Published: March 22, 2018
Man walks on high wire

Don't let spring break be the point when you give up! Resilience is the key to finishing the semester strong.

Join Sally Spencer-Thomas for her talk“Up on The High Wire: Promoting Resilience During Tough Times” on Monday, April 2, at the Engineering Center. Spencer-Thomas is a clinical psychologist, public speakerand success coach, who was invited to campus do give a sessionon resilience;she is very excited, as thisis one of her favorite talks to give.

If you go

Who: Open to the public
³󲹳:“Up on The High Wire: Promoting Resilience During Tough Times”
³:Monday, April 2,6–7:15 p.m.
Where: Engineering Center, room 265
RSVP: or on

As a survivor of her brother'ssuicide and an activist in suicide prevention who has been invited to the White House for talks and on stage at the Grammy's this year, Spencer-Thomas has knowledge in a variety of challenging topics.She will leave everyone in the audience with a roadmap to their specific journey through resilience soall can apply this information to their personal lives.

To Write Love on Her arms is teaming up with the Psychology Club/Psi Chi, the Association of Holistic Wellnessand the Neuroscience Club with goals of spreading resilience through the Boulder community.The event is planned forthis time because finals are approaching as well as spring break and a general lack of motivation. The groupsaim to help students, employeesand community members through tough times by educating on how to overcome adversity.

The talk will only be about an hour then the last portion will be availible to ask questions. The venue has a capcity of 152, so please RSVP

If you have any questions, please email either, twloha.ucb@colorado.eduor