
Celebrating our Grad Students' Achievement at the Fire on the Mountain Conference

Jan. 10, 2024

CU Boulder's Center for Media, Religion, and Culture (CMRC) hosted a conference, “ Fire on the Mountain: Media, Religion, and Nationalism ,” from Jan. 10-13, 2024. Organized by Center Director Nabil Echchaibi and Associate Director Deborah Whitehead, the conference explored the intricate relationship between media, religion, and nationalism in today's...


Svarodaya: Breath and Divination at the Nexus of Religion, Science, and Magic

Oct. 13, 2023

This graduate symposium analyzes the ancient Hindu breath-centered divination practice known as svarodaya (Sanskrit: “attainment of toned breath”) to untangle a knot of discourses which scholars usually study as isolated threads. By the 14th century CE, Muslims in India began to interpret svarodaya, and titled their translations `ilm-i dam (Persian:...

mission joy - documentary

Faculty-Sponsored Event: CU Days of Compassion, October 9-11, 2023

Sept. 25, 2023

Jaipur Literature Festival

Holly Gayley in conversation with Andrew Quintman at the Jaipur Literature Festival

Sept. 22, 2023

Their session “The Lives and Afterlives of Buddhist Masters” delves into the lives of Yeshe Tsogyal and Milarepa and their ongoing influence and presence in ritual, pilgrimage, visual arts and more. Visit for the schedule and to register. JLF Colorado is an annual literary festival held at the Boulder...

blog text

The Leiden Arabic Humanities and Islamic Thought Blog features a post by Aun Hasan Ali

Sept. 15, 2023

The Leiden Arabic Humanities and Islamic Thought Blog features a post by Aun Hasan Ali about his recent contribution (co-authored with Hadi Qazwini and Yusuf Ünal) to Shiʿite Legal Theory: Sources and Commentaries . "Our contribution to the volume comes from a commentary titled al-Wāfī fī sharḥ al-Wāfiya by the...

Babel: Political Rhetoric of a Confused Legacy

Samuel Boyd Publishes New Book

July 24, 2023

What if the Tower of Babel story in the Bible is not really about the origins of languages? What if it’s also not about a tower and had nothing originally to do with Babylon? Podcast with Dr.Boyd discussing his new book ​ In Babel: Political Rhetoric of a Confused Legacy...

International Islamic University, Aun Hasan Ali, 鶹Ƶ, Public Speaking, Islam, Islamic Tradition, Religious Studies

Aun Hasan Ali to speak at International Islamic University – Islamabad: What is an Islamic Tradition?

June 15, 2023

Brian Catlos, University if Colorado Boulder, Religious Studies, Mediterranean Studies, Mediterranean Seminar, ASCEND Award

Brian Catlos receives the 2023 Faculty ASCEND Award

June 14, 2023

Brian Catlos was selected as Faculty Awardee for his work on Mediterranean Studies and with the CU Mediterranean Studies Group (since 2011) and the Mediterranean Seminar , both of which he founded and directs (the latter with Sharon Kinoshita of UCSC). The CU Mediterranean Studies group is an interdisciplinary collaborative...


Aun H. Ali to speak at IBA - Karachi, School of Economics and Social Sciences on Twelver Shi‘ism and the Concept of Tradition

June 14, 2023

Against the background of long-standing narratives in which Twelver Shi‘ism is viewed as fundamentally authoritarian, this talk builds upon recent scholarship in the fields of Religious Studies and Anthropology to argue that Twelver Shi‘ism is better understood as a discursive tradition. At a conceptual level, this solves the basic problem...

Loriliai Biernacki, 鶹Ƶ, Religious Studies, Materialism, Panentheism,

Loriliai Biernacki Publishes New Book

May 4, 2023

Loriliai Biernacki’s The Matter of Wonder: Abhinavagupta ’s Panentheism and New Materialism argues that we can use the philosophical writing of the 11th century Indian philosopher Abhinavagupta on the nature of wonder and subjectivity to help make sense of our current complex world. Abhinavagupta’s insights on the nature of self...
