The lab is fully equipped for design, fabrication, and testing of hybrid microwave circuits, antennas, as well as GaAs and GaN MMICs. Test and measurement capabilities extend from UHF through the millimeter range up to W-band and G-band. Instrumentation includes network analyzers, sweepers, spectrum analyzers, anechoic test chambers, quasi-optical setups, and optical hardware. Simulation tools include full-wave electromagnetic FEM, MoM, and FDTD solvers as well as microwave circuit simulation and planar EM solvers.
Measurement Capabilities
- Anechoic chambers
- Agilent E8364B 4-port Precision Network Analyzer (PNA)
- HP 8510c with V-band and W-band mixer heads
- Cascade Microtech Summit 9000 wafer probe station
- Most instrumentation can be controlled from a computer via GPIB or USB
- General:
- Agilent spectrum analyzers (20 GHz, 50 GHz)
- Agilent synthesized sweepers (20 GHz, 50 GHz)
- HP71500A transition analyzer to 40 GHz
- Sampling oscilloscope to 40 GHz
- Low-phase noise oscillators
- Cables/connectors/adapters
- Mixers
- Amplifiers: drivers, LNAs, PAs
- Microscopes with computer interfacing
- Solder/rework stations
- Function generators
- Lock-in amplifiers
Design and Fabrication
- Hybrid Circuits
- ,
- Â S62 Milling Machine with through-hole plating
- GaAs, GaN
- Microfabrication
- Colorado Nanofabrication Laboratory provides nanofabrication including photolithography and wafer measurement capabilities.
Simulation Tools
- Full Wave
- Ansoft HFSS (3D FEM)
- Circuit EM
- Ansoft Designer
- ADS Momentum
- Cadence MWO Axiem
Specialized Equipment
- mm-wave/quasi-optical
- Wafer probing
- Load-pull (coaxial & wafer)
- Wire bonding
- Gold plating