Past Event
- Education Abroad's Fall Fair is Thursday, September 5th from 11 am - 2 pm outside in the UMC Fountain Arcade! Go abroad and get credit, use your financial aid, and build your résumé. Learn how to have the adventure of a lifetime & grab
- The Conference on World Affairs, in partnership with the Center for Leadership, presents the Leo Hill Leadership Speaker Series with Rose Marcario. April 13, 2023 at 5:30pm in Macky Auditorium. Rose Marcario, former Patagonia CEO, will join
- The Center for Leadership and the Leo Hill Leadership Speaker Series are pleased to welcome Molly Bloom to campus. Join us on February 27, 2023 at 7:30pm in Macky Auditorium for a talk by the CU Boulder alumna. Molly Bloom,
- As a senior professional, your hard skills likely helped you get where you are—but how are your soft skills when it comes to leadership? With important competencies like emotional intelligence, ethics and diversity management, there are many facets
- The Center for Leadership and the Leo Hill Leadership Speaker Series are pleased to welcome General Stanley McChrystal to campus. Join us on February 28, 2022 at 7:30pm in Macky Auditorium on CU Boulder's campus for a talk by the retired
- Register Here What: Leadership in Law Panel Discussion When: Friday, November 5, 2021 from 9:00a-10:30a Where: Wittemyer Courtroom in the Wolf Law Building Who: Students, Faculty, and Staff at CU Boulder Join
- Center for Leadership Adventure Weekend October 22-24 Join us for an Adventure Weekend just outside of Nederland, CO at Stapp Lake. The theme of this weekend is Emotional Quotient. Participants will challenge themselves to step outside of their
- Join us for the Boulder-CU Leadership Program Kickoff Event at the Museum of Boulder (2205 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302) on September 29, 2021 at 6pm. This event is for any mentors/mentees participating in the September to April iteration of BCLP.
- This quarterly meeting of the Center for Leadership Affiliates and any interested campus parties. Agenda will include but is not limited to: Center Updates Affiliate Funding Research Seed Grants Student Opportunities Upcoming Events Please
- Join us for the Boulder-CU Leadership Program Kickoff Event at the Museum of Boulder (2205 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302) on September 1, 2021 at 6pm. This event is for any mentors/mentees participating in the August to December iteration of BCLP.