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Past Meetings, Workshops, and Conferences
237th Meeting: January 11-15, 2021 Virtual/Online only
about the meeting.
- A minimum assumption analysis for global 21-cm signal experiments. January 15, 2021 - K. Tauscher, D. Rapetti, J. Burns.
- A Roadmap for Radio Astronomy from the Moon. January 12, 2021 - J. Burns.
- Ensuring Robustness in Training Set Based Global 21-cm Cosmology Analysis. January 15, 2021 - N. Bassett, D. Rapetti, K. Tauscher, J. Burns, J. Hibbard.
- What to Expect Under a Biden-Harris AdministrationPanelist/Moderator. January 15, 2021 - J. Burns.
- Splinter Session Low Frequency Radio Astronomy for Cosmic Origins. January 13, 2021 - J. Bowman, J. Burns, A. Hegedus, R. MacDowall, N. Mahesh, K. Tauscher, M. Anderson, and G. Hallinan.
- Status of a Pipeline to Extract the Global 21-cm Signal from a Large Foreground and Constrain Model Parameters. January 15, 2021 - D. Rapetti, K. Tauscher, J. Burns.
236th Meeting: June 1-3, 2020 Virtual/Online Only (Originally scheduled for May 31 to June 4, 2020 in Madison, Wisconsin.)
about the meeting.
- Ensuring the Robustness of SVD Analysis for Global 21-cm Signal Extraction. June 3, 2020 - N. Bassett, D. Rapetti, J. Burns, K. Tauscher, J. Hibbard.
- Low Radio Frequency Astrophysics from the Farside of the Moon. June 1, 2020 -J. Burns, G. Hallinan.
- Modelling the Galactic Foreground and Beam Chromaticities for Global 21-cm Cosmology. June 3, 2020 - J. Hibbard, K. Tauscher, D. Rapetti, J. Burns.
- The Netherlands-China Low Frequency Explorer. June 1, 2020 - L. Chen, J. Ping, H. Falcke, M. K. Wolt, NCLE Team.
- Robust Data Analysis Pipeline for Sky-Averaged Hydrogen Cosmology by Rapetti. June 3, 2020 -D. Rapetti, K. Tauscher, J. Burns, J. Mirocha.
- Robust Extraction of the Cosmological Global 21-cm Signal from Foreground and Instrumental Systematic Effects. June 3, 2020 - K.Tauscher.
235th Meeting:January 4-8, 2020 in Honolulu, Hawaii US
about the meeting.
- Galaxy Evolution and Cosmology: Beam Chromaticity of the EDGES Low-Band Blade Dipole. January 8, 2020 - N. Mahesh, J. Bowman, R. Monsalve, T. Mozdzen, A. Rogers.
- Instrumentation Space Missions I: Farside Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark ages and Exoplanets. January 5, 2020 - J.O. Burns, G. Hallinan.
- Instrumentation Ground-based or Airborne: A Study of the Dynamic Polarization Induced by the Galactic Foreground with the Cosmic Twilight Polarimeter poster. January 5, 2020 - D. Bordenave, B. Nhan, E. White, R. Bradley, J. Burns.
232nd Meeting: June 3-7, 2018 in Denver, Colorado US
about the meeting.
- The Cosmic Twilight Polarimeter (CTP): A model-independent approach to constrain the synchrotron foreground spectrum for global 21-cm cosmology presentation. June 4, 2018 – Bang D. Nhan.Download talk(PDF file) (2.4 MB).
- Low-frequency Radio Observatory on the Lunar Surface (L-ROLS). June 5, 2018 – Robert J. MacDowall.Download presentation(PDF file) (1.34MB).
- Tracking Solar Type II Bursts with Space Based Radio Interferometers presentation. June 7, 2018 – Alexander Hegedus, Justin Kasper, Ward Manchester.Download talk(PDF file) (27.3 MB).
Meeting-in-a-Meeting at the 232nd Meeting: June 3-7, 2018 in Denver, Colorado US
For more information, please see the Meeting-in-a-MeetingFlyer.
- Design Optimization for Interferometric Space-based 21-cm Power Spectrum Measurements presentation. June 6, 2018 – Jonathan Pober.Downloadpresentation(PDF file) (24.2 MB).
- LOFAR Searches for Radio Exoplanets presentation. June 6, 2018 – Jake D. Turner.Download presentation(PDF file) (42.6 MB).
- Machine Learning and Experimental Design for Hydrogen Cosmology presentation. June 6, 2018 – David Rapetti.Download presentation(PDF file) (9.5 MB).
- Low-frequency Radio Observatory on the Lunar Surface (L-ROLS) Heliophysics. June 5, 2018 – Robert MacDowall.Download talk(PDF file) (7.3 MB).
- Modeling Jovian Magnetospheres Beyond the Solar System. June 6, 2018 – Peter K. G. Williams.Download talk(PDF file) (2.3 MB).
- Numerical simulations of particle acceleration & low frequency radio emission in stellar environments presentation. June 5, 2018 – Sofia Moschou.Downloadpresentation(PDF file) (30.7 MB).
- Optimized Strategies for Detecting Extrasolar Space Weather presentation. June 6, 2018 – Gregg Hallinan.Downloadpresentation(PDF file) (11.9 MB).
