Uncovered Teaching Plan

On this page, you'll find information regarding uncovered teaching plans, including the teaching plan template, tracking and timeline.

Teaching Plan Template   


Process and timeline

March to July

  • Divisional dean sends the teaching plan to departments based on the best timing for the division.
  • The teaching plan is a living document that evolves over the course of the summer as the department determines courses, learns of enrollment and teaching resources. The first draft of the teaching plan is forwarded to the divisional dean and the budget office. Offer letters cannot be routed until this draft is received. Receipt of this draft allows:
    1. the divisional dean to understand and approve offer letters that will soon be generated.
    2. the budget office to review the plan and to inform the department of any unallowable expenses.
    3. the budget office and divisional dean to compare the draft to the prior year submission to learn if there are substantial differences that need to be understood in the context of the budget. Note: The budget office provides the prior year’s final submission for context or review.
  • The college faculty affairs team will not route any faculty contracts for the department until the teaching plan draft has been received by the divisional dean and budget office.


  • The department finalizes the offer letters and updates the teaching plan draft accordingly. Offer letters finalized no later than early August to meet payroll deadline.

September or October

  • Departments makes final modifications to teaching plans based on actual enrollments. Teaching plans are finalized by September 15.
  • After the divisional dean receives all final plans and forwards to budget office, the divisional dean schedules a teaching plan review meeting with the budget office.
  • Divisional dean and budget office meet to review or revise and approve all teaching plans by September 30. Expenses not approved by either the divisional dean or the budget office will be funded by the department. With that said, it is critical that any major changes in the teaching plan over the summer, be vetted before assuming expenses are covered.
  • Once approved the budget office transfers funds to the departments (typically in October).


No actions.


  • Divisional Dean sends request to departments for updated Teaching Plan based on spring enrollments.


  • Department review their enrollments and submit updated Teaching Plan based on spring enrollment by January 15.
  • Divisional dean schedules meeting with the budget office and sends all of their spreadsheets to the budget office by January 31.


  • Budget Office will send spring budget adjustments to departments.

Course Load Reductions & Funding Parameters

  • Course load should never be 0 unless it’s an AY sabbatical or full year leave of absence.
  • No replacement funding for course reductions connected to chair or associate chair including RAP and center directors.
  • Documentation required for banked courses.
  • Regarding editorships, department or journal provides funding.
  • Regarding First Year Seminar, if necessary, replacements funded by Undergraduate Education.
  • For AY or CY sabbaticals connected to TBE appointments, department needs to request replacement funding from the Research & Innovation Office (RIO).

L&R Request Tab

  • Use the L&R Request tab to illustrate your department's entire teaching commitments. For funding requests not allowed on the L&R tab, please select "other- use DD tab" in the justification columns on the L&R tab and then submit the request on the DD Commitment tab. 
  • The L&R Request tab only allows for funding requests needed to cover faculty leaves with lecturer hires. Lines eligible for requesting replacement funds will be highlighted in green based on selections made in justification columns I (fall) & M (spring).
  • Budget will be automatically applied to eligible leave activities at the standard department replacement rate based on justification selection and number of course reductions entered.
  • Only budget for lecturer hires should be requested on this tab. Types of leaves that are eligible for L&R funding are:
    • Course Buyout
    • Differentiated Workload
    • Leave of Absence
    • Phased Retirement
    • Reappointment Release
    • Research Semester
    • Sabbatical- Academic Year
    • Sabbatical- Calendar Year
    • Sabbatical- Fall Semester
    • Sabbatical- Spring Semester

Other Sources of Replacement Funding

When any of the funding sources below are selected, the "L&R Budget Amount" field will blackout because no amount should be entered. Please work directly with the unit funding these types of replacements to have funds transferred to a department controlled discretionary fund 10 or charge directly to a speedtype with the unit funding the replacement. The L&R Funded Salaries ST should not be used for these:

  • Banked Course Release
  • CHA- Center for Humanities & the Arts
  • College Scholar
  • Department
  • First Year Seminar
  • Graduate School
  • Other- use DD tab
  • Provost

Critical Teaching Hires

Any approved Critical Teaching Hires need to be recorded on the DDB Request tab. These appointments should be charged to a discretionary fund 10 in the department. It's recommended that a new speedtype is created for these. The critical hire should be listed on the DDB tab each year of the commitment.

General Entry Instructions

  • Use the L&R Request tab to illustrate your department's entire teaching commitments. For funding requests not allowed on the L&R tab, please enter "other- use DD tab" in the justification column on the L&R tab and then submit the request on the DD Commitment tab if necessary.
  • Please be sure to complete all fields including TTT and Instructor counts and normal-TTT course load at top of spreadsheet. 
  • Total course load should only be 0 if faculty member is on an AY leave, either sabbatical or Leave of Absence.
  • The college does not provide funding for course reductions connected to Chair/Associate Chair positions including RAP and Center Directors.
  • Please provide documentation for banked courses.
  • Regarding editorships, the department or journal needs to provide any funding needed for replacements.
  • Regarding First Year Seminar, if necessary, replacements are funded by Undergrad Ed. and department should work directly to receive budget or an appropriate speedtype to use.
  • If the "Amount Requested" field is blacked out, no request for funding should be entered. Please use the DD Commitment Request tab for these appointments.

Important Budget Notes

Please note, the approved L&R Budget amount is the budget that is available for replacement instructional needs and may not directly tie to the contract amount of the replacement faculty. L&R Budget is approved and transferred based on any qualifying leave whether a replacement for that specific faculty leave is needed. This means you may receive more budget than necessary. Any year-end surplus will be swept by the budget office. Any year-end deficit will be transferred to the department's hourly/operating speedtype including corresponding benefit expenses. Continue to use the appropriate pay rate for the appointment based on usual factors such as credit hours and not necessarily the L&R budget amount listed on your template. If additional budget is needed, please use the DD Commitment Request tab.

DD Commitment Request Tab

Use this tab to request additional funding that is not connected to faculty leaves that are being covered by lecturers. This can include requests for GPTI, TA, additional lecturers for growth, etc. Please note, student faculty appointments will have additional expenses for tuition remission.

Unapproved expenses: any unapproved expenses connected to appointments that still run need to be funded by a discretionary department controlled speedtype. All unapproved expenses need to be moved from any college funded source (L&R Salaries, DD Commitment, Faculty Salaries, etc.) to a department speedtype with a PET. Please work directly with the HRSC to request PETs.