Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Thank you for choosing Medical Services and Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) for your health care. You or your legal representative have entered into a cooperative partnership with our health care providers and staff. As you interact with each other in the partnership, there are rights that you have and responsibilities for you to fulfill.

You have the right to:

  • Receive considerate, respectful, age-appropriate and private care in accordance with your needs that maintains your dignity and incorporates your values and beliefs
  • Receive complete information about your diagnosis, treatment options and alternatives, risks and prognosis that is communicated in a format that is understandable
  • Make choices and participate in decisions regarding your treatment plan and enrollment in research or experimental programs
  • Change providers if other qualified providers are available
  • Know the name and professional status of those with whom you interact
  • Expect effective communication that maintains confidentiality
  • Withdraw consent for treatment except as provided by law
  • Expect reasonable coordination of care between providers, as well as for referrals outside the facility
  • Expect confidentiality of your medical record and billing information to the extent provided by law
  • Access your medical record for review
  • Expect a safe and secure environment for yourself and your property while receiving care that is free from neglect or physical abuse
  • Request an estimate of charges prior to receiving non-emergent care
  • Request an explanation of all billing charges, payment policies and billing procedures
  • Expect a timely resolution of your health care and/or billing concerns
  • Receive disclosure as to whether referrals are to entities in which Medical Services or CAPS has a financial interest
  • Submit a complaint, concern or feedback regarding care or service without fear of reprisal or discrimination by speaking directly with a staff member or calling 303-492-5101. A complaint may be filed with the Department of Regulatory Agencies at 303-894-7855

You have the responsibility to:

  • Show respect to your provider and all staff with whom you interact as well as other patients
  • Provide accurate and complete health information to the best of your ability about your health, any medications taken, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements, and any allergies or sensitivities.
  • Inform your provider about any living will, medical power of attorney or other directive that could affect your care
  • Ask questions about anything not understood
  • Report promptly to your provider any worsening conditions or any unexpected reaction to a medication 
  • Participate with your provider in deciding on your plan of care and then follow that plan
  • Accept the consequences for refusing treatment or for not following the treatment plan
  • Provide a responsible adult to transport you home and remain with you, if required by your provider
  • Use prescriptions given to you only for yourself
  • Know what your insurance or health plan covers
  • Pay bills promptly
  • Keep appointments and, when necessary, follow the cancellation policy
  •   1900 Wardenburg Drive 119 UCB Boulder, CO 80309
  •   303-492-5101