- Overview of Solar Radio Bursts and their Sources presentation. June 6, 2018 – G. Thejappa, R. J. MacDowall.Download presentation(PDF file) (10.6 MB).
- The Prospect for Detecting Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections presentation. June 6, 2018 – Rachel Osten, Michael K. Crosley.Downloadpresentation(PDF file) (6.1 MB).
- Radio Astronomy on and around the Moon presentation. June 5, 2018 – Heino Falcke.Download presentation(PDF file) (51 MB).
- A Space-Based Observational Strategy for Hydrogen Cosmology Using Dynamic Polarimetry and Pattern Recognition presentation. June 5, 2018 – Jack Burns, Bang Nhan, Rich Bradley, Keith Tauscher, David Rapetti, Eric Switzer.Download presentation(PDF file) (2.2 MB).
- Toward a Cosmic Dawn Mapper presentation. June 6, 2018 – Judd Bowman.Download presentation(PDF file) (3.2 MB).
- Understanding Cosmic Dawn. June 6, 2018 – Anastasia Fialkov.Download talk(PDF file) (3.2 MB).
231st Meeting:January 8-12, 2018 in Washington, District of ColumbiaUS
- SVD/MCMC Data Analysis Pipeline for Global Redshifted 21-cm Spectrum Observations of the Cosmic Dawn and Dark Ages. January 8, 2018 – Jack O. Burns, Keith Tauscher, David Rapetti, Jordan Mirocha, Eric Switzer
Due to file type and file size limitations, embedded videos have been removed from presentations in order to provide them in a PDF format.
August28-September1, 2017 in Paris, France
- Constraining Cosmic Dawn with Global 21-cm Signal Observations from the Lunar Farside presentation. August 29, 2017 – David Rapetti, Keith Tauscher, Jack Burns, Jordan Mirocha, Rich Bradley, Steven Furlanetto, Bang Nhan, Eric Switzer.Download talk(PDF file) (6.5MB).
February 1, 2021 - Virtual Workshop
Autonomy for Future Space Science Missions workshop
NESS Team member Terry Fong from NASA Ames Research Center was on the Technical Organizing Committee. about the workshop.
- Autonomous Roving on the Moon, Mars and Beyond with Terry Fong (moderator) and Issa Nesnas, Takashi Kubota andTim Barfoot.
July 14-22, 2018 in Pasadena, CaliforniaUS
- Radio Astronomy on and around the Moon. July 19, 2018 – Heino Falcke, Marc Klein Wolt, Jinsong Ping, Linjie Chen.
- A Unity of Purpose in Exploration and Space Science: Highlights from the SSERVI NESS Team. July 19, 2018 – Jack O. Burns. See the.
February27-March1, 2018 in Denver, ColoradoUS
NASAsponsoredthethree-day workshop to actively engage scientific communities in the early stages of determining the ways the gateway will be used to facilitate available and the.
- Accessing the Lunar Farside and Facilitating Human-Assisted Sample Return with the DSG. February 28, 2018 – Kring D. A.
- Communications Relay and Human-Assisted Sample Return from the DSG. February 28, 2018 – Cichan T., Hopkins J. B., Bierhaus B., Murrow D. W.
- DSG Support of Lunar Surface Ops and Tele-Operational Transfer of Surface Assets to the Next Landing Site. February 28, 2018 – Kring D. A.
- The Gateway to Cosmic Dawn: A Low Frequency Radio Telescope for the DSG. February 27, 2018 – Tauscher K., Burns J. O., Monsalve R., Rapetti D.
- Heliophysics Radio Observations Enabled by the DSG. February 28, 2018 – Kasper J. C.
- Hydrogen Cosmology from the DSG: Data Analysis Pipeline for Low-Frequency Radio Telescopes. February 28, 2018 – Rapetti D., Tauscher K., Burns J. O., Switzer E., Mirocha J., Furlanetto S., Monsalve R.
- Importance of a Low Radio Frequency Interference Environment for the DSG. February 28, 2018 – Robert J. MacDowall.Download presentation(PDF file) (2 MB).
- Lunar Farside Radio Array Pathfinder Enabled by the DSG. February 28, 2018 – Bowman J. D., Hallinan G. W., MacDowall R. J., Burns J. O.
- Quantifying operational constraints of low-latency telerobotics for planetary surface operations. June 18, 2018 – Benjamin J. Mellinkoff, Matthew M. Spydell, Wendy Bailey, Jack O. Burns.
- Space Science and Exploration on the Lunar Farside Facilitated by Surface Telerobotics from the DSG. February 28, 2018 – Burns J. O., Fong T., Kring D. A., Hopkins J. B.
- Telerobotic Deployment and Operation of a Lunar Farside Low Radio Frequency Cosmology Telescope from the DSG. February 28, 2018 – Monsalve R. A., Burns J. O., Tauscher K., Rapetti D.
- Telerobotics of Orbiting and Surface Assets. March 1, 2018 – Fong, T.
- VR Simulation Testbed: Improving Surface Telerobotics For The Deep Space Gateway. June 26, 2018 – Michael Walker.a video of the talk.
8th ELS - May 12-14, 2020 Virtual/Online Only
about the meeting.
- Exploring the Low Radio Frequency Universe from the Farside of the Moon presentation. May 13, 2020– Jack Burns.
