Field Work Resources

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  • The Mountain Research Station is the destination for many CU field classes. If that's your destination, their 2020 Field Safety Guidance/Covid 19 document is essential reading. Even if not, the considerations for the safe execution of field research it describes are extremely helpful. You can download a copy of the guidance here.
  • Committee member Erin Tripp had to quickly retool her Spring 2020 field lichenology course to be delivered fully online. It was formerly a field-only course. We will all have to plan online contingencies; .
  • Another site that is loaded with ideas for how to design remote "field" activities, in this case specific to geology, is .
  • The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory near Crested Butte hosts researchers for months at a time. .
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  • (a quick Google search will get you to the guidelines of many other schools as well).