The Office of Contracts and Grants and Campus Controller’s Office maintain information and tools related to indirect costs (F&A) as detailed below. OCG Proposal Analysts, Grant Officers and Contract Officers are also available to answer questions.

FAQs: Reference Proposal Development FAQs: Budget Preparation Questions

Current indirect costs (F&A) rates, rate history and the rate agreement on the Campus Controller's Office website

CU Boulder Indirect Costs (F&A) Policy Statement

CU Boulder Application of Indirect Costs (F&A) on Sponsored Projects Procedural Statement

Indirect Costs (F&A) Waivers and Reductions Procedural Statement

IDC on the Transfer of Existing Subawards Procedural Statement

Understanding Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs handout for more information on what is included in F&A costs

Cost Principles Policy Statement

Cost Principles: Like and Unlike Circumstances

Cost Principles Tools: Typically Allowable, Unallowable, IDC