3rd Global 21-cm Workshop - October 19-21, 2020 - Virtual Meeting
The field of 21-cm Cosmology is experiencing a rapid growth, with both theory and experiments producing new high impact science on a regular basis. The theme of the global 21-cm signal has been driving the attention of the international community since the results from the EDGES Low Band experiment were published in early 2018. The reported signal detected by EDGES cannot be explained by standard physical models and triggers questions on both theoretical and experimental aspects. Several experimental groups around the globe are currently exploiting different strategies and experimental approaches aiming at throwing new light on the matter. At the same time, theorists are trying hard to explain the detection using both standard physics and exotic scenarios. This meeting aims at bringing together, for the 3rd time, the Global 21-cm community, both experimentalist and theoreticians, to discuss the progress in the field and the prospects going forward.
The meeting was organized and hosted by the University of Cambridge, UK..
NESS presentations arelisted below.
- A minimum assumption analysis for global 21-cm signal experiments. . (PDF file4.6MB) October 21, 2020 - Keith Tauscher
- DAPPER The Dark Ages Polarimeter PathfindER. . (PDF file 3.4MB) October 21, 2020 - Jack Burns
- EDGES Calibration Pipeline. (PDF file 1.9MB) October 20, 2020 - Steven Murray
- EDGES Recombination Line Foregrounds. . (PDF file 4.7MB) October 20, 2020 - David Lewis
- Eigenanalysis for Foregrounds. (PDF file 8.1MB) October 22, 2020 - Joshua Hibbard
- Ensuring Robustness in Training set Based Global 21-cm Analysis. . (PDF file4.5MB) October 21, 2020 - Neil Bassett
- Investigations of variations with LST (EDGES). . October 20, 2020 - Nivedita Mahesh
- Robustly Constraining the Global 21-cm Signal using Pattern Recog. And Bayes. Infer. . (PDF file6.5MB) October 21, 2020 - David Rapetti
2nd Workshop -October 7-9, 2019atMcGill University inMontreal, Quebec Canada
This workshop was held on and served as a forum to discuss recent progress from all the Global 21cm experiments. We had talks about theory, data analysis, and, above all, instrumental development and field work. We also hosted several discussion sessions expecting the most important aspects and concerns being raised and addressed.
12th International Conference - July 23-27, 2018 in Providence, Rhode Island US
- Dark Cosmology: Searching for Dark Matter in the Dark Ages using the Global 21-cm Spectrum presentation. July 26, 2018 – Jack Burns.Download presentation(PDF file) (25.6 MB).
September 9, 2020- Virtual Online only
Low Frequency Radio Astronomy from the Moon presentation. September 9, 2029– Jack Burns.Download abstract(PDF file) (1.3 MB).
IAA Symposium on Moon Farside Negotiations -March 25th, 2020 via Teleconference
- Low Radio Frequency Observations from the Farside of the Moon. March 25, 2020 - Jack Burns.Download talk(PDF file) (8.8 MB) orof the presentation.
The First Billion Years of the Universe:Using Next Generation Telescopes -January 20-24, 2020 at IIT IndoreMadhya Pradesh, India
- Dark Ages Polarimeter PathfindER (DAPPER): Status and data analysis pipeline. January 21, 2020 - David Rapetti.
Keck Institute for Space Studies Virtual Lecture series for 2020
about 2020 virtual lectures.NESS presentation below.
- FARSIDE: A Probe-Class Mission to Place a Radio Telescope on the Lunar Farside.October 19, 2020 -Gregg Hallinan. Watch theor read the.
September 14-16, 2020 - Virtual Only Annual Meeting
See full with the agenda, abstracts, posters, and presentations.NESS presentations and posters below.
- . September 16, 2020 - Jack Burns.
- . September 14, 2020 - Mason Bell, Phaedra Curlin, and Jack Burns.
- . September 14, 2020 - Midhun Menon.
- . September 14, 2020 - Michael Walker.
January 10-12, 2018at NASA Ames in Moffett Field, California US
- The Lunar Farside: A Science and Exploration Imperative talk. January 12, 2018 – Jack Burns.Download talk(PDF file) (3.1MB) or watchof the presentation.
October 28, 2020 -Virtual Sessions
Through this series of short, focused workshops, we continue to solicit input from the community on the potential for new scientific research that could be enabled by human exploration near the lunar south pole. In addition, we want to identify and help to close knowledge gaps associated with crew activities and safety. about the meeting and access the.
NESS presentationlisted below.
- Lunar Science Enabled by Mobility. . October 29, 2020 - Mason Bell
- Mixed Reality Interfaces for Mobile Lunar Surface Robots. . October 28, 2020 - Michael Walker
- URSSA: A Simulator for Lunar Surface Telerobotics Research. . October 28, 2020 - Midhun Menon
May 28-29, 2020 - Virtual/Online workshop
NASA organizedaworkshop to discuss new scientific research that could be enabled by human exploration near the lunar south pole.Due to the COVID-19pandemic, theinitially in-person meeting wasbroken into virtual meetings (with apotentially in-person meeting later on). All accepted NESS talks will be presented in the future..
