
Upcoming events

See our . Also, some special events are announced on or on the Student Club page.

Regular events

The list below describes some of the regular campus events of interest to Integrative Physiology students and faculty.

  • Integrative Physiology Colloquium - Mondays 12:20-1:10 pm. Research talks by Integrative Physiology faculty and their colleagues from CU and other institutions. Also serves as a course for IPHY graduate students.
  • - Classes and activities for faculty, designed to foster excellence in teaching.
  • - Research talks hosted by the Institute for Behavioral Genetics. Generally on Fridays at 4 pm, but not always the first Friday of the month.
  • - Tuesdays 4-5 pm. Research talks in neuroscience, featuring speakers from Integrative Physiology, Psychology, and other departments from CU and other institutions.
  • IPHY Diversity Events - Bringing together all communities within IPHY to encourage and recognize students, faculty and staff from  underrepresented communities, and to provide them with support and resources.

Recognition ceremony

If you are a graduating IPHY major, please see detailed information about the IPHY recognition ceremony which is hosted by the Department.