- Since 1987 the University Perspective Program has enhanced the knowledge base of the University of Colorado staff.
- Get Up and Move | Active Harmful Events | Home Improvement
- Apply tools, resources and strategies towards creating an inclusion campus environment through Making Excellence Inclusive 101 course.
- Learn how to maximize your energy at work, discover areas of “fit” with your current job or with future career paths which you may be considering.
- The application deadline for the summer 2019 term is Monday, May 20.
- We will bring awareness to this important part of us through guided meditation, and bring it to life giving it its own personality by applying art therapy. You will receive tools to access your power and force, and will be able to take your drawing to stick in your wallet, put on your fridge, or just to see what it looks like.
- Join certified nutrition therapist, Jen Marshall, as she shares 10 tips that will help you maximize your day by starting with an energizing breakfast, beating sugar cravings and managing stress through nutrition.