Science and Human Exploration Operations - August 28, 2018 at NASA Ames in Moffett Field, California US
- Importance of a Low Radio Frequency Interference Environment for the DSG. February 28, 2018 – Robert J. MacDowall.Download presentation(PDF file) (2 MB).
- Transformative Science from the Moon: Astrophysics, Cosmology, & Heliophysics. August 28, 2018 – Jack Burns
July 8-10, 2020 - All Virtual Meeting
The Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) held the 7th annual NASA Exploration Science Forum via an all-virtual meeting July 8-10, 2020. The NESF featured exploration science research on the Moon, near-Earth asteroids and the moons of Mars. Participants learned about recent mission results and in-depth analyses of science and exploration studies that are helping return humans to the Moon via the Artemis program. See theand.
NESS presentations and posters listed below.
- Are Non Co-located Linearly Polarized Antennas Advantageous for FARSIDE? Watch theor read the. Poster Session #2, Nivedita Mahesh
- Devising Robustness Tests for Lunar-based Global 21-cm Experiments. Watch theor read the. Poster Session #1, Neil Bassett
- Earth Based Evaluation of Dynamic Polarimetry for Future Global 21-CM Cosmology Observations from the Moon. Watch theor read the. July 9, 2020 – David Bordenave
- “FORWARD! Lunar Exploration and Beyond.” Watch theor read the. July 10, 2020 – John Keller
- Global Neutral Hydrogen Data Analysis Pipeline for a Lunar-Based Satellite. Watch theor read the. July 9, 2020 – David Rapetti
- Implementing an Augmented Reality User Interface for Future Lunar Telerobotic Assembly Experiments. Watch theor read the. Poster Session #1, Mason Bell
- Measuring the 21-cm Global Signal from the Lunar Farside using Polarization and Time-dependence. Watch theor read the. Poster Session #2, Keith Tauscher
- Mixed Reality Interfaces for the Moon and Beyond: Advancing Surface Telerobotic Interfaces in the NASA Artemis Program. Watch theor read the. Poster Session #1, Michael Walker
- Modelling the Galactic Foreground and Beam Chromaticities for Lunar-Based Global 21-cm Experiments. Watch theor read the. July 9, 2020 – Joshua Hibbard
- Status of the Radio Observations at Lunar Surface of Photoelectron Sheath Payload. Watch theor read the. July 9, 2020 – Robert MacDowall
- Transformative Astrophysics from the Farside of the Moon. Watch theor read the. July 9, 2020 – Jack Burns
July23-25, 2019- NASA Ames,Moffett Field, California US
The 2019 Exploration Science Forum featured scientific discussions about the Moon and other exploration targets of interest, such as near-Earth asteroids and the moons of Mars. Participants learned about recent mission results and in-depth analyses of science and exploration studies that reflect the direction of the Agency and community. Dedicated side conferences for students and young professionals, along with public engagement discussions, were interwoven among science topics.and.
NESS presentations and posters listed below.
- Cosmology from the Moon Observing the Dark Ages of the Early Universe from the Farside. Watch theordownload presentation(PDF file) (5.3MB). July 23, 2019 – Jack Burns
- Efficient Photometric Models of the Lunar Regolith for Virtual Reality Simulation. Download theposter(PDF file) (17.5 MB) – Midhun S. Menon, Michael Walker, Daniel Szafir, Terry Fong, Jack Burns
- Hydrogen Cosmology Data Analysis Pipeline for Lunar-based Observations. Download theposter(PDF file) (22MB)– David Rapetti, Keith Tauscher, Jack Burns, Jordan Mirocha, Neil Bassett, J. Merten
- Insights into the First Stars from Low-Frequency Radio Observations: The Lunar Environment as an Astrophysics Platform. Watch theordownload presentation(PDF file) (6.4MB)July 24, 2019 – Steven Furlanetto
- Lunar Payload for Radio Wave Observations at the Lunar Surface of the Photoelectron Sheath (ROLSES). Watch the. July 24, 2019 – Robert MacDowall
- Measuring the Earth's Synchrotron Emission from Radiation Belts with a Lunar Near Side Radio Array. Download theposter(PDF file) (709KB) – Alex Hegedus
- Modeling Planar Dipoles on Lunar Regolith for a Radio Array on the Lunar Far-side.Download theposter(PDF file) (3.5MB) – Nivedita Mahesh,Judd. D. Bowman
- The Radio Quiet Environment Above the Lunar Farside and its Application to 21-cm Experiments. Watch theordownload presentation(PDF file) (2.6MB)July 24, 2019 – Neil Bassett
- Virtual Reality Interfaces for Surface Telerobotics from the Lunar Gateway watch the. July 25, 2019 – Michael Walker
June 26-28, 2018 - NASA Ames,Moffett Field, California US
See the.NESS presentations and posters listed below.
- The 2018 NASA Exploration Science Forum - Plenary Session 1. June 26, 2018 – William Farrell.the video of the talk.
- Astrophysics Enabled at the Moon Overview Talk: The Gateway - Enabling Infrastructure for a New Era of Lunar Robotics. June 27, 2018 – Terry Fong.the video of the talk.
- Integration of a COTS Robotic Arm and Rover for Future Low-Latency Telerobotic Assembly Experiments poster. June 26, 2018 – Arun Kumar, Alex Sandoval, Jack Burns.Download poster(PDF file) (3MB).
