Yes on 72 radio advertisement needs context

Oct. 23, 2016

On Tuesday, Colorado residents will vote on Amendment 72, a ballot initiative supporting a $1.75 tax increase on cigarettes and a 22 percent increase of the manufacturer’s list price on tobacco products. The Campaign for a Healthy Colorado , which supports the amendment, recently released a radio ad making various...

The view from the ground

June 23, 2016

Both sides scramble as Brexit vote grows near. London – A huddle of volunteers surrounds Robin Phelps at his table in the Imperial Durbar, a pub located in the middle-class Tooting neighborhood. Phelps, a volunteer coordinator for the “Remain” campaign, directs his charges to neighborhood “sectors,” where they’ll make a...

Thousands rally in London to remember slain MP Jo Cox on what would have been her 42nd birthday

June 23, 2016

London – Thousands gathered in Trafalgar Square Wednesday to remember and pay tribute to Jo Cox, who was assassinated on June 16 while meeting with constituents in Birstall, West Yorkshire. The rally was held in conjunction with other remembrance gatherings around the world on what would have been Cox’s 42nd...

Life in the shadows

May 10, 2016

Stories of domestic violence and sexual assault on undocumented immigrant women tell of a deep-seated problem in the United States. *Author’s note: Italicized portions are based on case studies from victim advocate counselors. Names have been changed to protect the persons involved. Photo: Francesco Scaramella via Flickr Creative Commons Marisa...

Presidential primary candidates on US‑Mexico immigration reform

May 9, 2016

From the wall-rhetoric of Trump to the pro-DREAM Act promises of Clinton and Sanders, finding a "solution" to America's immigration problems has become the hot-button issue in the 2016 race for the White House.

Ethiopians in Colorado

May 9, 2016

Fasting-growing immigrant group in the U.S. has had a large presence in Colorado since the 1970s Stock image This story is told in a few paragraphs, a motion graphic, an audio story and an exhaustive timeline. Enjoy. Colorado is home to a large population of Ethiopian immigrants. Nearly 30,000 live...

Eastern dreams meet Western realities: Portraits of Bangladeshi immigrants

May 9, 2016

More than 277,000 immigrants from Bangladesh live in the United States. That number may grow if the country's 'descent into lawlessness' continues. Stock image In 1974, Kayes Ahmed got on a one-way flight out of Bangladesh to begin an indefinite self-imposed exile from the country he fought to free. All...

Mixed green (cards): Agriculture and immigration’s strained relationship

May 9, 2016

Large cutout paintings dot the landscape of farmland in the Salinas Valley. Photo by Debra Jane Seltzer ( ) In the fertile lands of central California lies the Salinas Valley , where 369,000 acres of land provide the country with $8.1 billion worth of fruits and vegetables annually. Nicknamed...

A Visit from the Neighbors

May 9, 2016

Canadians have a much easier time crossing the border and becoming citizens than Mexicans do. Photo Credit: Peter Dutton via Wikimedia Commons A shout rang out: “I am not a criminal!” A door slams. A man is curled in a ball on the floor. A woman in the audience cries...

Incarcerating the Innocent

May 9, 2016

Call it 'detention' if you'd like, but immigrant advocates say detention centers feel and look more like prison In this investigative audio piece, CU News Corps’ David Cook examines detention centers used to house undocumented U.S. immigrants, like the facility in Aurora, Colorado. While few know of the conditions these...
