Theatre Auditions

Theatre Production Season 2024- 2025

Fall 2024 General Theatre Auditions

The Department of Theatre and Dance will be holding in-person auditions for the Fall 2024 season on Saturday, August 31st 2024 in the Roe Green Theatre. Any CU student currently enrolled in the Fall 2024 semester is eligible to audition.

Plays we are auditioning for: Antigone directed by Roe Green guest artist Betty Hart and Let The Right One In directed by Dr. Heather Kelley

Rehearsals for Let The Right One In will begin Tuesday, September 2 (PLEASE NOTE this tight turnaround) and opens on October 11
Rehearsals for Antigone will begin Tuesday, October 1 and opens on November 8

To prepare:

We would like TWO contemporary contrasting monologues between 60 and 90 seconds of your choice totaling no more than 3 minutes of material. 

If you cannot attend in person, you may submit a video audition. Please be sure you slate and then create and unlisted YouTube video. Send the link to production coordinator Lara Maerz at: by end of day on August 30th. Be sure to put in the subject line of the email your full name and which show(s) you are auditioning for so we can route them properly. Please also mention in your email if you are able to attend callbacks. 

Let the Right One In

By John Ajvide Lindqvist

Adapted for the stage by Jack Thorne


Oskar is a bullied, lonely teenage boy living with his mother on a housing estate at the edge of town when a spate of sinister killings rock the neighborhood. Eli is the young girl who has just moved in next door. She doesn’t go to school and never leaves the flat by day. Sensing in each other a kindred spirit, the two become devoted friends. What Oskar doesn’t know is that Eli has been a teenager for a very long time. An enchanting, brutal vampire myth and coming-of-age love story adapted from the best-selling novel and award-winning film.

Setting: Blackeberg, Sweden. November 1981.


OSKAR (identifies as male): A teenage boy often bullied by his classmates. Just got his first Kiss cassette tape, and has collected the full series of R. L. Stine’s Goosebumps; currently reading Stephen King’s Firestarter. Hides a scrapbook of newspaper articles about serial killers in his stack of comics. Shoplifts candy to feel a sense of control.

ELI (presents as female; identifies as ???): Oskar’s new neighbor, a 220-year-old vampire who presents as a teenage girl. Requires blood to survive, but has renounced killing (for now). Loves puzzles, including Oskar’s Rubik’s cube.

HAKAN (identifies as male): Eli’s devoted companion, often assumed to be her father. Has agreed to kill for Eli in an effort to keep her safe and stay in her good graces. Feels threatened by Oskar’s budding friendship with Eli.

MUM (identifies as female): Oskar’s mother; divorced his father when Oskar was a young boy. Works all day, and looks forward to her quality time with her son after dinner, when they watch their favorite TV shows, drink hot cocoa, and eat cinnamon buns. Is worried about Oskar’s penchant for horror novels and the murderer currently on the loose.

MR. AVILA (identifies as male): Oskar’s physical education teacher. A former fighter pilot and competitive cross-country skier. Runs an extracurricular strength training program on Thursday nights.

POLICE COMMISSIONER HALMBERG (any gender identity): In charge of the local police investigation into the murders in the area. Recently visited Oskar’s school as part of an anti-drug presentation. Married with children.

JONNY (identifies as male): Oskar’s classmate and chief antagonist. Despises his stepdad and misses his father, who works on an oil rig off the coast of Norway. Models his aggressive behavior on his older brother, Jimmy.

MICKE (identifies as male): Oskar’s former friend; now bullies him at classmate Jonny’s urging. Intelligent, and aspires to be a doctor.

TORKEL/JANNE/JIMMY (all characters identify as male): TORKEL: A young man walking through the woods. JANNE: Oskar’s father’s preferred drinking partner. Good at impersonations. JIMMY: Jonny’s older brother; shares the same biological father, who is no longer in the picture. Known to run with the drug crowd.

KURT/JOCKE/DAD (all characters identify as male): KURT: The proprietor of the local candy store, rumored to bring women there after hours. JOCKE: Ex-military; has lived alone since his partner Maria left him eight years ago and took their dog. Hangs out at the local restaurant with his drinking buddies from the neighborhood. DAD: Oskar’s father; divorced from Oskar’s mother because of his ongoing drinking problem. A former sailor and avid hunter and outdoorsman.

NILS/STEFAN (any gender identity): NILS: A hospital receptionist who works the graveyard shift. STEFAN: A train conductor.



by Jeremy Sams


Antigone is a play by the ancient Greek tragedian Sophocles. It was first performed around 441 BCE and is a narrative sequel to Sophocles' two other plays about Oedipus and his family. The play is about Antigone’s disobedience of Creon’s rules when she insists on burying her brother, Polyneices. Antigone is compelled to act, regardless of the consequences. Her choices create a chain effect causing others to die. This play is about standing up for what’s right, challenging authority, and questioning your life’s purpose.

Antigone—female identifying. Antigone wants all that life has to offer, but also wants to question every aspect that was created by her elders. Antigone loves her brothers; death doesn’t change how vibrantly she loves them. She loves intensely, challenges authority, and doesn’t know that she is missing some key aspects of her life philosophy…until it’s too late. Willing to die for what she believes in and doesn’t actually want to die.

Creon—male identifying. Father of Haemon, wife of Eurydice, King of Thebes. He is the power broker. He is the law. People do not defy him…until Antigone. He is always thinking of how laws/customs/actions affect the WHOLE of society. It’s never about him, except it is TOTALLY about him. He loves his family, but he loves law and order and power more.

Prologue—can be any gender expression—m, f, nb. Narrator of the story. Is not neutral, but could appear neutral in the beginning. Prologue wants to help us, the audience understand the world and to prepare us for the tragedy about to unfold.

Haemon—male identifying. Son of Creon, fiancé of Antigone.

Ismene—Female identifying. Sister of Antigone. She is known for her beauty. She is the life of the party, everyone loves her—especially the fellas. She loves her sister deeply, but questions why she or anyone should go against the established laws/conventions of the city. She loved her brothers, but they’re gone.

Nurse—Female identifying. Caretaker of Antigone and Ismene. Longtime nanny-like figure who loves “her girls” deeply. All she wants is for them to grow up, marry well, and have babies that she will take care of. She believes in following the rules, but is willing to break “minor” rules on occasion for love. She is joyous, she handles business and she runs the house.

Messenger—can be any gender expression—m, f, nb. Narrates powerful moments throughout the play.

3 Guards—male identifying, this is their full-time job, and the better they are, the more money they make. They work hard and play hard. They can seem benign until they turn it on—and then there is trouble and they are here to handle it—any way necessary.

Eurydice—wife of Creon—no lines in play. Will likely be doubled w/ the Messenger.

Page---male identifying—YOUTHFUL looking. Assists Creon whenever needed. He is serving the King so that one day he can be more—Guard, advisor, etc.



Any CU student currently enrolled for the Fall 2024 semester is eligible to audition.

Audition Details & Sign Up

To sign up, please click this link and fill out the Google Form: .

Slots will be assigned starting September 1. Questions? Email Lara Maerz.



Contact the Production Coordinator