- Global 21-cm Data Analysis Pipeline to Constrain Physical Parameters using Lunar-based Observations poster. June 26, 2018 – David Rapetti, Keith Tauscher, Jordan Mirocha, Jack O. Burns, Eric Switzer, Steven Furlanetto.Download poster(PDF file) (12.6MB).
- Low-Frequency Radio Observations from the Moon: The Essential Next Step for Particle Physics, Cosmology, and Galaxy Formation presentation. June 27, 2018 – Jordan Mirocha.a video of the talk.
- Low-frequency Radio Observatory Pathfinder on the Near-side Lunar Surface poster. June 26, 2018 – R. J. MacDowall, W. M. Farrell, D. C. Bradley, V. J. Marrero-Fontanez, M. J. Reiner, J. D. Bowman, G. Hallinan, J. O. Burns.Download poster(PDF file) (4.4MB).
- Science On The Lunar Far Side Facilitated By Low Latency Telerobotics from A Lunar Orbiting Platform-Gateway. July 27, 2018 – Jack Burns.a video of the talk.
- Towards a lunar farside hydrogen cosmology telescope: characterizing the absorption trough observed by EDGES poster. June 26, 2018 – Keith Tauscher, David Rapetti, Jack O. Burns, Raul Monsalve, Judd Bowman.Download poster(PDF file) (1.2MB).
- Tracking Solar Type II Bursts to 0.5 AU with Radio Interferometers on the Lunar Surface. June 27, 2018 – Alexander Hegedus.the video of the talk.
- VR Simulation Testbed: Improving Surface Telerobotics For The Deep Space Gateway. June 26, 2018 – Michael Walker.the video of the talk.
July 18-20, 2017 - NASA Ames, Moffett Field, California US
NESS presentations and posters listed below.
- The Elusive "Why" of Space Exploration invited talk. July 20, 2017 – Jack Burns.Download talk(PDF file,18MB) orof the presentation.
- Extracting the Global 21-cm Signal to Study the First Luminous Objects using Observations from the Lunar Farside poster. July 19, 2017 – David Rapetti, Keith Tauscher, Jack O. Burns, Jordan Mirocha, Steven Furlanetto, Eric Switzer.Download poster(PDF file) (8MB).
- Investigation of Minimum Frame Rate for Low-Latency Planetary Surface Teleoperations poster. July 19, 2017 – B. Mellinkoff, M. Spydell, W. Bailey, J. Burns.Download poster(PDF file) (2.2MB).
- Low Frequency Solar Observations with Radio Interferometers on the Lunar Surface poster. July 19, 2017 – Alex Hegedus, Justin Kasper.Download poster(PDF file) (14MB).
- NESS Overview Talk. July 17, 2017 – Jack Burns.Download talk(PDF file) (3.1MB).
- Precision Antenna Beam Modeling for Radio Cosmology from the Lunar Far Side poster. July 19, 2017 – Nivedita Mahesh, Thomas Mozdzen, Alan Rogers, Raul Monsalve, Judd Bowman.Download poster(PDF file) (1.8MB).
- Preparing for the Dark Ages Radio Explorer through Ground-Based Observations talk. July 19, 2017 – Raul Monsalve.Download talk(PDF file) (5.1MB) orof the presentation.
- Probing the Earliest Galaxies with a Lunar Radio Telescope poster. July 19, 2017 – Steven Furlanetto, Jordan Mirocha, Richard H. Mebane.Download poster(PDF file) (3.9MB).
- Prospects for Detecting Radio Emission from Exoplanets from the Moon presentation. July 19, 2017 – Dr. Gregg Hallinan.Download presentation(PDF file) (3.6MB).
- Using Induced Polarization to Measure the Global 21-cm Signal from the Lunar Farside poster. July 19, 2017 – Keith Tauscher, David Rapetti, Jack O. Burns, Richard Bradley, Bang Nhan, Eric Switzer.Download poster(PDF file) (2MB).
Due to file type and file size limitations, embedded videos have been removed from presentations in order to provide them in a PDF format.
March 23-25, 2021- Virtual workshop
See more details and .NESS presentation below for the session on Using Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) to Achieve Lunar Biological and Physical Science Objective.
- Radio Science from the Moon Enabled by NASA Commercial Landers. March 24, 2021– Jack Burns.
NESS Site Visit & Steering Committee Meeting: November 30, 2020 - Virtual/Online only
Meetingagendais available and areon our.
- (PDF file1.5MB) - Jack Burns, U Colorado
- (PDF file699KB) - Justin Kasper, U Michigan
- (PDF file7MB) - Alex Hegedus, UMichigan
- (PDF file2.5MB) - Bob MacDowall, NASA GSFC
- (PDF file3.8MB) - Alex Hegedus
- - Gregg Hallinan, Caltech
- (PDF file21.7MB) - Marin Anderson, JPL
- (PDF file7.6MB) - Gregg Hallinan
- (PDF file1.3MB) - Nivedita Mahesh, ASU
- (PDF file1.8MB) - Steve Furlanetto, UCLA
- (PDF file8.3MB) - Jordan Mirocha, McGill U
- (PDF file2.2MB) - Rick Mebane, UCLA
- (PDF file753KB) - Rich Bradley, NRAO
- (PDF file2.9MB) - Judd Bowman, ASU
- (PDF file2.8MB) - David Bordenave, NRAO
- (PDF file9.7MB) - Keith Tauscher, UColorado
- (PDF file3.6MB) - Steven Furlanetto
- (PDF file6.5MB) - John Keller, UColorado
- (PDF file469KB) - David Rapetti, NASA ARC USRA UColorado
- (PDF file2.1MB) - Neil Bassett, UColorado
- (PDF file5.1MB) - Joshua Hibbard, UColorado
- (PDF file872KB) - Steven Murray, ASU
- (PDF file4MB) - Terrence Fong, NASA ARC
- (PDF file4.6MB) - Michael Walker, U. Colorado
- (PDF file3.9MB) - Mason Bell & Phaedra Curlin, U. Colorado
- (PDF file17.1MB) - Daniel Jacobs, ASU
- - Jack Burns
September 24-25, 2019 -University of Colorado, Boulder US
- Characterizing the Radio Quiet Region Behind the Lunar Farside for Low Radio Frequency Experiments(PDF file, 3.7MB) - Bassett, N., Rapetti, D., Burns, J., Tauscher, K., and MacDowall, R.
- Dark Ages Polarimeter PathfinderPart I(PDF file, 30.8MB) andPart II(PDF file, 30.8MB) - Burns, J.
- Development of Lunar Simulator for Research in Autonomous Algorithms for TeleroboticsPart 1(PDF file, 24.7MB) andPart II(PDF file, 8.9MB) - Menon, M., Walker, M., Szafir, D., Burns, J., and Fong. T
- EDGES Status Update(PDF file, 2.2MB) - Bowman, J., Barrett, J., Mahesh, N., Monsalve, R., Murray, S., and Rogers, A.
- FARSIDE A Low Radio Frequency Interferomtric Array on the Lunar FarsidePart I(PDF file, 28.7MB),Part II(PDF file, 4.2MB), andPart III(PDF file, 11.9MB) - Hallinan, G.
- Forward to the Moon Lunar Landers for Science and Exploration(PDF file, 3.3MB) - Cichan, T.
- Measuring the Earth’s Synchrotron Emission from Radiation Belts with a Lunar Near Side Radio Array(PDF file, 4.6MB) - Hegedus, A., Nenon, Q., Brunet, A., Kasper, J., Sicard, A., Cecconi, B., MacDowall, R., and Baker, D.
- Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with Teleoperated Assembly Tasks(PDF file, 1.2MB) - Kumar, A. and Bell, M.
- Modeling Planar Dipoles on Lunar Regolith for a Radio Array on the Lunar Far-side(PDF file, 1.5MB) - Mahesh, N. and Bowman, J.
- Modeling the 21cm Signal(PDF file, 11.4MB) -Furlanetto, S.
- The OVRO LWA A FARSIDE PathfinderPart I(PDF file, 5MB),Part II(PDF file, 10.3MB),andPart III(PDF file, 14.3MB) - Hallinan, G.
- Radio Observations of the Lunar Surface photoElectron Sheath (ROLSES) a NASA Provided Lunar Payload (NPLP)(PDF file, 1.8MB) - MacDowall, B., Bradley, D., Farrell, W., Reiner, M., Gopalswamy, N., Wollack, E., and McGlone, D.
- Simultaneous Constraints on Foreground and Global 21-cm Models via a Novel Pattern Recognition Technique(PDF file, 7MB) - Rapetti, D., Tauscher, K., Mirocha, J., and Burns, J.
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space ExperimentPart I(PDF file, 27.9MB) andPart II(PDF file, 2.8MB) - Kasper, J.
- Telerobotics at NASA Ames(PDF file, 13.4MB) - Fong, T.
- Virtual Reality Interfaces for Surface Telerobotics(PDF file, 10.3MB) -Michael Walker, Jack Burns, and Daniel Szafir
- Why do we pursue the global 21-cm signal?(PDF file, 1.5MB) - Tauscher, K.
June 7-8, 2018-Denver, ColoradoUS
- 21-cm Theory Update (PDF file, 2.5MB) - Steve Furlanetto
- Cosmic Twilight Polarimeter (PDF file, 7MB) - Richard Bradley
- EDGES and Implications for Space Missions (PDF file, 229KB) - Judd Bowman
- Imaging Earth's Radiation Belts with Lunar Surface Arrays (PDF file, 2MB) - Alex Hegedus and Justin Kasper
- Lunar Robotics Update Part I(PDF file, 9.4MB) and Lunar Robotics Update Part II (PDF file, 3.5MB)- Terry Fong
- NESS Updates 2018(PDF file, 10.9MB) - Jack Burns
- Optimized Strategies for Detecting Extrasolar Space Weather (PDF file, 22.3MB) - Gregg Hallinan
- Radio Heliophysics Science and Applications relevant to NESS 2018 (PDF file, 9.6MB) - Rober MacDowall, Michael Reiner, et al.
