Agendas AY 2019/2020

January 21, 2020

Tuesday January 21, 2020, 3:30 to 5:00 PM, UMC247
*council meeting will begin promptly at 3:30pm*
*order of business is subject to change*

1. Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis (330)
Welcome to a New Year, with New Challenges – Election for new ASC Chair in April, consider nominating candidates. The preponderance of interim appointments in campus administration. College restructuring, what is happening? We are finding it challenging to engage in the recommendations for restructuring so long as we do not know the Provost’s plans. Legacy admissions and working with Boulder Faculty Assembly. NAS report on sexual harassment; why has our University not participated so far as a co-signatory on this document?

2. Dean’s remarks - James White (340)
What is the Interim Dean’s view on the new split positions of Interim COO (ORourke) and appointed CFO (Ho’a)?
Is it official that the 3/3 course load for Instructors now implemented? The departments are in the dark about this. Will it begin F2020, and what is the status of the money allocated?
What is the status of the new computer science major initiative with ENG?

4. Regular Business (345)

4a. Moving forward with the Provost’s Committee reports in light of College restructuring
We should take about 5 minutes for each report to recap salient points, in preparation for comments from faculty.

4b. Visit by Prof. Noah Finkelstein (Physics) (400)
Open forum on realizing a Teaching 1 University while at the same time maintaining a Research 1 institution. There will be a 10-15 minute presentation with readings, followed by 10-15 minutes for questions.

5. Visit and discussion of the Provost Committee’s Report on College Restructuring (425)
Mike Murray, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Strategic Initiatives.
We will have an explanation of the process and outcomes of this committee’s report to the Provost. There will be 35 minutes allocated for this portion of the agenda.

6. Council invited to be heard
Time permitting
Adjourn (500)

December 17, 2019

End-of-term Meeting of the Arts & Sciences Council with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Guest
Tuesday December 17, 2019, 3:30 to 5:00 PM
Old Main Chapel (NOTE LOCATION)

*sorry, but Old Main rules preclude snacks or beverages in the Chapel*

*council meeting will begin promptly at 3:30pm*

*order of business is subject to change*


Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis(330)

Our end-of-Fall-semester meetings are when we hear brief (5 minute) reports of the activities of our standing committees. It is at the end-of-Spring-semester (April, 2019) that we will hear more detailed reports from our standing and ad-hoc committees on their achievements for the Academic Year 2018-2019.

After Committee reports, we will have an open discussion on the direction of the College.

3. Dean’s remarks - James White (340)

Reaction to the Provost’s restructuring plan

Perspective on changes at the CFO’s office.

4. Regular Business (345)

4a. Reports from the ASC Standing Committees

Approximately 5 minutes each, with handouts describing the operations of the ASC Standing Committees.

4b. Dialogue on the Provost’s plan for College reorganization

Open forum. Comments, questions, and concerns are invited from all participants. Moderated by ASC Chair Mojzsis and ASC Parliamentarian Buttenfield.

5. Votes on outstanding motions – at our last meeting we heard the following Motions

5a. Vote to form a new ad hoc Faculty Affairs Committee.

Lonnie Pearce, ASC representative to lead discussion.

How shall the faculty oversee implementation of the Instructor Task Force recommendations? How shall we consider the plight of our Lecturers?

We will now have the formal vote.

5b. Vote to form a new ad hoc Strategic Plan Implementation Committee.

A new ad hoc committee to report to the Provost in College restricting and to call for him to consider the College’s SP in all deliberations.

We will now have the formal vote.

5c. Vote to endorse the BFA ‘Iron-clad’ resolution.

Vilja Hulden, Chair, ASC Online Committee to lead discussion. 

We will now have the formal vote.

6. Council invited to be heard

Time permitting

Adjourn (500)

November 19, 2019

Tuesday November 19, 2019, 3:30 to 5:00 PM, Old Main Chapel (NOTE LOCATION)
*sorry, but Old Main rules preclude snacks or beverages in the Chapel*
*council meeting will begin promptly at 3:30pm*
*order of business is subject to change*
1. Welcome, Call-to-order, and Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis (330)
Existence of parallel faculty governance structures along with Transparency in administration decision-making as well as Budget policy, is of ongoing concern to the ASC, Faculty, Staff and Students on this campus.
- please consult your electronic packets for discussion materials/handouts for this meeting –

2. Dean’s remarks - James White (333)
What is the status of the Growth Enrollment model funds?
Who and what are the various groups that advise the Dean? What function do they have, and do these function include discussions of College Policy? Who is in the Dean’s Advisory Board?
When can the ASC expect to receive survey information about disability and accommodation needs in the College?

3. Regular Business (345)

3a. CACD Response to the recent Diversity Engagement Survey (345)
Daniel Jones, Chair, ASC CACD Committee (handout). We ask the ASC to study the CACD Committee response to the recent “Diversity Engagement Survey” for electronic vote of ASC reps by November 22.
Please see:

3b. Motion to form a new ad hoc Faculty Affairs Committee. (350)
Lonnie Pearce, ASC representative (handout).
How shall the faculty oversee implementation of the Instructor Task Force recommendations? How shall we consider the plight of our Lecturers?
We will have the formal vote at our December ASC-FAS meeting (e-handout).

3c. Motion to form a new ad hoc Strategic Plan Implementation Committee. (355)
A new ad hoc committee to report to the Provost’s Faculty Governance, Budget and Structure committees to call for them to consider the College’s SP in their deliberations.
We will have the formal vote at our December ASC-FAS meeting.


October 15, 2019

Tuesday September 24, 2019, 3:30 to 5:00 PM, UMC247

*snacks and beverages provided*

1. Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis(330)

Welcome. Report to ASC on progress towards meeting all departments in the College. Common themes that have emerged in these discussions. Report on meetings with Divisional Deans. Progress on Provost’s Faculty Governance Committee. Other news.

2. Dean’s remarks - James White (340)

Now that we are two months away from the Provost’s announcement on restructuring: What is the current role and expected futures of the Interim Dean, Associate and Assistant Deans in the restructuring process? What will be the process of hiring/appointing a “Transitional Dean”? Anything more about differential tuition models?

4. Regular Business (400)

4a. Invitation to Associate Dean Daryl Maeda to report on progress in advising in the College.

4b. Invitation to Jenny Knight and Rolf Norgaard to explain the need for a new hoc committee on “Faculty Affairs”. (430)

4c. Invitation to Michaele Ferguson and Elaine Paul to explain the need for a new ad hoc committee to implement the College’s Strategic Plan. (440)

A new ad hoc committee to report to the Provost’s Faculty Governance, Budget and Structure committees to call for them to consider the College’s SP in their deliberations.

4d. Formal vote to endorse and empanel a new ad hoc committee to explore the role of Lecturers in the College and their relationship to the goals of the College’s Strategic Plan. (450)

5. Looking ahead

Different structures of faculty governance at PAC12 institutions in comparison to our own.

Shall ASC consider extending our meeting times from 5pm to 530pm?

6. Council invited to be heard (time permitting)

Adjourn (500)

September 24, 2019

Tuesday September 24, 2019, 3:30 to 5:00 PM, UMC247
*snacks and beverages provided*
1. Chair’s remarks – Stephen Mojzsis (we begin promptly at 330)
Welcome. Introductions of new and continuing ASC members and guests. Challenges ahead, especially given the high likelihood that the College will be restructured. The University’s Accreditation self-study is also currently underway. These affect us to varying degrees. Costs? FAB to the AAC (progress).
We as ASC should be proactive in our responses to these changes. For example, we must think about what should faculty governance look like in the anticipated new College model. How can ASC go beyond its traditional “advisor” role? The Provost’s Faculty Governance committee. ASC visits to departmental faculty meetings. ASC Chair meeting with Divisional Deans.

3. Dean’s remarks - James White (340)
Can we step back and consider the rest of our business even with the changes? What would the Dean like to accomplish in the coming AY? ASC requests specifics on the Dean’s vision in light of these changes. How can we (faculty and Dean) work together on these? ASC should specifically invite AD Daryl Maeda to report on progress in advising in the College.
 Student Success (undergraduate and graduate students).
 Instructor’s Task Force implementation from last year’s report.
 Staff Recommendations’ implementation. (self-organizing around “Be Herd”). Invite to ASC.
 Focus on recruiting and messaging (value of a liberal arts education to the State of Colorado). Toured the state with President Mark Kennedy and discussed the value of a liberal arts education.
 Fund raising and increasing our efforts to be a more successful part of the College. Raised over $30M last year, and the goal is to do even better than this.
 Recruitment of students (many more tangible projects on this than before).
 Focus on the College’s Budget (movement to a more open & transparent budget model?).
What is our role in so-called 4th Industrial Revolution of the President? What are some ideas of connecting with 2- and 4-year colleges? What is the current role and expected futures of the Interim Dean, Associate and Assistant Deans in the restructuring process? What will be the process of hiring/appointing a “Transitional Dean”? Anything more about differential tuition models?

4. Regular Business (400)

4a. Standing Committee chairs, chair appointments of standing committees, updates of activities and future projections.

4b. Proposal: ASC form an Ad hoc committee “Faculty Affairs”. (430)
Rolf Norgaard & Jenny Knight and committee members recommended that we establish a Task Force to implement recommendations. This was passed by Council. I propose that the Task Force be renamed a new ad hoc committee of ASC dubbed “Faculty Affairs”. After an initial year of activity, we may revisit this committee for continuance as a permanent Standing Committee.

4c. Proposal: Ad hoc committee to implement the College’s Strategic Plan. (440)
Michaele Ferguson & Elaine Paul and committee members recommended that we establish a Task Force to implement the SP. This was passed by Council. I propose that we create a new ad hoc committee to report to the Provost’s Faculty Governance, Budget and Structure committees to call for them to consider the College’s SP in their deliberations.

4d. Proposal: Ad hoc committee to explore the role of Lecturers in the College and their relationship to the goals of the College’s Strategic Plan. (450)

5. Looking ahead
Shall the ASC consider inviting CU President Mark Kennedy to our meeting? Any communication with the President’s Office should go through the Chancellor’s Office.
Shall ASC consider extending our meeting times from 5pm to 530pm?

6. Council invited to be heard (time permitting)
Adjourn (500)