Danielle Ansted
Danielle Ansted
MSW • LCSW • Embedded Therapist, Wolf Law School
Mollie Babich
Mollie Babich
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Fellow • DNP, PMHNP-BC
Jessica Bailey
Jessica Bailey
LPC • Crisis/Triage Therapist
Sarah Bannon
Sara Bannon
Katy Barnes
Katy Barnes
LPC • Assistant Director of Crisis Services
Melissa Bottiglio
Melissa Bottiglio
MSW • LCSW • Assistant Director, Embedded Services
Lisa Boyle
Lisa Boyle
LCSW • Post-Master's Social Work Fellowship Coordinator
Grayson Braddy
Grayson Braddy
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) Practicum Student • RN-BSN, BA
Trinity Bryant
Trinity Bryant
PsyD • Embedded therapist for the College of Media, Communication, & Information
Stephen Bryson
Stephen Bryson
Psychology Practicum Student
Laura Cannon
Laura Cannon
Psychiatry Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Practicum Trainee • RN, MA, LPC
Woman in black dress smiling
Elizabeth (Liz) Carleo
MSW • LCSW Crisis Triage Therapist
Photo of Laura Conner standing outside smiling.
Laura Conner
MS • Ed • LPC • Behavioral Health Counselor
Colleen Ehrnstrom
Colleen Ehrnstrom
PhD • Licensed Clinical Psychologist • Manager for Embedded Services
christopher flanagan
Christopher Flanagan
PMHNP-BC • Psychiatry Nurse Practitioner
Mario Flores
Mario Flores
Psychology Practicum Student • MA
woman in blue shirt smiling
Amanda Fowler
LPC • Embedded Therapist for College of Arts & Sciences
Stacy Gerberich
Stacy Gerberich
PsyD • Embedded Therapist for the Graduate School
Audrey Blankenheim
Audrey Gilfillan
LPC • Embedded Therapist for the College of Engineering and Applied Science
Rachel Goold
Rachel Goold
Post-Masters Social Work Fellow • MSSW, SWC
Kelsey Hanson
Kelsey Hanson
LCSW • Crisis & Triage Team Manager
Sarah Haueisen
Sarah Haueisen
Doctoral Psychology Intern
Anna Joseph
Anna Joseph
Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow • PsyD
Sri Karki
Sri Karki
Nikki Kennedy
Nikki Kennedy
LPC • Crisis Triage Therapist
Kevin Lattu
Kevin Lattu
Post Masters Social Work Fellow • LSW
Man smiling
David Leonard
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner • MSN, PMHNP-BC
Jordan Matus.
Jordan Matus
MD • Psychiatrist
Jill McNaul
Jill McNaul
Casey Mehl
Casey Mehl
Embedded Therapist for Leeds School of Business • MSW, LCSW
man in flannel shirt smiling
Jonathan "JB" Mitchell
PhD • Licensed Psychologist, Postdoctoral Coordinator
Hunter Montoya portrait
Hunter Montoya
Postdoctoral fellow • PhD
Safia Nawroz
Safia Nawroz
Beth Parsons.
Elizabeth Parsons
PhD • Multicultural Specialist
Abigail Rackley
Abigail Rackley
Post-Masters Social Work Fellow • LSW
Katie Rhoades
Katie Rhoades
Doctoral Psychology Intern • MS
Cori Schild
Cori Schild
PsyD • Assistant Director of Training & Interim Internship Training Director
smiling woman in a floral dress
Liz Schmidt
MA • LPC • LAC • Assistant Director Behavioral Health Team
Girl in black shirt smiling
Olivia Shay
Post-Masters Social Work Fellow
smiling blonde woman, kristina syta
Kristina Syta
LPC • CAS • CAPS Crisis Triage Therapist
Judy Taub
Judy Taub
Associate Director of Clinical Services • LCSW • CAC II
Matt Tomatz
Matthew Tomatz
LPC • LAC • CGP • Embedded Team Manager • Embedded Therapist for the College of Music
Anna Valiante
Anna Valiante
MSW, LCSW • Behavioral Health Counselor
Erin von Gorkom
Erin van Gorkom
Psychology Practicum Student • MA
Eve Wesson
Eve Wesson
LCSW • Group Coordinator
smiling woman, Alison West
Alison West
LPC • Embedded Therapist for the College of Engineering
Darren Winograd
Darren Winograd
Doctoral Psychology Intern • BA, MA
Jean-Marc Wong
Jean-Marc Wong