Serena Fitka

Serena grew up in St. Mary’s, Alaska in the lower Yukon River watershed area. She now lives with her family in Valdez, Alaska. She is the Executive Director of the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association (YRDFA) -- a non-profit organization that represents local fishers in 42 communities along the Yukon to ensure that the “voices of fishing communities are heard when management decisions are being made.â€

Serena’s work with YRDFA demonstrates her commitment to advocating for Indigenous interests and integrating Indigenous Knowledge with systemic decision-making -- a passion that has also driven her involvement in the Arctic Rivers Project.

This passion largely stems from her past experience working in Tribal government and focusing on youth empowerment, as well as her values of community and communication.

Her connection to the Yukon River area and her passion for connecting with people and amplifying Indigenous voices is apparent throughout conversations with her, highlighting the holistic approach that is so inherent when thinking about storylines of environmental change.