Publications (2001-2010)


69. Doudevski, I.; Schwartz, D. K., Concentration dependence of self-assembled monolayer island nucleation and growth. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2001,123 (28), 6867-6872. .

70. Doudevski, I.; Schwartz, D. K., Self-assembled monolayers in the context of epitaxial film growth. Applied Surface Science 2001,175, 17-26. .

71. Enmon, R. M.; O'Connor, K. C.; Lacks, D. J.; Schwartz, D. K.; Dotson, R. S., Dynamics of spheroid self-assembly in liquid-overlay culture of DU 145 human prostate cancer cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2001,72 (6), 579-591. .

72. Enmon, R. M.; O'Connor, K. C.; Lacks, D. J.; Schwartz, D. K.; Dotson, R. S., Population dynamics of spheroid self-assembly of prostate cancer cells. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology Animal 2001,37 (3 Part 2), 29.A-29.A">Link to publisher.

73. Ignes-Mullol, J.; Schwartz, D. K., Molecular orientation in Langmuir monolayers under shear. Langmuir 2001,17 (10), 3017-3029. .

74. Ignes-Mullol, J.; Schwartz, D. K., Shear-induced molecular precession in a hexatic Langmuir monolayer. Nature 2001,410 (6826), 348-351. .

75. Ivanova, A. T.; Ignes-Mullol, J.; Schwartz, D. K., Microrheology of a sheared Langmuir monolayer: Elastic recovery and interdomain slippage. Langmuir 2001,17 (11), 3406-3411. .

76. Messerschmidt, C.; Schwartz, D. K., Growth mechanisms of octadecylphosphonic acid self-assembled monolayers on sapphire (corundum): Evidence for a quasi-equilibrium triple point. Langmuir 2001,17 (2), 462-467. .

77. Schwartz, D. K., Mechanisms and kinetics of self-assembled monolayer formation. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 2001,52, 107-137. .

78. Simmons, B. A.; Taylor, C. E.; Landis, F. A.; John, V. T.; McPherson, G. L.; Schwartz, D. K.; Moore, R., Microstructure determination of AOT plus phenol organogels utilizing small-angle X-ray scattering and atomic force microscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2001,123 (10), 2414-2421. .

79. Takamoto, D. Y.; Aydil, E.; Zasadzinski, J. A.; Ivanova, A. T.; Schwartz, D. K.; Yang, T. L.; Cremer, P. S., Stable ordering in Langmuir-Blodgett films. Science 2001,293 (5533), 1292-1295. .

80. Ding, J. Q.; Warriner, H. E.; Zasadzinski, J. A.; Schwartz, D. K., Magnetic needle viscometer for Langmuir monolayers. Langmuir 2002,18 (7), 2800-2806. .

81. Enmon, R. M.; O'Connor, K. C.; Song, H.; Lacks, D. J.; Schwartz, D. K., Aggregation kinetics of well and poorly differentiated human prostate cancer cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2002,80 (5), 580-588. .

82. Ocko, B. M.; Kelley, M. S.; Nikova, A. T.; Schwartz, D. K., Structure and phase behavior of mixed monolayers of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Langmuir 2002,18 (25), 9810-9815. .

83. Simmons, B.; Li, S. C.; John, V. T.; McPherson, G. L.; Taylor, C.; Schwartz, D. K.; Maskos, K., Spatial compartmentalization of nanoparticles into strands of a self-assembled organogel. Nano Letters 2002,2 (10), 1037-1042. .

84. Bantchev, G. B.; Schwartz, D. K., Surface shear rheology of beta-casein layers at the air/solution interface: Formation of a two-dimensional physical gel. Langmuir 2003,19 (7), 2673-2682. .

85. Taylor, C. E.; Schwartz, D. K., Octadecanoic acid self-assembled monolayer growth at sapphire surfaces. Langmuir 2003,19 (7), 2665-2672. .

86. Bantchev, G. B.; Schwartz, D. K., Structure of beta-casein layers at the air/solution interface: Atomic force microscopy studies of transferred layers. Langmuir 2004,20 (26), 11692-11697. .

87. Mellott, J. M.; Hayes, W. A.; Schwartz, D. K., Kinetics of octadecyltrimethylammonium bromide self-assembled monolayer growth at mica from an aqueous solution. Langmuir 2004,20 (6), 2341-2348. .

88. Mellott, J. M.; Schwartz, D. K., Supercritical self-assembled monolayer growth. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004,126 (30), 9369-9373. .

89. Walba, D. M.; Liberko, C. A.; Korblova, E.; Farrow, M.; Furtak, T. E.; Chow, B. C.; Schwartz, D. K.; Freeman, A. S.; Douglas, K.; Williams, S. D.; Klittnick, A. F.; Clark, N. A., Self-assembled monolayers for liquid crystal alignment: simple preparation on glass using alkyltrialkoxysilanes. Liquid Crystals 2004,31 (4), 481-489. .

90. Nelson, M.; Cain, N.; Taylor, C. E.; Ocko, B. M.; Gin, D. L.; Hammond, S. R.; Schwartz, D. K., Periodic arrays of interfacial cylindrical reverse micelles. Langmuir 2005,21 (22), 9799-9802. .

91. Vessely, C. R.; Carpenter, J. F.; Schwartz, D. K., Calcium-induced changes to the molecular conformation and aggregate structure of beta-casein at the air-water interface. Biomacromolecules 2005,6 (6), 3334-3344. .

92. Price, A. D.; Schwartz, D. K., Anchoring of a nematic liquid crystal on a wettability gradient. Langmuir 2006,22 (23), 9753-9759. .