- Results from Y1 Trade Study (PDF file, 2.4MB) - Judd Bowman, Gregg Hallinan, and Bob MacDowall
- Robotic Arm and Rover for Future Low-Latency Telerobotic Assembly Experiments (PDF file, 23.6MB) - Arun Kuman and Alexander Sandoval
- Tracking Solar Type II Bursts with Space Based Radio Interferometers (PDF file, 19.3MB) - Alexander Hegedus, Justin Kasper, and Ward Manchester
- Updates on 21-cm Global Signal Analysis (PDF file, 4.1MB) - Keith Tauscher and David Rapetti
- Virtual Reality Simulation Testbed (PDF file, 24.2MB) -Michael Walker, Jack Burns, andDaniel Szafir
May 25, 2017-University of Colorado, Boulder US
- Basic Considerations for a Single-Antenna Global Experiement on the Surface of the Moon (PDF file, 606KB) - Raul Monsalve
- Basic Design Considerations for a Global Signal Interferometer (PDF file, 651KB) - Raul Monsalve
- Cosmology from the Moon: The Dark Ages Radio Explorer (PDF file, 20.1MB) - Jack Burns for the DARE Team
- Design/Trade Study of Lunar Low-Frequency Radio Telescopes (PDF file, 2.1MB) - Judd Bowman, Greg Hallinan, and Bob MacDowall
- Electron Radiation Belt (PDF file, 1.6MB) - Justin Kasper
- Extrasolar Space Weather Part I(PDF file, 7.7MB) and Extrasolar Space Weather Part II (PDF file, 19MB) - Gregg Hallinan
- Lockheed Martin Status (PDF file, 10.9MB) - Scott Norris, Tim Cichan, and Chris Norman
- NESS Student Telerobotic Experiment (PDF file, 8MB) - Benjamin Mellinkoff and Matthew Spydell
- NESS Updates 2017 (PDF file, 6.9MB) - Jack Burns
- Performance Assessment of Space-Based Radio Arrays and Applications to the Lunar Surface (PDF file, 4.8MB) - Alex Hegedus
- Radio Heliophysics Science and Applications relevant to NESS (PDF file, 6.7MB) - Rober MacDowall, Michael Reiner, et al.
- Science from the Cosmic Dawn (PDF file, 13.4MB) - Steven Furlanetto
- Separating the Global 21-cm Spectrum from Foregrounds with the DARE Instrument using a Novel SVD approach (PDF file, 4.5MB) - David Rapetti and Keith Tauscher
- Surface Telerobotics ISS/K-10 Rover and Recent Developments (PDF file, 15.7MB) - Terry Fong
Due to file type and file size limitations, embedded videos have been removed from presentations in order to provide them in a PDF format.
February2, 2018 in Socorro, New Mexico US
- Illuminating the Cosmic Dawn with Sky-Average Radio Measurements. February 2, 2018 – Raul Monsalve
February 13-14, 2023, London, UK
- Low Radio Frequency Science From the Moon with NASA Lunar-landed Telescopes. February 13, 2023 - Dr. Jack Burns.
SALF 6th Annual conference -December 9-11, 2019 at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona US
The SALF conference series featuredpresentations and discussions on all types of science and project updates from radio telescopes operating below approximately 1 GHz, including e.g. LOFAR, LWA, HERA, MWA, CHIME, and others. Science topics included Earth atmospheric events and ionosphere, solar and space weather, Galactic and extragalactic astrophysics, and 21cm cosmology.and.
April 1-3, 2019 at Potomac, Maryland US
- Astrophysics Enabled by the Human Space Flight Program. April 2, 2019 – Moderated by Jack Burns - other participants Keith Gendreau (NASA GSFC), Steven Clarke (NASA HQ SMD), and Sharon Jefferies (NASA LaRC)
- FARSIDE: Low-Frequency Telescope on the Lunar Farside. April 2, 2019 – Jack Burns (PI), Gregg Hallinan (co-PI), Judd Bowman, Bob MacDowall, Justin Kasper, Richard Bradley and Marin Anderson.Download presentation(PDF file) (3.94MB).
- Solar Radio Burst Observations by the Farside Lunar Surface Radio Array. April 3, 2019 – MacDowall, R. J., Reiner, M. J., Burns, J. O., Hallinan,...Download poster(PDF file) (516 KB).
October 29, 2018in Boulder, Colorado US
More informationabout the CU APS colloquia series.
- Dark Hydrogen Cosmology: Searching for Exotic Physics in the Dark Ages. October 29, 2018 – David Rapetti.Download presentation(PDF File) (29.1 MB).
February 24, 2021in Boulder, Colorado US
More informationabout the CU Physics colloquia series.
- Radio Astrophysics from the Moon– Jack Burns. Abstract:A new era of exploration of the low radio frequency Universe from the Moon will soon be underway with landed payload missions facilitated by NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program. CLPS landers are scheduled to deliver two radio science experiments, ROLSES to the nearside and LuSEE to the farside, beginning later this year. These instruments will be pathfinders for a 21-cm Global Signal Cosmology telescope (DAPPER) and a 10-km diameter interferometric array, FARSIDE, composed of 128 pairs of dipole antennas. ROLSES and LuSEE, operating at frequencies from ~100 kHz to a few tens of MHz, will investigate the plasma environment above the lunar surface and measure the fidelity of radio spectra on the surface. ROLSES will measure the photoelectron sheath density to better understand the charging of the lunar surface. LuSEE will measure the local magnetic field and exo-ionospheric density, interplanetary radio bursts, and the galactic synchrotron spectrum. DAPPER is designed to open a new window to the cosmos, the Dark Ages and Cosmic Dawn, using the highly redshifted hyperfine line of neutral hydrogen observed from 10-110 MHz. FARSIDE will break new ground by imaging radio emission from Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) beyond two solar radii, and detect auroral radio emission from the magnetic fields of nearby potentially habitable exoplanets.
