Screenshot of CommunityRule

Making the CommunityRule Library Searchable

May 7, 2024

Creating an effective way for users to navigate and utilize an online platform with extensive content can be a challenge, particularly for new users unfamiliar with the site’s structure. This was the case with CommunityRule , our online tool that hosts a growing library of user-created governance designs and existing...

Screenshot of CommunityRule showing login instructions

New in CommunityRule: User Login, Rule Editing, and More

April 3, 2024

CommunityRule is a tool that helps make communities better by providing a central place where people can create and share governance designs for their communities. It offers nine simple templates for setting up community structures. Communities can follow, modify, or even decide not to use these templates. They are meant...

Artwork by Marcos Osorio, via Stocksy

Now We Know: Exit to Community Is Possible

Jan. 3, 2024

Back in 2019, I made a plea: “ Startups Need a New Option: Exit to Community .” In some circles, at least, the argument quickly caught on. This is because, for startup companies, an exit through an acquisition or public offering is the goal that all else points toward. It...

Colorado Sun logo

“Not Just for Those Who Can Pay”: The Colorado Sun 2023 Public Benefit Report

Sept. 29, 2023

We at MEDLab are proud to have had the opportunity to produce the 2023 Public Benefit Report for the Colorado Sun, a pioneering, journalist-owned news organization that is strengthening the information ecosystem statewide. This report helps fulfill the Sun's obligation as a Colorado public benefit corporation, an incorporation structure that...

Photograph of three participants at the Local Tech Ecologies conference speaking together

Recap: Local Tech Ecologies Conference

Aug. 28, 2023

Photo gallery On August 8, 2023, approximately fifty people from across the Rocky Mountain Front Range convened at the University Memorial Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder. They came for “ Local Tech Ecologies ,” a regional conference celebrating technology designed to empower local communities. After MEDLab director...

Apple Park aerial view by Arne Müseler / / CC-BY-SA-3.0 (via Wikimedia Commons)

Special Issue: Afterlives of the Californian Ideology

Aug. 15, 2023

In the International Journal of Communication , MEDLab director Nathan Schneider co-edited a special issue with Andreas Hepp and Anne Schmitz of the University of Bremen. The issue revisits the landmark mid-1990s essay "The Californian Ideology" by Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron, a critique of the political economy then emerging...

Regenerative Business Rising cover

A regenerative policy agenda

March 28, 2023

Together with the Doughnut Economics Action Lab, MEDLab has just released a new resource on policy that could turn community ownership into the new normal in the economy, Regenerative Business Rising: How Policy Can Create an Economy Led by a Different Kind of Company . This tool is for policy-makers,...

Photo of Nathan Schneider by Theo Stroomer

Designing for the Economy of Involvement in Co-ops

March 27, 2023

Imagine a world in which the cooperative movement has won. The old dream of a cooperative commonwealth has arrived. You go about your day from cooperative to cooperative—shopping, working, scrolling on apps, and utilizing infrastructure all under the aegis of economic democracy. What a wonder! What a victory. The revolution...

Cover of the Sacred Stacks zine

Now Available: "Sacred Stacks: The Art of Cyborg Community"

March 22, 2023

During the second half of 2022, MEDLab led seven communities to explore together the needs, ethics, and challenges of emerging decentralized technologies. What began as an errant search for practical tools became an exploration of ritual, relationship, and poetics. This fully illustrated, 80-page zine compiles reflections and learnings from the...

A People's History of Twitter event logo

MEDLab Co-Hosts "A People's History of Twitter"

March 7, 2023

From the event page : ​Thursday, March 16, 9–10:30 AM Pacific, via Zoom ​While Twitter is in crisis, another generation of social media is emerging. But before we decide to stay or go or divide our attention across more platforms, we first need to figure out what we expect –...
