
Journal articles

33.Lininger, K. B., & Lave, R. (2024). River restoration can increase carbon storage but is not yet a suitable basis for carbon credits. BioScience, biae083.

32. *Rees, J. C.,Lininger, K. B., Landis, J. D., & Briles, C. E. (2024). Assessing controls on sedimentation rates and sediment organic carbon accretion in beaver ponds. Science of The Total Environment, 949, 174951.

31.Ockelford, A., Wohl, E., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Comiti, F., Piegay, H., Parsons, D., Darby, S.,…..Lininger, K. B.,….et al., (2024) Working with Wood in Rivers in the Western United States, River Research and Applications.

30. Johaneman, T. M., Lininger, K. B., Schook, D. M., Pitlick, J., & Martin, M. (2023). The Influence of Knickpoint Development and Channel Incision on Riparian Vegetation in Semi-Arid River Corridors. Water Resources Research, 59(10), e2023WR034872.

29. Fogel, C. B., & Lininger, K. B. (2023). Geomorphic complexity influences coarse particulate organic matter transport and storage in headwater streams. Frontiers in Water, 5, 1227167.

28. Hwang, K., Harpold, A., Tague, C., Lowman, L., Boisramé, G., Lininger, K.B., Sullivan, P.L., Manning, A., Graup, L., Litvak, M., Lewis, G., Miller, K., Brooks, P., and Barnard, H. (2023). Seeing the Disturbed Forest for the Trees: Remote Sensing Is Underutilized to Quantify Critical Zone Response to Unprecedented Disturbance. Earth’s Future, 11(8), e2022EF003314.

27. Lininger, K. B., & Hilton, S. (2022). Large Wood in Small Channels: A 20-Year Study of Budgets and Piece Mobility in Two Redwood Streams. Water Resources Research, 58(11), e2022WR033047.

26. *Guiney, M. R., & Lininger, K. B. (2022). Disturbance and valley confinement: Controls on floodplain large wood and organic matter jam deposition in the Colorado Front Range, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47(6), 1371–1389.

25. Lininger, K. B., Rowan, A. V., Livers, B., Kramer, N., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Sendrowski, A., & Burrough, S. (2021). Perspectives on being a field-based geomorphologist during pregnancy and early motherhood. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(14), 2767–2772.

24. Lininger, K. B., Scamardo, J. E., & Guiney*, M. R. (2021). Floodplain Large Wood and Organic Matter Jam Formation After a Large Flood: Investigating the Influence of Floodplain Forest Stand Characteristics and River Corridor Morphology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(6), e2020JF006011.

23. Jensen, A., Fastovich, D., Watson, B. I., Gill, J. L., Jackson, S. T., Russell, J. M., Bevington, J., Hayes, K., Lininger, K. B., Rubbelke, C., Schellinger, G. C., Williams, J. W. (2020). More than one way to kill a spruce forest: The role of fire and climate in the late-glacial termination of spruce woodlands across the southern Great Lakes. Journal of Ecology, 109(1), 459–477.

22. Lininger, K. B., & Polvi, L. E. (2020). Evaluating floodplain organic carbon across a gradient of human alteration in the boreal zone. Geomorphology, 370, 107390.

21. Livers, B., Lininger, K. B., Kramer, N., & Sendrowski, A. (2020). Porosity problems: Comparing and reviewing methods for estimating porosity and volume of wood jams in the field. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(13), 3336–3353.

20. Wohl, E., Lininger, K. B., Rathburn, S. L., & Sutfin, N. A. (2020). How geomorphic context governs the influence of wildfire on floodplain organic carbon in fire‐prone environments of the western United States. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(1), 38-55.

19. Lininger, K. B., Raimondi, J., Kramer, N., Homrighausen, D., & Covich, A. (2019). Comparison of discharge pulses in temperate and tropical rainforest headwater stream networks. Journal of Hydrology, 579, 124236.

18. Wohl, E., Kramer, N., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Scott, D. N., Comiti, F., Gurnell, A. M., Piegay, H., Lininger, K. B., Jaeger, K. L., Walters, D. M., Fausch, K. D. et al. (2019). The Natural Wood Regime in Rivers. BioScience, 69(4), 259–273.

