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First Scholar Learning Community workshop slated for Feb. 2

First Scholar Learning Community workshop slated for Feb. 2

With support from the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’sDEI Impact Grant program,the Research and Innovation Office (RIO) is launching a series of workshops to create and sustain a new Scholar Learning Community.

Scholar Learning Community Workshop (In-Person)

  • Who: CU Boulder faculty/staff scholars, researchers, creators and innovators interested in pursuing JEDIA opportunities
  • When: Friday, February 2, 2024, 12-1:30 p.m.
  • Where: University Memorial Center (UMC)247

Register Now
Please register using your CU Boulder IdentiKey Login email.

The program aims to bring together a diverse group of engaged faculty to participate in three workshops this spring. The first lunchtime workshop, on Feb. 2, will focus on identifying Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (JEDIA)-related funding opportunities offered by federal funding agencies and philanthropic foundations. Later workshops will help faculty develop and draft authentic JEDIA plans to meet existing and emerging funder requirements.

“All are welcome,” said Tanya Ennis, director of diversity, equity and inclusion in research, creative work and innovation, who is leading the Scholar Learning Community.“We are excited to work with faculty across all colleges, schools and institutes to build campuswide proficiency in exploring JEDIA opportunities in research, scholarship and creative endeavors.”

Faculty participants who actively engage in all three Scholar Learning Community workshops will receive a $250 stipend.

Through the workshops and related connections, the Scholar Learning Community will acquire the skills necessary to obtain grants—often an important aspect of academic advancement—and foster critical thinking about CU Boulder’s efforts to expand the diverse, inclusive perspectives enriching our research, scholarship, innovation and creative works.

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