Chart compares hourly wages of Lyft, Doordash, and Uber drivers to the Denver minimum wage, which is higher than the wages on all the platforms.

New Study Reveals Conditions among Colorado Rideshare Drivers

Nov. 29, 2022

$5.49 per hour. That’s how much, on average, rideshare drivers in the Boulder-Denver Metro area earn, per hour, after accounting for expenses. In contrast, the minimum hourly wage in Denver is as of 2022 is $15.87. Rideshare drivers, unlike minimum wage workers, are independent contractors which means that they are...

Confetti icon

Introducing Crypto Wake, an Archive of Deceased Crypto Projects

Oct. 23, 2022

What be learned from crypto projects that failed in practice but bear important lessons for future designs? Life in the world of blockchains and cryptocurrencies moves quickly. Projects come and go. In markets full of volatility and speculation, success or failure is not always the clearest indicator of the quality...

The Colorado Sun

"Corner to Corner and Wall to Wall": The Colorado Sun 2022 Public Benefit Report

Sept. 6, 2022

We at MEDLab are proud to have had the opportunity to produce the 2022 Public Benefit Report for the Colorado Sun, a pioneering, journalist-owned news organization that is strengthening the information ecosystem statewide. This report helps fulfill the Sun's obligation as a Colorado Public Benefit Corporation, an incorporation structure that...

Preview button on CommunityRule

CommunityRule Refactor Now Online

May 20, 2022

Background Last year, Smart Contract Research Forum provided a grant to CommunityRule, an open-source Web app led by MEDLab at CU Boulder meant to serve as an interface for community governance design. The project was led by Deacon Rodda at SQGLZ , and I have already shared Deacon’s brilliant reflections...

"Friends making a Mandala" by Cinema Tigers, via Stocksy United

Meet the Sacred Stacks Cohort

April 23, 2022

In February, we announced an open call for Sacred Stacks, an invitation to " Bring Decentralized Tools to Your Community ." We were astonished by the response. Around fifty communities applied for only three available slots. Clearly, there is a widespread need and curiosity for support in exploring emerging technologies...

Gitcoin "greenpill" image

Now You Can Support MEDLab with Crypto

March 17, 2022

Everyone seems to have an opinion about blockchains and cryptocurrencies these days; we have lots of them ourselves. Above all, we see these technologies as an open question, where organizational designs of the future are being invented—sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. One Colorado-based blockchain project we have worked with...

"Friends making a Mandala" by Cinema Tigers, via Stocksy United

Open Call: Bring Decentralized Tools to Your Community

Feb. 21, 2022

What are the consequences of relying on tools controlled by someone else? Often those in control are corporations whose values may differ from those of the communities that rely on them. Debates are escalating among artists, activists, and technologists about buzzwords like "decentralization," the "metaverse," and "web3," but can any...

Illustration by Sita Magnuson

Introducing the Exit to Community Collective

Feb. 16, 2022

The Exit to Community Collective (E2CC) is working to further the implementation of Exit to Community (E2C) initiatives—efforts to enable startups and other organizations to evolve toward ownership and control by their closest stakeholders. Since 2019, MEDLab has been advancing the E2C idea , particularly in collaboration with Zebras Unite...

Example CommunityRule module for voting created in Blockly.

Designing Community Governance with Blockly

Feb. 14, 2022

CommunityRule is a Web app we've been building at MEDLab to help communities design, edit, and share their own governance systems. You can think about it as an effort to re-think the idea of bylaws in an Internet-native way. It's something that could be useful for all kinds of virtual...

Screenshot of dashboard for an org in Modpol.

Introducing Modpol, a Game Mod for Governance

Jan. 28, 2022

Modpol is a self-governance toolkit for communities in online worlds. We are creating the first implementation in a multiplayer game called Minetest . Consider a group of friends meeting for a picnic in the park. How do they make decisions, such as where to lay down their blanket, or when...
