Congratulations to all of our BA, BA/MA, MA, MS(CLASIC) and PhD graduates of Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Summer 2024!

Norielle a Dracula

Norielle Adricula

PhD in Linguistics & Cognitive Science
Thank you to my family, friends, and significant other for their love and support which helped see me through this journey. Many thanks to Bhuvana, my advisor, who helped me put my chaotic thoughts down on paper, put up with my shenanigans, and got me through this process. Couldn't have done it without all of you! Dissertation: Examining the role of inherent and derived prominence in Tagalog voice and word...
thomas beatty

Thomas Beatty

BA in Linguistics & Spanish
buff sunset

Fitzhugh Bethea IV

BA Linguistics; Minors in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Environmental Design & Geography

Tiffany Marina Blanchet

MA in Linguistics
I want to thank my girlfriend, faculty (special mention to Dr. Palmer), and friends! Graduating from CU Boulder with my MA was only possible with you at my side.

Matt Buchholz

james cameron

Peyton Cameron

MA in Linguistics • Human Language Technology Certificate
I would like to thank my family and friends for their support throughout this program. Thesis: An Analysis of the Phonological Loanword Processes of English Technological Words into French
harrison craven

Harrison Craven

BA in Linguistics & Spanish
Thank you to my family, my friends, and to CU Boulder for helping me through my scholarly endeavors. With my degree, I hope to pursue a career in Language Education and eventually develop new language learning technologies and software.

Francesca D'Ambrosio

BA in Linguistics (TESOL track) & Italian
mackenzie daughtery

Makenzie Daugherty

BA in Linguistics; Minor in Chinese
Thank you to my family for all your love and support! I love you. My favorite quote is “Kindess is never wasted,” and my favorite memory is taking a whole cosmos pizza home from a LING event I didn’t go to! My future plans are hopefully naval aviation. Fly navy!
jared desjardins

Jared Desjardins

PhD in Linguistics
Dissertation: Morphophonemics of Classical Latin

Creola Hertha Neva Djarlo

MA in Linguistics • CLASP Certificate
"Working so hard every night and day. And now we get the pay back" - Gwen Stefani, Luxurious

Regan Donofrio

BA in Linguistics (TESOL track) • LURA recipient
kate foreverson

Kate Everson

MA in Linguistics
I will be working as a Rhetoric and Composition lecturer for the 24-25 academic year before continuing on to my PhD. Thesis: Assessing the Correlation Between Linguistic Richness Concentration and Assigned Grade Level of Secondary Ed. English Language Arts Texts
buff sunset

Jack Foster

BA in Linguistics (TESOL track) & Anthropology; Minors in Spanish & Italian

Sijia Ge

路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 ------ 屈原 《楚辞·离骚》 "Long, long is my road, and far, far is the journey; high and low, up and down, I'll search with will." (Qu Yuan, "Chuci ·Lisao" ("The Lament"))
rube goldberg

Ruth Goldenberg

BA in Linguistics & SLHS • Dean’s List Spring 2021-Spring 2023; ACHA Academic All-Athletic Recipient 2022-2024

Jacquelyn C. Haller

MA in Linguistics
alen howard

Alden Harrell

MA in Linguistics • Human Language Technology Certificate
I plan on getting a data linguist/language engineer job and staying in Colorado. I'm looking forward to what the future holds for my Linguistics degree!

Katie Hennesy

BA in Linguistics, SLHS & Spanish
buff sunset

Jessica Presso Hysert

BA in Linguistics

Em Jessee

MA in Linguistics • CLASP Certificate
Thesis: The Cisgender Listening Subject in Sibilant Perception
buff sunset

Morgan Jones

BA in Linguistics & SLHS; Minor in Spanish
a kn

Anushri Kartik-Narayan

MA in Linguistics • Interdisciplinary Graduate Training Program in Cognitive Science; Human Language Technology Certificate; Certificate in College Teaching; Research Data Bootcamp Microcredential
Thank you to all the friends and mentors I've met here! I owe my amazing time here to you! Thesis: Testing a Place-of-Articulation Double Phoneme Boundary in English-Tamil Bilinguals
velda khoo

