One Institute, Three Grand Challenges

Q-SEnSE organizes its broad research agenda into three Grand Challenges, each pursuing quantum science and engineering projects with high potential for impact in fundamental science, practical application, or both. These Grand Challenges form the road map and ecosystem that foster interdisciplinary quantum research among the multiple organizational Partners and individual researchers.

Grand Challenge 1: Ultra-precise Sensing and Measurement with a Quantum Advantage

This Grand Challenge includes multiple projects at the level of fundamental physics, such as demonstrating quantum advantage in sensing and measurement, using the unique benefits of quantum systems to vastly enhance and expand searches for elusive dark matter, and using close links between theory and experiment to study quantum computer simulators.

Grand Challenge 2: Engineering Principles Applied to Quantum Information Science

The emphasis of this Grand Challenge is linking quantum advances, including those from Grand Challenge 1, to engineering "design and build" expertise in order to integrate, package, and produce practical, functioning systems that can be tested and reliably deployed in the field. Examples include distributed networks of quantum position and navigation sensors and ultra-precise atomic clocks.

Grand Challenge 3: National Infrastructure for Applications in Quantum Sensing

If Quantum 2.0 systems are to have significant national impact, then they must be manufactured and distributed at scale by companies that find that endeavor practical and profitable. Established companies and entrepreneurial startups will make fastest progress in that direction if they can readily assemble novel products from reliable, standardized quantum components with well characterized performance metrics. A primary goal of Grand Challenge 3 is to design such components and ready them for transition to Industry.

Synergy and Convergence: These three Grand Challenges, while each exciting on their own, have been designed to synergistically reinforce each other, producing a Cycle of Quantum Innovation as sketched in the figure.


Cycle of Quantum Innovation: How novel instrumental techniques and lab devices, developed as a result of advancements in fundamental science, equip researchers to pursue continuous innovation (Click to enlarge)