
View of CU Boulder


  • Kutscher, C., Kreith, F., Milford, J.B., Principles of Sustainable Energy, Third Edition, CRC Press, book manuscript submitted July 2017.
  • Ramaswami, A., Milford, J.B., Small, M.S., Integrated Environmental Modeling: Pollutant Transport, Fate and Risk in the Environment, John Wiley and Sons, 2005, 678 pp.

Technical and Law Review Articles and Book Chapters (past five years)

  • Milford, J.B., “Environmental Law for Engineers,” forthcoming in Kutz, M. ed., Environmental Engineer’s Handbook, John Wiley and Sons, expected publication date 2017.
  • Nsanzineza, R.**, O’Connell, M., Brinkman, G., Milford, J.B., “Emissions Implications of Downscaled Electricity Generation Scenarios for the Western United States,” Energy Policy, 109:601-608, 2017.
  • Keshavarzmohammadian, A.**, Henze, D., Milford, J.B., “Emission Impacts of Electric Vehicles in the US Transportation Sector Following Optimistic Cost and Efficiency Projections,” Environmental Science and Technology, 51:6665-6673, DOI:10.1021/acs.est6b04801, 2017.
  • Brown, K.E.**, Henze, D., Milford, J.B. “How Accounting for Climate and Health Impacts of Emissions Could Change the US Energy System,” Energy Policy, 102:396-405, DOI 10.1016/j.enpol2016.12.052, 2017.
  • Milford, J.B., Knight, D., “Increasing the Use of Earth Science Models and Data in Air Quality Management,” Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 67(4):431-444, 2017.
  • Capps, S.L., Driscoll, C.T., Fakhraei, H., Templer, P.H., Craig, K.J., Milford, J.B., Lambert, K., “Estimating Potential Productivity Co-benefits for Crops and Trees from Reduced Ozone with U.S. Coal Power Plant Carbon Standards,” J. Geophysical Research, 121(24):14,679-14,690, 2016.
  • Clements, N.**, Hannigan, M.P., Miller, S.L., Peel, J.L., Milford, J.B., “Comparisons of Urban and Rural PM10-2.5 and PM2.5 Mass Concentrations and Semi-Volatile Fractions in Northeastern Colorado,” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 7469–7484, doi:10.5194/acp-16-7469-2016.
  • Dilling, L., Kelsey, K.C.**, Fernandez, D.P., Huang, Y.D.*, Milford, J.B., Neff, J.C., “Where Carbon Management Hits the Road: the Intersection of Decision Context and Scientific Information on Public Lands in Southwestern Colorado,” Environmental Management, DOI 10.1007/s00267-016-0714-2, 2016.
  • Wu, K.**, Paranjothi, G.**, Milford, J.B., Kreith, F., “Transition to Sustainability with Natural Gas from Fracking,” Sustainable Technologies and Assessments, 14:26-34, 2016.
  • Lapina, K., Henze, D., Milford, J.B., Travis, K. "Impacts of Foreign, Domestic and State-Level Emissions on Ozone-Induced Vegetation Loss in the U.S." Environmental Science and Technology, DOI 10.1021/acs.est.5b04887, 2015.
  • Kim, S-Y, Dutton, S.J.**, Sheppard, L., Hannigan, M.P., Miller, S.L., