Our Fall 2024 colloquium series will be held in a hybrid mode - most presenters will present in-person in BESC 380, but their presentations will also be streamed live over Zoom and recorded for later viewing; some presenters will present virtually over Zoom. Each week's colloquium announcement will include information on how it can be viewed.

*New colloquium time for fall, is Wednesdays, 12:30pm – 1:30pm in Benson 380

GEOL has partnered with ATOC, INSTAAR, and Geography to host the Joint Earth Seminar Series (JESS)! JESS seminars will be held monthly and are designed to survey broad topics that extend across a variety of earth system science disciplines. Note that the times of JESS seminars will vary from those typically associated with standard GEOL colloquia.

If you would like to suggest a future colloquium speaker, please fill out this form: