Professor Douglas L. Gin
Department of Chemistry
Cristol Chemistry Building, room 160
215 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309
Phone: 303-735-1107
E-mail: Â douglas.gin@colorado.edu
Ph.D. in Chemistry, California Institute of Technology. June 1993Â
Research Advisor: Professor Robert H. Grubbs (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2005)
Thesis: A New Route to Poly(p-phenylene): Stereoregular Precursors via Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Polymerization
B.Sc. (Honours) in Chemistry, University of British Columbia. May 1988Â
Research Advisor: Professor Elmer A. OgryzloÂ
Undergraduate Thesis: A Study of Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Diamond Films.Â
Research and Related Work Experience
- 2018 - present Professor of Chemistry, CU Boulder
- 2005 - 2018 Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering, and of Chemistry & Biochemistry, CU Boulder
- 2001 - 2005 Associate Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering, and of Chemistry & Biochemistry, CU Boulder
- 1994-2001Â Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley.Â
- Dec. 1992 - Apr. 1994 Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. [Advisor: Professor Alan G. MacDiarmid (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2000)]
- Oct. 1991Â Visiting Scientist: IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA.
- 1990, 1991Â Visiting Scientist: ICI Chemicals and Polymers Ltd., Runcorn, UK
- 2013 -Â Ind. & Eng. Chem. (I&EC) Division Fellow (American Chemical Society) (elected)
- 2011 -Â Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. (PMSE) Fellow (American Chemical Society) (elected)
- 2008 -Â CU Boulder College of Engineering Faculty Research Award
- 2007 -Â University of Colorado at Boulder Inventor of the Year Award
- 2007 -Â Boulder Faculty Assembly Excellence in Research, Scholarly, and Creative Work Award
- 2006 -Â American Chemical Society Colorado Section Award
- 2002 -Â CU Boulder Residence Life Teaching Excellence Award
- 1999 - American Chemical Society PMSE/YCC Young Contributor to Polymer Materials Science
- 1999-2001 -Â Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellow
- 1997 -Â Research Corporation Cottrell Teaching/Scholar Award
- 1996-2001 - National Science Foundation CAREER Award
- 1996-2000 -Â 3M Nontenured Faculty Award
- 1996 -Â Regents' Junior Faculty Fellowship, UCÂ Berkeley
- 1992-1994 -Â NSERC Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 1992 -Â Finalist, Sherwin-Williams Graduate Student Award Competition, American Chemical Society POLY Division
- 1988-1992 -Â NSERC Canada 1967 Science and Engineering Graduate Scholarship