Group Photos

Photos around CU Campus

Map of CU Campus

Photo of CU Campus from the foothills of Boulder

'Old Main' in the Snow

Cristol Chemistry from UMC

CU Campus from Flatirons

Photos of Group Activities

Old & new Gin group members (from left: Tim, Julia, Doug & Weiqiang)

Doug & Weiqiang in Boston during the ACS meeting (fall 2002)

Doug & Prof. SonBinh Nguyen in Boston during the ACS meeting (fall 2002)

Tim at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum during the AIChE Meeting (Nov. 2002)

Alan at the AIChE Meeting (Nov. 2002)

Tim Learning to ski on Copper Mountain

Cory taking a break from skiing

Cory's wife on the edge during a ski trip

Group Luncheon December 2007

Group Luncheon March 2013

Brian Wiesenanuer's Thesis Supporters

Photos of Scenic Boulder

View of the Flatirons from CU Campus

Boulder Creek in the summer

Scenic view from the foothills of Boulder

Scenic view from the foothills of Boulder

Sunset over the Flatirons taken from CU Campus

Sunset over the Flatirons taken from Broomfield

Sunset over the Flatirons taken from Broomfield

View of the Flatirons coming from Longmont

The Flatirons