URSI January4-7, 2018 in Boulder, Colorado US
- Separating the Global 21-cm Signal from Strong Foregrounds and Instrument Systematics using an SVD/MCMC Pipeline. January 4, 2018 – Keith Tauscher, Jack O. Burns, David Rapetti, and Eric R. Switzer
URSI Atlantic Radio Science 2nd Conference -May 28-June 1, 2018 in Gran Canaria, Spain
The triennial URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC) was one of the URSI flagship conferences besides the URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium and the AP- RASC conference (Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference).is available.
- Spaced-based Extraction of the Global 21-cm Spectrum presentation. May 29, 2018 – David Rapetti, Jack Burns, Bang Nhan, Rich Bradley, Keith Tauscher, Eric Switzer.Download talk(PDF file) (23.7 MB).
- SVD/MCMC Pipeline for Separating the Global 21-cm Signal from Foregrounds/Systematics presentation. May 30, 2018 – David Rapetti.Download talk(PDF file) (9.2 MB).
USNC-URSI Commission J 2019 Meeting - January 9-12, 2019 in Boulder, ColoradoUS
See theor the. Take a look at thephotoof our NESS team enjoying time together at the meeting.
Radio Emission from Extrasolar Planets section
- Monitoring Nearly 4000 Nearby Stellar Systems for Radio Exoplanets with the OVRO-LWA. January 10, 2019 – Marin M. Anderson, Gregg Hallinan.Download presentation(PDF file) (3.92 MB).
- Using Radio Emission from Planetary-Mass Brown Dwarfs to Understand Planetary Magnetism. January 10, 2019 – Melodie M. Kao, Evgenya Shkolnik, Gregg Hallinan, J. S. Pineda, Adam Burgasser, David Stevenson
- Using SUNRISE as a Pathfinder for Detecting Low Frequency Radio Emission from Extrasolar Planets with Space Based Radio Arrays. January 10, 2019 – Alexander M. Hegedus, Justin C. Kasper, Joseph Lazio, Andrew Romero–Wolf, Timothy S. Bastian.Download part 1 of the presentation(PDF file) (28.04 MB)Download part 2 of the presentation(PDF file) (5.5MB).
Cosmology and Astrophysics at Low Frequencies section
- Confronting the Challenges of Global EoR Detection. January 11, 2019 – Keith Tauscher, David Rapetti, Jack O. Burns.Download presentation(PDF file) (9.35 MB).
- The Cosmic Twilight Polarimeter. January 11, 2019 – David D. Bordenave, Bang D. Nhan, Richard F. Bradley, Jack O. Burns
- Dark Cosmology: Investigations of Dark Matter in the Dark Ages with the Space-Based Dark Ages Polarimeter Pathfinder (DAPPER). January 11, 2019 – Jack O. Burns, Stuart Bale, Richard Bradley, Keith Tauscher, David Rapetti.Download presentation(PDF file) (11.8 MB).
- Full Data Analysis Pipeline for Low Radio Frequency Measurements of the Dark Ages and Cosmic Dawn. January 11, 2019 – David Rapetti, Keith Tauscher, Jack O. Burns, Jordan Mirocha.Download presentation(PDF file) (9.58 MB).
- The Low Frequency Transient Sky. January 11, 2019 – Gregg Hallinan.Download presentation(PDF file) (30.3 MB).
- Spectral Index of the Diffuse Radio Background Between 50 and 100 MHz. January 11, 2019 – Thomas J. Mozdzen, Nivedita Mahesh, Raul A. Monsalve, Alan E. E. Rogers, Judd D. Bowman.Download presentation(PDF file) (1.16 MB).
- Strengthening the Cosmological Interpretation of the Edges Signal Through Instrumental Verification. January 11, 2019 – Raul A. Monsalve, Judd D. Bowman, Alan E. Rogers, Thomas J. Mozdzen, Nivedita Mahesh.Download presentation(PDF file) (2.28 MB).
URSI -National Radio Science Meeting -January 6-9, 2021 - Virtual
This meeting was scheduled to be held at the 鶹Ƶ.More informationis available or at.
URSI - GASS 2021 - August 28 - September 4, 2021 - Rome, Italy
The GASS will be a hybrid meeting, with provision for both on-site and online participation and presentations. about the meeting.
3rd URSI - Atlantic Radio Science Meeting - May 2022
Radio Astronomy from the Moon Enabled by NASA Commercial Lunar Payload Services Landers -Jack O. Burns, University of Colorado at Boulder; Robert MacDowall, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; and William Farrell, University of California at Berkeley -
Due to file type and file size limitations, embedded videos have been removed from presentations in order to provide them in a PDF format.
August 2-4, 2017 - Berkeley, California US
See full. NESS presentation below.
- Low Frequency Radio Astronomy from Space invited talk. August 3, 2017 – Jack Burns.Download talk(PDF file) (7MB).