
CU Boulder and views of the Flatirons

  • October 2018. Prof. Rosario will be recruiting new students to join his group for the 2019-2020 academic year. Specifically, students interested in environmental photochemistry and DOM characterization are encouraged to apply.
  • September 2018. Prof. Rosario's work on water quality in Puerto Rico has been featured in a NPR story (/ceae/2018/09/26/professor-rosario-ortiz-research-featured-npr). In addition, the work on the impact of wildfires on water quality has been featured in several news stories at the local and national level. For more information, follow this link: /even/2018/06/21/even-prof-rosario-ortiz-how-wildfires-contaminate-drinking-water-sources.
  • September 2018. A post-doc position is available in the group. The position will focus on fluorescence of DOM. If interested, email me at
  • August 2018. Two new NSF projects were awarded to Prof. Rosario. The first project focuses on the assessment of the fluorecsence of dissolved organic matter, with the ultimate goal of better understanding the chemical structures responsible for the observed steady-state fluorescence. The second project focuses on the formation of hydroxyl radical from DOM.
  • May 2016. A post-doc position is available in the group. The position will focus on environmental photochemistry. If interested, email me at
  • February 2016. Prof. Rosario was interviewed for the Science podcast, published on February 26th. Listen to the interview on the Science Magazine Podcast.
  • February 2016. A new perspective, developed by Prof. Rosario and co-authors Profs. Jerry Schnoor, Joan Rose, Urs von Gunten and Vanessa Speight, was published in Science magazine. The article is entitled “How do you like your tap water?”.
  • February 2016. Prof. Rosario and co-workers Drs. Julie Korak, Dr. Robert Young and Prof. Thomas Borch were awarded a new US NSF grant to examine wildfires and DBPs.
  • August 2015. Prof. Rosario will be on sabbatical through June 2016 at ETH and EAWAG in Switzerland.
  • May 2015. Simon Mostafa and Caitlin Glover successfully defended their PhD dissertations. Congratulations and good luck to both in their future endeavors.
  • January 2015. Dr. Rosario received National Science Foundation CAREER award to continue the work examining the environmental photochemistry of effluent organic matter (EfOM). The 5-year, $500,000 award will support future work on more detailed aspects of the photochemistry and photo physics of EfOM.
  • November 2014. Dr. Rosario received the Excellence in Review Award from the journal .
  • November 2014. Dr. Rosario received the 2014 Water Science and Research Division volunteer award from the American Water Works Association. The award was presented at the 2014 Water Quality and Technology Conference in New Orleans.
  • November 2014. A new ACS Symposium Series book, edited by Fernando Rosario-Ortiz, is now available. The book entitled “” is available from the ACS.
  • August 2014. Dr. Rosario received the College of Engineering and Applied Science Dean’s award for Professional Progress.
  • August 2014. The group was awarded a new project, sponsored by the Water Research Foundation, focusing on the impact of wildfires on water quality. The team will work with utilities across the US, including San Francisco, New York and Colorado.
  • August 2014. Dr. Rosario, together with colleagues from UCLA and the University of Wisconsin, organized and presided over a session at the ACS meeting in San Francisco. The session focused on humic substances. We will have another session at the ACS meeting in Denver focusing on analytical methods for the study of NOM.
  • Summer 2014. The group participated in a very successful summer program in collaboration with the University of Sheffield in the UK. Three of the environmental engineering grade students at Boulder spent the summer in Sheffield. We also had two students from Sheffield visiting. The students worked on projects related to clean water, including filtration, disinfection byproducts and photochemistry.
  • July 2014. A new book, focusing on DOM and edited by Dr. Rosario, was just published.  The book entitled “Advanced in the Physicochemical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter: Impact on Natural and Engineered Systems, was published as part of the ACS Symposium Series. For more information, visit the following .
  • April 2014. Julie Korak successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations to Julie!
  • April 2013. The session on NOM at the spring meeting of the ACS was held. Over 60 participants, including 37 oral presentations and 8 poster presentations.
  • April 2013. Eric Wert successfully defensed his PhD thesis. Congratulations to Eric!
  • April 2013. Stephanie Kover successfully defended her MS thesis. Congratulations to Stephanie.
  • April 2013. Dr. Rosario serves as the first guest editor of the Journal of the American Water Works Association. The issue focuses on NOM issues in impacted watersheds.
  • February 2013. Dr. Rosario has been funded by the CDPHE to continue work on the impact of forest fires on water quality. The work, done in collaboration with Dr. Scott Summers and Dr. Jeff Writter from Boulder, will focus on assessing the impact of spring runoff on NOM reactivity and treatability.
  • January 2013. Prof. Rosario and Mike Thurman will be presiding over a session focused on NOM research at the upcoming ACS meeting in New Orleans. The session is entitled “Physicochemical Characterization of Organic Matter: Past, Present, Future, and Role in the Environment”.  This session will include keynote speeches from several important researchers in the area of NOM, including Dr. George Aiken (USGS), Dr. Mel Suffet (UCLA, Dr. Diane McKnight (Boulder), Dr. Neil Blough (UM) and Dr. Mark Benjamin (UW). The sessions will be held April 9-11th.
  • January 2013. The AWWA Organic Contaminant Research Committee (Chaired by Prof. Rosario) will host a workshop at the upcoming AWWA Annual Conference in Denver focusing on NOM in watersheds. The workshop will focus on different themes including impact of forest fires on NOM, effects of climate change, on-line monitoring of NOM and treatability. The workshop was held on June 9, 2013.
  • January 2013. Profs. Michael Dodd and Fernando Rosario will be chairing a session entitled “Redox transformations of waterborne pollutants for water resources sustainability” at the upcoming AEESP meeting in Golden, July 22-22, 2013. Submissions are encouraged. The deadline for submission is February 15 for oral presentations and March 15th for poster presentations.