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Academic Futures: Putting it plainly on input

One of the consequences of university life is that there is so much work to be done, it’s easy to overlook or miss opportunities to change the nature of the work itself. And yet, that is what Academic Futures: Rethinking the university—the futures of learning and discovery really is. It's a chance to envision what all our work—research, scholarship, creative work, teaching, service—might become and to try to shape that vision ourselves.

Vice Provost and Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs Jeff Cox

Vice Provost and AVC for Faculty Affairs and Convener of the Academic Futures Campus Conversation Jeff Cox

Grand Challenge Director of Strategic Projects Emily Cobabe-Ammann

RIO Director of Strategic Projects and Facilitator of the Academic Futures Campus Conversation Emily CoBabe-Ammann

We know the Academic Futures campus conversation is taking time, valuable time. We want to take a moment and update you on what we’re seeing and ways we’ve augmented the Academic Futures process to accommodate the needs of the community. 

First off, we have 15 to 20 themed discussions between now and Nov. 14. Attendance has been good, particularly in terms of faculty engagement. Check out the sessions here.

Secondly, the white papers are coming in at the rate of between three and five per day, and we’re putting them up as fast we can. The range of topics is truly inspiring—ideas rooted in teaching, learning, organization, the student experience, interdisciplinary teaching and research, international education, departmental cultures—the sky is and remains the limit. We are very encouraged by the response and hope for more.

In addition, we want to encourage you to attend the faculty forums that we announced last week. These are targeted one-hour conversations suggested by faculty during our town halls, department-based meetings and themed conversations. The next one is on Thursday, Nov. 9, at the Bruce Curtis Building Museum Collections facility, where the topic is “Strengthening faculty governance at CU.” AVC Cox and Provost Russ Moore will attend and moderate.

Lastly, the Academic Futures Committee has formed and has had its first meeting. You will soon be seeing committee members joining our themed conversations, the schedule for which is updated each Monday in CU Boulder Today, to hear your ideas and suggestions and to help track conversations for common patterns and possibilities.

There are also shorter opportunities for comment available to faculty, staff and students. You can send us a question or comment, request a meeting or, as we mentioned earlier, submit a white paper. Any input you can provide, at any volume, adds to the quality and depth of Academic Futures’ collective vision and to the possibilities of what CU Boulder can become today, tomorrow and down the road. 

Jeff Cox,
Vice Provost and Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs
Convener of the Academic Futures Campus Conversation

Emily CoBabe-Ammann,
Director of Strategic Projects for the Research & Innovation Office
Facilitator of the Academic Futures Campus Conversation