17. Lininger, K. B., Wohl, E., Rose, J. R., & Leisz, S. J. (2019). Significant floodplain soil organic carbon storage along a large high latitude river and its tributaries. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2121–2129.

16. Lininger, K. B., & Wohl, E. (2019). Floodplain dynamics in North American permafrost regions under a warming climate and implications for organic carbon stocks: A review and synthesis. Earth-Science Reviews.

15. Lininger, K. B., Wohl, E., & Rose, J. R. (2018). Geomorphic Controls on Floodplain Soil Organic Carbon in the Yukon Flats, Interior Alaska, From Reach to River Basin Scales. Water Resources Research, (54), 1934–1951.

14. Wohl, E., Lininger, K. B., & Scott, D. N. (2018). River beads as a conceptual framework for building carbon storage and resilience to extreme climate events into river management. Biogeochemistry, 141(3), 365–383.

13. Wohl, E., Scott, D. N., & Lininger, K. B. (2018). Spatial distribution of channel and floodplain large wood in forested river corridors of the Northern Rockies. Water Resources Research, 54, 7879–7892.

12. Lininger, K. B., Wohl, E., Sutfin, N. A., & Rose, J. R. (2017). Floodplain downed wood volumes: a comparison across three biomes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(8), 1248–1261.

11. Wohl, E., Lininger, K. B., & Baron, J. (2017). Land before water: the relative temporal sequence of human alteration of freshwater ecosystems in the conterminous United States. Anthropocene, 18, 27–46.

10. Wohl, E., Hall, R. O., Lininger, K. B., Sutfin, N. A., & Walters, D. M. (2017). Carbon dynamics of river corridors and the effects of human alterations. Ecological Monographs, 87(3), 379–409.

9. Wohl, E., Lininger, K. B., Fox, M., Baillie, B. R., & Erskine, W. D. (2017). Instream large wood loads across bioclimatic regions. Forest Ecology and Management, 404, 370–380.

8. Scott, D. N., Brogan, D. J., Lininger, K. B., Schook, D. M., Daugherty, E. E., Sparacino, M. S., & Patton, A. I. (2016). Evaluating survey instruments and methods in a steep channel. Geomorphology, 273, 236–243.

7. Lininger, K. B., & Latrubesse, E. M. (2016). Flooding hydrology and peak discharge attenuation along the middle Araguaia River in central Brazil. CATENA, 143, 90–101.

6. Lininger, K. B., Records, R., Smull, E., & Wehner, C. (2016). Creating Local Support Networks for Graduate Student Women. Eos, 97.

5. Gill, J. L., Williams, J. W., Jackson, S. T., Lininger, K. B., and Robinson, G. S. (2009). Pleistocene Megafaunal Collapse, Novel Plant Communities, and Enhanced Fire Regimes in North America. Science, 326(5956), 1100–1103.

Peer-reviewed book chapters

4. Wohl, E., & Lininger, K. B. (2022). High-Latitude Rivers and Permafrost. In Treatise on Geomorphology (pp. 926–942). Elsevier.

3. Wohl, E., & Lininger, K. B. (2022). Hydrology and Discharge. In A. Gupta (Ed.), Large Rivers (2nd ed., pp. 42–75). Wiley.

2. Wohl, E., Kramer, N., & Lininger, K. B. (2022). The Yukon and the Mackenzie: Large Arctic Rivers of North America. In A. Gupta (Ed.), Large Rivers (2nd ed., pp. 368–387). Wiley.

1. Diamond, S., Lininger, K. B., and Young, K. R. (2016). La minería de oro en la amazonia peruana desde una perspectiva socio-ecológica (Gold mining in the Peruvian Amazon from a social-ecological perspective). In Naturaleza y Sociedad: Perspectivas socio-ecológicos sobre cambios globales en America Latina (Social-ecological perspectives in Latin America), eds. J. Postigo and K. R. Young. Lima, Peru: Institúto de Estudios Peruanos.