Zachary New ('19) Wins Yale Law Journal’s Immigration-Focused Student Essay Competition
ճYale Law Journalannounced this month that Zachary New ('19) is one of two winners of its annual student essay competition, focused this year on emerging issues in immigration law.The winning essays by New and the University of Miami’s Elizabeth Montana will be published in theYale Law Journal Forumin early 2020.
New’s essay, Ending Citizenship for Service in Forever War, analyzes the recent policies that are causing a decline in U.S. citizenship for service, a tradition dating back to the Revolutionary War in which noncitizens earn their citizenship after serving in the U.S. military.
New works at the Denver office of Joseph & Hall, P.C., where he focuses on corporate immigration and federal litigation.
While at Colorado Law, New was a founding member and president of the Immigration Law and Policy Society, through which he worked to bring immigration issues and advocacy opportunities to the newest generation of lawyers. He spent a year volunteering for the Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network and frequently visited Denver’s local ICE detention center to assist detained individuals. New simultaneously worked out of Colorado Law’s Criminal/Immigration Defense Clinic to give free representation to individuals in ICE custody.
Together with Associate Professor and Director of Colorado Law’s Immigration and Citizenship Program Ming H. Chen, New coauthored an article, “,” which was published this year in the Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal.
New has worked on the representation of clients at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO), the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), and various Federal courts,both at the district court and appellate levels.