
Are there any student groups that provide a community for religious studies students?

SOSR (Student Organization for the Study of Religion) is a student organization at the University of Colorado created to provide a forum for graduate and undergraduate students to participate in the Department of Religious Studies.

Can I apply for a UROP in the Department?

Majors in Religious Studies can apply for individual research grants or assistantships to pursue study of a particular area of interest. Visit the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) for more information.

How can I go about graduating with Honors?

Graduating with departmental honors involves completing a Honors Thesis, allowing you to pursue independent research in the field of religious studies in a specialized area of your choosing under the guidance of a faculty member. Find more information about graduating with departmental honors, or see the honors program website for information on graduating with .

Who do I go to for advising in the department?

If you have any questions about your course of study in the Department of Religous Studies or if you have technical questions about fulfilling CU requirements, contact the Advising Center's Advisor for Religious Studies, Allison Frey. You are also welcome to contact individual professors with questions about coursework in the department, or the Director of Undergraduate Studies. See department faculty pages for contact information and office hours.


Where can I find information about the specifications for the M.A. thesis?

Specifications for the M.A. thesis can be found on the Graduate School website here.

What are the research areas of current graduate students in the department?

Our graduate students have a wide range of research interests. See the graduate student pages for a listing of current students and the focus of study for each student.

What are some ways to get involved in the graduate student community at CU Boulder?

SOSR (Student Organization for the Study of Religion) is a student organization at the University of Colorado created to provide a forum for graduate and undergraduate students to participate in the department of religious studies.  

What kinds of library resources are available at CU Boulder in Religious Studies?

Norlin Library contains access to a variety of print and electronic resources including primary sources, religious texts, academic examinations of religion and theory, and more. Please visit the for a listing of the most helpful resources or contact the Religious Studies librarian, Megan Welsh (Megan.Welsh@colorado.edu), for research help. Visit the University Libraries’ website to begin exploring library resources.

What have some M.A. graduates gone on to do with their degrees? What is the department's Ph.D. program placement rate for M.A. students after graduation?

The University of Colorado’s M.A. program in Religious Studies has a very good reputation for preparing students to enter top quality Ph.D. programs. Several of our graduates have gone on to Ph.D.s in Religious Studies at Brown, Berkeley, Michigan, University of Chicago, Indiana University, University of California at Santa Barbara, Arizona State, and the University of Florida. Others have chosen Ph.D. programs in such fields as Journalism, Cultural Geography, or Asian Studies. Some graduates opt for careers in law, media studies, teaching at the high school level, or nonprofit/NGO work. The program’s emphasis on theoretical approaches to the study of religion builds and sharpens skills in critical thinking and analysis that translate well to a number of careers beyond the academy. Faculty advisors work closely with students to determine their post-graduation aspirations and advise them accordingly.

How do I apply for the M.A. program in Religious Studies at CU Boulder?

MA applicants must apply online to the Graduate School. 


Where are faculty and graduate student mailboxes located?

All RLST mailboxes are located in HUMN 273. 

What are faculty office hours?

Faculty office hours may be found on the Faculty/Staff Roster.

What are department staff office hours?

Staff office hours may be found on the Faculty/Staff Roster.