Why contact your department first? Your department should be your first contact because they'll set the guidelines and requirements for their honors students. Some departments require students to apply to pursue honors in the department (and be accepted) before the honors project can begin.Ìý There is also the option of writing a more interdisciplinary thesis that is not tied to your major, called a General Honors thesis.Ìý Students considering a General Honors thesis project should start here.

What is the Honors Council? The Honors Council is a body of faculty made up of representatives from each Honors Program-participating department within the College of Arts and Sciences. Honors Council representatives, on behalf of their departments, set departmental requirements for honors theses, including thesis format, research methods, and thesis class requirements. Students should always start by contacting the Honors Council representative(s) for their major. The Honors Council meets in April and November to award honors designations, first in divisional subcommittees and then as a full council.

Honors Council Representatives

(Departments: Need to update your representatives on this list? Email honors@colorado.edu.)

Department Honors Council Representative Email

Steven LeighÌý
Biological Anthropology



Alison Cool
Cultural Anthropology

Ìý Douglas Bamforth
Applied Math Anne Dougherty anne.dougherty@colorado.edu
Art and Art History Marina Kassianidou
Art Practices


Ìý Robert Nauman
Art History
Katherine Alexander katherine.alexander@colorado.edu
Asian Studies Lauren Collins lauren.collins@colorado.edu
Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences Mark Rast mark.rast@lasp.colorado.edu
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Derek Brown derek.brown@colorado.edu
Biochemistry Jeffrey Cameron
(on sabbatical AY23-24)
Ìý Halil Aydin halil.aydin@colorado.edu
Chemistry Veronica Vaida veronica.vaida@colorado.edu
Cinema Studies and Moving Image Arts Melinda Barlow melinda.barlow@colorado.edu
Classics Sarah James Sarah.A.James@colorado.edu
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Barbara Demmig-Adams barbara.demmig-adams@colorado.edu
Ìý Pieter Johnson pieter.johnson@colorado.edu
Economics Brian Cadena brian.cadena@colorado.edu
Ìý Terra McKinnish terra.mckinnish@colorado.edu
English Jeffrey DeShell
Creative WritingÌý
Ìý Laura Winkiel
English Literature
Ìý Nan Goodman
English Literature
Environmental Studies Pete Newton peter.newton@colorado.edu
Ìý Zia Mehrabi zia.mehrabi@colorado.edu
Ìý Ben Hale bhale@colorado.edu
Ethnic Studies Nishant Upadhyay nishant.upadhyay@colorado.edu
French and Italian Cosetta Seno cosetta.seno@colorado.edu
Geography Bill Travis william.travis@colorado.edu
Ìý Taneesha Mohan Taneesha.Mohan@colorado.edu
Geological Sciences Brian Hynek Brian.Hynek@lasp.colorado.edu
Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures Helmut Muller-Sievers helmut.muller-sievers@colorado.edu
History John Willis John.Willis@colorado.edu
Humanities Annjeanette Wiese annjeanette.wiese@colorado.edu
Integrative Physiology Mark Opp mark.opp@colorado.edu
Ìý Tammy Maldonado tammy.maldonado@colorado.edu
Ìý Alena Grabowski alena.grabowski@colorado.edu
International Affairs Robert Wyrod Robert.Wyrod@colorado.edu
Jewish Studies Sam Boyd samuel.boyd@colorado.edu
Linguistics Jeremy Calder jeremy.calder@colorado.edu
Mathematics Nathaniel Thiem nathaniel.thiem@colorado.edu
Ìý Magdalena Czubak magda.czubak@colorado.edu
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Christy Fillman christy.fillman@colorado.edu
Ìý Brian DeDecker dedecker@colorado.edu
Ìý Kristin Moore kristin.a.moore@colorado.edu
Ìý Soyeon Park Soyeon.Park-1@colorado.edu
Ìý Cheryl Pinzone Cheryl.Pinzone@colorado.edu
Ìý Ravinder Singh Ravinder.Singh@colorado.edu
Philosophy Brian Talbot btalbot@colorado.edu
Physics Michael Ritzwoller michael.ritzwoller@colorado.edu
Ìý John Cumalat john.p.cumalat@colorado.edu
Ìý Paul Beale paul.beale@colorado.edu
Ìý Jun Ye jun.ye@colorado.edu
Ìý Tobin Munsat tobin.munsat@colorado.edu
Political Science Kenneth Bickers kenneth.bickers@colorado.edu
Ìý Jennifer Fitzgerald jennifer.fitzgerald@colorado.edu
Psychology and Neuroscience Eliana Colunga eliana.colunga@colorado.edu
Ìý Michael Baratta Michael.Baratta@Colorado.edu
Ìý For additional readers: /psych-neuro/undergraduates/honors-program
Religious Studies Deborah Whitehead deborah.whitehead@colorado.edu
Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Kathryn Arehart kathryn.arehart@colorado.edu
Sociology Amanda Stewart Amanda.Stewart-1@colorado.edu
Spanish and Portuguese Javier Rivas Rodriguez jose.rivas-rodriguez@colorado.edu
Theatre and Dance Chip Persons chip.persons@colorado.edu
Ìý Anya Cloud anya.cloud@colorado.edu
Women and Gender Studies Lorraine Bayard de Volo lbdv@colorado.edu
Ìý Ìý Ìý
General Honors Alison Hatch alison.hatch@colorado.edu
Ìý Kate Fischer fischerk@colorado.edu
Ìý Abby Hickcox abby.hickcox@colorado.edu
Ìý Jennifer Schwartz jennifer.schwartz@colorado.edu
Ìý Steve Dike steven.dike@colorado.edu
Ìý Rob Buchwald robert.buchwald@colorado.edu

