The firstÌýrequired course for theÌýSpace Minor is Pathway to Space.ÌýIn addition to this required course, students will be able to select four elective courses in specialized areas in the study and application of space from numerous colleges on the CU Boulder campus. Please visit the Requirements tab on the menu bar to see the requirements for completing the Space Minor.Ìý

SummerÌý2024 Space Minor available courses!

Fall 2024 Space Minor available courses!


Space Minor Developed Courses:

The Space Minor has worked with various faculty around the campus from all different backgrounds to bring new and exciting courses to the students. Check out some of the new courses that are being offered for all Space Minor students; all developed courses are marked in the tables below with an asterisk*! Click on the card to see the full flier for various new courses.

CINE 2001

Space Odysseys: Astrophsyics and astronomy through the lens of cinema and the arts (formerly FILM 1003)

ATLS 4519

Studio Space

COEN 3210

Climate Change and Engineering

ASEN 4519

Space: Environment and Effects

MUEL 3892

Music in Space

WRTG 3020-052

Writing about Space


SPAN 3900-010

Cosmos Latinos: Hispanic Science Fiction and new worlds

ASEN 3519

The Politics of Space

CMCI 3000

Kids, Media, and Information in the EarlyÌýSpaceÌýAge

COMM 3620

Advanced Teamwork & Collaboration

ENVD 4363

How to Build in Space

HIST 4304

The Cosmos in Premodern Mediterranean Societies

CESR 4825

Sustainable Space Governance

Full list of courses offered to complete the Space Minor

One course from each category is required; the fourth elective course can be taken from any category.

Students are responsible for understanding any pre-requisites or conditions for chosen electives.

Please Note: Some course numbers are associated with special topics, only the titles listed below will count towards Space Minor approved classes. These classes have been marked with an tilde (~). Please reach out to for further information.


*Classes marked with an Asterisk are courses developed for the Space Minor

Technological, Political and Social impacts of Space flight
Course Course Name
AIRR 2010 The Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power 1
AIRR 2020 The Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power 2
AIRR 3010 Leading People and Effective Communication 1
AIRR 3020 Leading People and Effective Communication 2
AIRR 4010 National Security, Leadership Responsibilities/Commissioning Preparation 1
AIRR 4020 National Security, Leadership Responsibilities/Commissioning Preparation 2
ASEN 3036 Introduction to Human Spaceflight
ASEN 3046 Introduction to Humans in Aviation
ASEN 3519* The Politics of Space
ASEN 4519-001* Space: Enviroment and Effects
CESR 4825* Experimental Seminar: ÌýSustainable Space Governance
CMCI 3000-002* Space Crazy! Kids and Space-Age Cultures from Sputnik to Apollo
COEN 3210* Climate Change and Engineering
COMM 3620* Team Communication and SpaceflightÌý
CSCI 2830* Space Analytics
CSCI 3302 Introduction to Robotics
CSCI 4302 Advanced Robotics
ENVD 4363* How to Build in Space
FYSM 1000* Astronauts & Astropolitics: Topics in Space Exploration From the Cold WarAstronauts & Astropolitics: Topics in Space Exploration From the Cold War
FYSM 1000 Life on Mars: Past, Present and FutureÌý
LAWS 4801 Technology, Law, and Society
PSCI 2106 Introduction to Public Policy Analysis
PSCI 2116 Introduction to Environmental Policy and Policy Analysis
PSCI 3064 Environmental Political Theory
PSCI 3206 The Environment and Public Policy
PHYS 3000 Science and Public Policy

Russian American Space Culture

Arts and Humanities of Space
Course Course Name
ASIA 4100* China's Space Dream
ATLS 4519*~ Studio Space
ATLS 4519*~ The Body in Space
CINE 2001* Space Odysseys: Astrophsyics and astronomy through the lens of cinema and the arts (formerly FILM 1003)
CLAS 2020 Science in the Ancient World
EBIO 1950 Writing, Communicating and Science
ENGL 1240* Planetarity
ENGL 3116 Topics in Advanced Theory: Theories of Science Fiction
ENGL 3856 Genre, Media, and Advanced Writing: Science Fiction
FARR 2820 Future of Spaceship Earth
HIST 4040Ìý The History of Space Exploration and Defense
HIST 4304* The Cosmos in Premodern Mediterranean Societies
MUEL 3892* Music in Space
PHIL 1400 Philosophy and the Sciences
PHIL 2750 Philosophy and Science Fiction
RUSS/REES/ITAL 2271* Space, Invention, and Wonder in Fairytales, Literature, and Film
RUSS/REES 3241 Red Star Trek; Russian Science Fiction Between Utopia and Dystopia
SPAN 3900* Cosmos Latinos:ÌýHispanic Science Fiction and New Worlds
WRTG 3020~ Writing about Space
WRTG 3030 Writing in Science and Society


Earth, Space and the Universe


Course Name

ASTR 1000

The Solar System

ASTR 1010

Introductory Astronomy 1

ASTR 1020

Introductory Astronomy 2

ASTR 1030

Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 1

ASTR 1040

Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 2

ASTR 1200

Stars & Galaxies

ASTR 2010

Modern Cosmology

ASTR 2020

Space Astronomy and Exploration

ASTR 2030

Black Holes

ASTR 2040

Search for Life in the Universe

ASTR 2050

The Sun and Society

ASTR 3710

Formation & Dynamics of Planetary Systems

ASTR 3730

Astrophysics 1

ASTR 3740

Cosmology and Relativity

ASTR 3760

Solar & Space Physics

ASTR 3830

Astrophysics 2

ASTR 4330


ATOC 2500~

Stratospheric Explorations

ATOC 3180

Aviation Meteorology

ATOC 3500

Air Chemistry and Pollution

ATOC 3720

Planets and Their Atmospheres

ATOC 4710

Introduction to Atmospheric Physics

ATOC 4720

Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics

ATOC 4800

Policy Implications of Climate Controversies

ENVS 4201


FYSM 1000* Stratospheric Explorations

GEOG 4093

Remote Sensing of the Environment

GEOG 4100

Earth Analytics

GEOG 4110

Advanced Remote Sensing

GEOL 1060

Global Change---An Earth Science Perspective

GEOL 2040

The Search for Life in the Universe

GEOL 3040

Global Change: The Recent Geological Record

GEOL 4093

Remote Sensing of the Environment

GEOL 4330
