
Sociology Department Internship Courses FAQs


What is the Sociology Internship Program?

  • Course Description: The Sociology Internship Program is designed to provide junior and senior sociology majors with the opportunity to work hands-on in the community and to gain practical knowledge and experience. The program provides Sociology majors the opportunity to connect sociological theory to the “real world.” Throughout the semester, students will actively apply their sociological knowledge to gain a deeper understanding of their internship experiences. Participation in the program requires both on-site (or remote) and academic work.

Who can enroll in an internship course?

  • Internship Credit is available for Sociology majors, minors or those enrolled in either the Certificate in Social Innovation or Care, Health and Resilience Certificate program. 
  • You must be an undergraduate of junior or senior standing at the time of your internship and
  • You must have an overall GPA of at least 2.0 and
  • for Sociology majors or minors, successful completion (grade C or higher) socy 1001 and at least one upper division sociology course or
  • for certificate students, acceptance into the certificate program and completion of one or more core certificate courses is required.
  • You must submit all paperwork before you can be enrolled in a sociology internship class.

How do I get credit for an internship?

  1. Fill out the application and submit by email to the program coordinator, Dr. Glenda Walden.
  2. Dr. Walden will be in contact to answer your questions about securing or approving of an internship and next steps.
  3. Contact organizations with whom you would like to volunteer/intern and secure a position for the semester you would like to enroll in the course. 
  4. When you have secured a position, fill out the contract, review with your internship supervisor, and after you both have signed, email to Dr. Walden-You cannot enroll in an internship course without a completed contract.
  5. Dr. Walden will enroll you or inform you of next steps.

How much credit can I earn?

  • Students accepted into the program can earn 3 units toward their Certificate or up to 6 units of upper division sociology credit for majors or minors.
  • Students can earn this credit over 1-2 semesters. Specific details on application and contract documents.

How do I find an internship?

  • We have a list of organizations we have worked with in the past and with whom students report positive experiences. 
    • You can start contacting these folks indicating your interest the semester before you would like to be enrolled.  Other organizations and businesses not listed are possible.  Check with Dr. Walden for approval. 
  • The Volunteer Resource Center on campus has possible opportunities as well.

Where can I work for internship credit?

  • Internships can be on-site or remote work.
  • Internships can be in any location in the United States.
  • Internships can be with organizations that are in the business, non-profit, or government sectors.
  • While the vast majority of internship opportunities are volunteer positions, if you have a paid position, it is still possible to earn credit with approval of Dr. Walden.
  • Internship credit is NOT  available for work that involves illegal activities (federal or state law).

What is involved and required for internship credit?

  • Once you have secured an internship and are enrolled in the course, you are required to work a minimum of 90 hours at your site (or remotely) during the semester enrolled for 3 units of credit. 
    • Additional credit, up to 6 units over one or two semesters, is dependent upon hours worked.  See specifics on application and contract documents.
  • The academic requirements include class attendance (or remote class) every other week, online discussions and assignments, and sociological analysis of your internship organization or field as your final paper.

When should I begin the application process (deadlines)?

  • August 1st is the deadline for fall semester internships
  • December 1st is the deadline for spring semester internships
  • May 1st is the deadline for Summer term internships
    • These deadlines have some flexibility so if you find an opportunity after the deadline has passed, do not hesitate to submit your paperwork to Dr. Walden.

Why would I want to participate in the internship course? 

  • Career exploration: an opportunity to get a taste of work in possible fields of interest like criminal justice, social welfare, medicine, politics, law, education, social science research, and more;
  • Work experience: gain new skills and build your resume, including a solid reference from your internship supervisor;
  • Maximize your benefits for your efforts: earn upper division sociology credit while building work skills and experience and making a contribution in your community.

Here’s what some Sociology majors had to say about their Sociology internship experience!

“As an overall learning experience, my internship…provided me with new and improved skills, a plethora of knowledge surrounding the social, cultural, and political characteristics of the profession, and a greater understanding of my own needs as I enter the work world.”

   Overall, my internship…provided me with first-hand experience within the realm of criminal justice and encouraged me to analyze my experiences from a sociological perspective.” 

  “I am sad that my internship is over, but I am so thankful that I had this opportunity to grow as a person and to learn new skills that will help me in my future careers.” 

Who do I contact with questions, and where do I send my paperwork?

Dr. Glenda Walden  
Ketchum 171

Important Documents: