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Amanda Haertling Thein named dean of the School of Education

Amanda Haertling Thein

Provost Russell Moore today announced his appointment ofAmanda Haertling Thein as dean of the School of Education, effective July 1.

“Dr.Thein(pronounced ‘tine’)has the leadership acumen, commitment and vision for launching the upward trajectory of the School of Education in a time when research in education and education policy, and the preparation of the next generation of educators, couldn’t be more critical,” Moore said.

Thein currently serves asassociate provost for graduate and professional education, dean of the Graduate College and professor of education at the University of Iowa. She is a nationally recognized scholar in English and literacy education with a passion for the work of educational democracy—work that is uniquely carried out through the research, teaching and service missions of schools and colleges of education.

“I am truly honored to have this opportunity to lead a community that shares my deep commitment to educational opportunity, public education as a bulwark of democracy, and public scholarship that asks vital questions and provides answers that serve students, teachers and schools across Colorado and the nation,” Thein said.

As an academic leader and a tenured professor at a top research university, Thein has focused her scholarship and teaching on equity in high school English language arts instruction and teacher education. She has published nearly 40 journal articles, book chapters and books; secured external funding; and served for six years as co-editor of an international literacy journal.

“I am excited to welcome Dr. Thein to CU Boulder,” Moore said. “Her leadership experience and her innovative approach to aligning faculty expertise, student interests, state and regional needs, and the broader educational challenges we face nationally and globally will bring strong assets to the School of Education and to CU Boulder.”

Thein earned a doctorate in curriculum and instruction from the University of Minnesota and a master’s in curriculum and instruction from the University of Denver. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English and an additional bachelor’s degree in journalism from CU Boulder.

“I am also excited by the possibility of giving back to the university that helped shape my path in life and contributing to its continued excellence,” Thein said.

Moore thanked the search advisory committee, led by Katherine Eggert, vice chancellor for academic planning and assessment,for their outstanding work. Moore also thankedFernando Rosario-Ortiz for his continued leadership and service as interim dean during a critical transitional time.