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Financial Futures launches extended, executive and next-gen workstream

Financial Futures, the campus-wide strategic initiative working to further align strategic resources with CU’s mission as a comprehensive public teaching and research university, launched the Extended, Executive, and Next Generation workstream last month. The workstream, sponsored by Sharon Matusik, dean of the Leeds School of Business, and led by Quentin McAndrew, executive director of digital initiatives and assistant vice provost, seeks to identify mission-driven education opportunities that leverage the value of a CU Boulder education.

“The energy has been incredible,” said McAndrew, who hosted an idea review and listening session on Feb. 18 attended by CU faculty, staff and students. “The ideas being generated run a wide gamut, from a future of work hub to new admission and post-graduation pathways to an entrepreneurship program for artists and more.”

Matusik is excited about projects that leverage CU expertise in new ways. “There’s an increasing demand for accessing higher education in different ways and at different points in time in one’s career. That presents an opportunity for CU to leverage its academic excellence in a host of new ways for our community and beyond.”

Ann Schmiesing, executive vice provost for academic resource management and Financial Futures co-lead, agreed. “CU Boulder is uniquely positioned to offer innovative and specialized education opportunities that expand the reach of our incredible faculty expertise.”

Schmiesing recently provided an update on Financial Futures to department chairs and directors on Feb. 14.

“It’s especially heartening to see that the positive net impact being generated by Financial Futures projects will be realized across all levels of the university,” she said.

Two final workstreams, Capital Productivity and Working Capital, will also launch this spring.

Financial Futures opened with a diagnostic phase in August 2018 and moved into Solution Design in January 2019. To date, campus community members have generated over 570 ideas, engaged over 250 staff and faculty as project owners, and moved over 160 projects into implementation. Implemented projects are expected to generate approximately$82 millionin projected fiscal year 2021 net impact.