Charles Prince

Charles was born and raised in Alaska and currently lives in St. Mary’s. He’s lived his whole life in a rural village and from a young age he participated in subsistence fishing and hunting and now fishes commercially. After graduating from high school in 1995, he started working for his Tribe managing the Environmental Program from 1999-2018. Charles has also completed two terms as a board member of the Native American Fish & Wildlife Society and served on the Algaaciq Tribal Council for a term and a half. Since 2019, he has been an Environmental Assistant and the Tribal Transportation Director. And in January of 2021, he started with St. Marys city school district as a Yupik boys skills instructor.

Charles documents environmental changes as a Local Environmental Observer in coordination with the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. He believes that the Arctic Rivers Project can “help the communities prepare for future decision-making” and help future generations to adapt and plan.