Past Event
- Leadership: Centering Relationships and Building Trust In collaboration with the Weave Project and The Aspen Institute, the Center for Leadership is pleased to be hosting David Brooks as the 2021 Leo Hill Leadership Speaker Series marquee
- This quarterly meeting of the Center for Leadership Affiliates and any interested campus parties will discuss the first several month's of ve the Center's official operation. Please email for the meeting passcode.
- Join CFL Seed Grant recipient, Dr. Peter Huang, for a talk based on Put More Women in Charge and Other Leadership Lessons from COVID-19, 15(3) Florida International University Law Review forthcoming (spring 2021) and cited at
- Funded by the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program at CU Boulder’s Leeds School of Business and CU Law, you are invited to attend a discussion on Intentional Integrity by Rob Chesnut, Chief Ethics Officer at Airbnb. Leeds and CU Law are
- Date: Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020 Time: Noon-1:30 p.m. MDT Location: Virtual The annual John Paul Stevens Lecture brings a distinguished jurist to Colorado Law to discuss judging and the state of the judiciary. Former United States Associate Justice
- Next Monday, Shellye Archambeau will be hosting two zoom calls - one targeted at Diverse students and the other females. Shellye is a diverse leader in the tech space in Silicon Valley and just published a book called Unapologetically Ambitious. She