Velda Khoo

PhD in Linguistics • CLASP Certificate
My love and appreciation go to everyone who has been a part of my life here at CU Linguistics: professors, family, friends, and colleagues, who have accompanied me through the ups and downs of this challenging but amazing journey. Dissertation: Modeling Singlish: Authentic Hybridity in a Model Nation

Karina Kilburn

BA in Linguistics; Minor in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
"The road to success is always under construction" - Lily Tomlin

Sonja Matison

BA in Linguistics (TESOL track); Minor in Korean
"Every life is in many days, day after day. We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love, but always meeting ourselves." -James Joyce
frat boi

David McKean

BA in Linguistics
Thanks mom and dad!
sophia njjar

Sophia Najjar

BA in Linguistics, with Distinction
After so much sacrifice, I’m the first person in my family to graduate college! Linguistics has opened my eyes to people around me, and how much more I have left to learn from others. I leave this institution an eternal student with my arms extended towards the person I will become.
ayden parish

Ayden Parish

PhD in Linguistics • CLASP Certificate
Thanks to everyone who got me here! Dissertation: Hearing Voices as Atypical Social Agents
buff sunset

Clara Paternostro

BA in Linguistics & Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies

Ella Pflipsen

MA in Linguistics • CLASP Certificate; TESOL Certificate
“The road to success is always under construction.” —Lily Tomlin Despite the detours, we're finally here. To the friends and family who urged me to stay patient and persistent, I sincerely thank you. Your support and encouragement has meant the world to me. I hope to empower others to pursue their goals just as you've done for me.

Gina Pitts

BA in Linguistics (TESOL track) • LURA recipient

Ava Rehbeck

BA in Linguistics (TESOL track) & Spanish • LURA recipient
"I dream it, I work hard, I grind 'til I own it." - Beyonce Future plans: Working with Teach For America in Minneapolis as a K-6 TESOL professional. I would like to acknowledge Professor Rai Farrelly as a major influence in my passion for and career in linguistics. Thank you to my wonderful family and friends for supporting me along this journey.

Emily Reynolds

MA in Linguistics • CLASP Certificate
It's bittersweet to leave CU after five eventful years, and I'm grateful for the knowledge I've received (and created!) in collaboration with so many brilliant thinkers and learners here. Thank you also to my friends, boyfriend, and family for encouraging me to work hard and take breaks, especially in this last year. I'm changed for the better because of my time in the Linguistics program at CU, and I look...

Katie Sanchez

BA in Linguistics & Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
I am excited to step into the professional world after graduating from CU. I had a fantastic time during my undergrad and can't wait to use the knowledge I have accumulated in my studies to further my success in academic and professional settings.
buff sunset

Sean Scanlon

BA in Linguistics; Minors in International Affairs & Political Science

Alyssa Strickler

PhD in Linguistics
Thank you to my family, Cameron, and Rebecca for all of your support during this process--I couldn't have done it without any of you, and I appreciate you all celebrating this accomplishment with me. Dissertation: Synchronic Sound Change as a Unique Look at Representation in /a?/ Raising in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Forest Ophelia Stuart

MA in Linguistics • CLASP Certificate
"Without community, there is no liberation, only the most vulnerable and temporary armistice between an individual and her oppression" - Audre Lorde Thesis: “I THINK I’M FUNNIEST WHEN I’M MY MOST AUTISTIC”: TRANS AUTISTIC ABSURDITY IN INTRACOMMUNITY HUMOROUS INTERACTION
shay sullivan

Shay Sullivan

MA in Linguistics • CLASP Certificate
I will be pursuing a PhD in Linguistics at the University of Arizona in the fall, focusing on Indigenous language revitalization and maintenance. I would like to thank my family and friends for their support and guidance: my mother & my grandparents for their unconditional love and support, my sister Jasmin, and my best friend Sani'a (Suh-ni-uh). My accomplishments would not be a reality if it were not for the...

Robin Shea Walker

BA in Linguistics (SAIL track) & Japanese
an yoshinaga

An Yoshinaga

MA in Linguistics
I’d like to thank the brilliant LING and ALC faculty, my friends and my family for their support. I plan to continue teaching Japanese in the United States. This has been the best two years of my life!