R. Dullin, J.D. Meiss, and D. Sterling, "Symbolic Codes for Rotational Orbits",Ìý. () (PDF reprint)
  • J.D. Meiss "Integrability, Anti-Integrability and Volume-Preserving Maps",Ìý

Invariant Tori

  • E.Bollt and J.D. Meiss, "Breakup of Invariant Tori for the Four Dimensional Semi-Standard Map",Ìý. (PDF reprint).
  • MacKay, R. S., J.D. Meiss and J. Stark, "An Approximate Renormalization for the Break-up of Invariant Tori with Three Frequencies",Ìý. (PDF reprint).
  • J.D. Meiss, "Towards an Understanding of the Break-up of Invariant Tori", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Chaos, Y. Aizawa, S. Saito and K. Shiraiwa (eds.), (World Scientific,Singapore), 385-394 (1995). (PDF Preprint)
  • J.D. Meiss, "On the Break-up of Invariant Tori with Three Frequencies", In Hamiltonian Systems with Three or More Degrees of Freedom (Ed, Simo, C.) Kluwer, Sagaro, Spain, pp. 494-498 (1999). (PDF Preprint)
  • D.B. Wysham and J.D. Meiss, "Numerical Computation of the Stable Manifolds of Tori",Ìý. ()
  • H.R. Dullin and J.D. Meiss, "Quadratic Volume-Preserving Maps: Invariant Circles and Bifurcations",Ìý()
  • J.D. Meiss, "The Destruction of Tori in Volume-Preserving Maps",ÌýÌý()
  • A.M. Fox and J. D. Meiss, "Greene's Residue Criterion for the Breakup of Invariant Tori of Volume-Preserving Maps",Ìý. ()
  • A.M. Fox and J. D. Meiss, "Critical Invariant Circles in Asymmetric and Multiharmonic Generalized Standard Maps",ÌýÌý()
  • A.M. Fox and J. D. Meiss, "Efficient Computation of Invariant Tori in Volume-Preserving Maps", submitted to SIAM J. Dyn. Sys. Feb 2014. ()

Piecewise Smooth Bifurcations

  • D.J.W. Simpson and J.D. Meiss, "Andronov-Hopf Bifurcations in Planar, Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Flows",ÌýÌý().
  • D.J.W. Simpson and J.D. Meiss, "Neimark-Sacker Bifurcations in Planar, Piecewise Smooth, Continuous Maps",Ìý
  • D.J.W. Simpson and J.D. Meiss, "Unfolding a Codimension-Two, Discontinuous, Andronov-Hopf Bifurcation",ÌýÌý()
  • D.J.W. Simpson, D.S. Kompala, and J.D. Meiss, "Discontinuity Induced Bifurcations in a Model ofÌýSaccharomyces cerevisiae",ÌýÌý() (PDF reprint)
  • D.J.W. Simpson and J.D. Meiss, "Shrinking Point Bifurcations of Resonance Tongues for Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Maps",ÌýÌý()
  • D.J.W. Simpson and J.D. Meiss, "Simultaneous Border-Collision and Period-Doubling Bifurcations",ÌýÌý()
  • D.J.W. Simpson and J.D. Meiss, "Resonance near Border-Collision Bifurcations in Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Maps",ÌýÌý()
  • D.J.W. Simpson and J.D. Meiss, "Aspects of Bifurcation Theory for Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Systems",ÌýÌý()

Polynomial Maps

  • H.R. Dullin and J.D. Meiss, "Generalized Hénon Maps: the Cubic Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of the Plane",ÌýÌý.
  • A. Gómez and J.D.Meiss, "Reversible Polynomial Automorphisms of the Plane: the Involutory Case",Ìý. (PDF reprint)
  • A. Gómez and J.D. Meiss, "Reversible Polynomial Automorphisms in the Plane",Ìý. () (PDF reprint)
  • Gonchenko, S.V., J.D. Meiss and I.I. Ovsyannikov, "Chaotic Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Hénon Maps That Originate from a Homoclinic Bifurcation",ÌýÌý()


  • J.G. Restrepo and J.D. Meiss, "Onset of Synchronization in the Disordered Hamiltonian Mean Field Model",Ìý. ().
  • Y.S. Virkar, J.G. Restrepo and J.D. Meiss, "The Hamiltonian Mean Field model: effect of network structure on synchronization dynamics",Ìý. ().


  • J.D. Meiss, "Transport Near the Onset of Chaos", Physics Today, Physics News of 1986, January (1987).
  • J.D. Meiss, Symplectic Maps, Variational Principles, and Transport,ÌýÌý(reprint)
  • R.W. Easton, J.D. Meiss and S. Carver, "Exit Times and Transport for Symplectic Twist Maps",Ìý.
  • E. Bollt and J.D. Meiss, "Controlling Transport Through Recurrences",Ìý.
  • H. E. Lomelí and J.D. Meiss "Heteroclinic Orbits and Transport in a Perturbed, Integrable Standard Map".Ìý. ()
  • H. E. Lomelí and J.D. Meiss, "Heteroclinic Primary Intersections and Codimension one Melnikov Method for Volume Preserving Maps",Ìý(PDF reprint),
  • B.A. Mosovsky and J.D. Meiss, "Transport in Transitory Dynamical Systems",ÌýÌý() (PDF reprint)
  • B.A. Mosovsky and J.D. Meiss, "Transport in Transitory, Three-Dimensional, Liouville Flows",ÌýÌý() (PDF reprint)
  • B.A. Mosovsky, M.F.M. Speetjens, and J.D. Meiss, "Finite-Time Transport in Volume-Preserving Flows",Ìý
  • O. Alus, S. Fishman, and J.D. Meiss, "Statistics of the Island-Around-Island Hierarchy in Hamiltonian Phase Space",Ìý. ()
  • K.R. Pratt, J.D. Meiss, and J.P. Crimaldi, "Reaction Enhancement of Initially Distant Scalars by Lagrangian Coherent Structures",Ìý. (Preprint).
  • J.D. Meiss, "Thirty Years of Turnstiles and Transport",ÌýÌý()
  • L.M. Lerman and J.D. Meiss, "Mixed Dynamics in a Parabolic Standard Map",Ìý. ()
  • O. Alus, S. Fishman, and J.D. Meiss, "Probing the statistics of transport in the Hénon Map", ()

Twistless Bifurcations

  • H. R. Dullin, J.D. Meiss and D. Sterling, "Generic Twistless Bifurcations",Ìý. (
  • H.R. Dullin and J.D. Meiss, "Twist Singularities for Symplectic Maps",ÌýÌý(PDF reprint)
  • H.R. Dullin, A.V. Ivanov and J.D. Meiss, "Normal Forms for 4D Symplectic Maps with Twist Singularities",Ìý. ()
  • H.R. Dullin and J.D. Meiss, "Resonances and Twist in Volume-Preserving Maps",ÌýÌý()

Transitory Dynamics

  • B.A. Mosovsky and J.D. Meiss,Ìý"Transport in Transitory Dynamical Systems",ÌýÌý() (PDF reprint)
  • B.A. Mosovsky and J.D. Meiss, "Transport in Transitory, Three-Dimensional, Liouville Flows",ÌýÌý() (PDF reprint)
  • B.A. Mosovsky, M.F.M. Speetjens, and J.D. Meiss,Ìý"Finite-Time Transport in Volume-Preserving Flows",Ìý