93. Cain, N.; Van Bogaert, J.; Gin, D. L.; Hammond, S. R.; Schwartz, D. K., Self-organization of a wedge-shaped surfactant in monolayers and multilayers. Langmuir 2007,23 (2), 482-487. .

94. Forward, K. M.; Moster, A. L.; Schwartz, D. K.; Lacks, D. J., Contact angles of submillimeter particles: Connecting wettability to nanoscale surface topography. Langmuir 2007,23 (10), 5255-5258. .

95. Karp, E.; Pecinovsky, C. S.; McNevin, M. J.; Gin, D. L.; Schwartz, D. K., Langmuir monolayers of a photoisomerizable macrocycle surfactant. Langmuir 2007,23 (15), 7923-7927. .

96. Price, A. D.; Schwartz, D. K., Fatty-acid monolayers at the nematic/water interface: Phases and liquid-crystal alignment. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2007,111 (5), 1007-1015. .

97. Trabelsi, S.; Zhang, S.; Lee, T. R.; Schwartz, D. K., Swelling of a cluster phase in Langmuir monolayers containing semi-fluorinated phosphonic acids. Soft Matter 2007,3 (12), 1518-1524. .

98. Honciuc, A.; Harant, A. W.; Schwartz, D. K., Single-molecule observations of surfactant diffusion at the solution-solid interface. Langmuir 2008,24 (13), 6562-6566. .

99. Malone, S. M.; Schwartz, D. K., Polar and azimuthal alignment of a nematic liquid crystal by alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers: Effects of chain-length and mechanical rubbing. Langmuir 2008,24 (17), 9790-9794. .

100. Price, A. D.; Schwartz, D. K., DNA hybridization-induced reorientation of liquid crystal anchoring at the nematic liquid crystal/aqueous interface. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008,130 (26), 8188-8194. .

101. Trabelsi, S.; Zhang, S.; Lee, T. R.; Schwartz, D. K., Linactants: Surfactant analogues in two dimensions. Physical Review Letters 2008,100 (3). .

102. Zhang, S.; Jamison, A. C.; Schwartz, D. K.; Lee, T. R., Self-assembled monolayers derived from a double-chained monothiol having chemically dissimilar chains. Langmuir 2008,24 (18), 10204-10208. .

103. Honciuc, A.; Baptiste, D. J.; Campbell, I. P.; Schwartz, D. K., Solvent Dependence of the Activation Energy of Attachment Determined by Single Molecule Observations of Surfactant Adsorption. Langmuir 2009,25 (13), 7389-7392. .

104. Honciuc, A.; Baptiste, D. J.; Schwartz, D. K., Hydrophobic Interaction Microscopy: Mapping the Solid/Liquid Interface Using Amphiphilic Probe Molecules. Langmuir 2009,25 (8), 4339-4342. .

105. Honciuc, A.; Howard, A. L.; Schwartz, D. K., Single Molecule Observations of Fatty Acid Adsorption at the Silica/Water Interface: Activation Energy of Attachment. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009,113 (6), 2078-2081. .

106. Honciuc, A.; Schwartz, D. K., Probing Hydrophobic Interactions Using Trajectories of Amphiphilic Molecules at a Hydrophobic/Water Interface. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009,131 (16), 5973-5979. .

107. Marshall, S. T.; Schwartz, D. K.; Medlin, J. W., Selective acetylene detection through surface modification of metal-insulator-semiconductor sensors with alkanethiolate monolayers. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2009,136 (2), 315-319. .

108. Price, A. D.; Ignes-Mullol, J.; Vallve, M. A.; Furtak, T. E.; Lo, Y.-A.; Malone, S. M.; Schwartz, D. K., Liquid crystal anchoring transformations induced by phase transitions of a photoisomerizable surfactant at the nematic/aqueous interface. Soft Matter 2009,5 (11), 2252-2260. .

109. Trabelsi, S.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, Z.; Lee, T. R.; Schwartz, D. K., Semi-fluorinated phosphonic acids form stable nanoscale clusters in Langmuir-Blodgett and self-assembled monolayers. Soft Matter 2009,5 (4), 750-758. .

110. Trabelsi, S.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, S.; Lee, T. R.; Schwartz, D. K., Correlating Linactant Efficiency and Self-Assembly: Structural Basis of Line Activity in Molecular Monolayers. Langmuir 2009,25 (14), 8056-8061. .

111. Malone, S. M.; Trabelsi, S.; Zhang, S.; Lee, T. R.; Schwartz, D. K., Self-Assembly of Linactants: Micelles and Lyotropic Liquid Crystals in Two Dimensions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010,114 (26), 8616-8620. .

112. Marshall, S. T.; O'Brien, M.; Oetter, B.; Corpuz, A.; Richards, R. M.; Schwartz, D. K.; Medlin, J. W., Controlled selectivity for palladium catalysts using self-assembled monolayers. Nature Materials 2010,9 (10), 853-858. .

113. Walder, R.; Honciuc, A.; Schwartz, D. K., Directed Nanoparticle Motion on an Interfacial Free Energy Gradient. Langmuir 2010,26 (3), 1501-1503. .

114. Walder, R.; Schwartz, D. K., Single Molecule Observations of Multiple Protein Populations at the Oil-Water Interface. Langmuir 2010,26 (16), 13364-13367. .

115. Walder, R. B.; Honciuc, A.; Schwartz, D. K., Phospholipid Diffusion at the Oil-Water Interface. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010,114 (35), 11484-11488. .
