Dear HR community,
Employee Services has prepared a  guide which outlines the steps associated with entering time and processing payroll for biweekly employees who are on an approved leave of absence under the CU FAMLI leave program. The CU FAMLI leave program launched on January 1, 2024, and is currently available for all eligible employees to apply via their employee portal.  Biweekly employees are eligible for CU FAMLI leave if they meet other eligibility requirements associated with the program.
The first biweekly pay period in which an employee may take CU FAMLI leave runs from 12/24/2023 to 1/6/2024. These employees will receive pay on January 12, 2024. In preparation for this pay period end, Employee Services has asked us to distribute the guide to help prepare our HR community for what they can expect if they have a biweekly employee on an approved CU FAMLI leave starting in January 2024. Employees Services also noted that they are working to identify impacted departments for the first few payrolls to ensure clear instructions are provided to the employee, supervisor, and HR contact.
We hope this information is helpful and we look forward to providing more information about CU FAMLI time entry and payroll processing as we move into the new year. If you have any questions about this guide, please email
CU Boulder HR