The College of Business and Administration will present a forecast for the 1998 Colorado economy beginning at 1:15 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver.
The program is free and open to the public.
The comprehensive forecast is presented annually by the college and represents the consensus of more than 75 Colorado business, education and government leaders. The group develops the forecast based on contacts with hundreds of business and industry leaders, its own expertise and economic projections.
A free booklet detailing the outlook for individual sectors of the economy will be given to everyone who attends the Colorado Business Economic Outlook Forum.
The forecast will be presented in a series of graphic displays narrated by Professor Richard Wobbekind, director and chief economist of the college's Business Research Division, and Patricia Silverstein of the South Metro Denver Economic Development Group. A question-and-answer session will follow and will be moderated by Wobbekind, Nancy McCallin of the Colorado Legislative Council, Wilson Kendall of the Center for Business and Economic Forecasting and Rani Isaac of the Office of State Planning and Budgeting.
David Weiss, president, chairman and CEO of Storage Technology Corp., will give the 2:40 p.m. keynote address on the importance of manufacturing in Colorado. The presentation will be followed by four concurrent break-out sessions moderated by a panel of experts.
Those sessions, which will end by 4:45 p.m., include: "Brownfields: The Emerging Market for Polluted Properties," "Electric Deregulation: A Snapshot View," "Colorado Population, Labor Force, Employment and Revenue in 1998," and "Welfare Reform in Colorado."
For further information, call 492-8227.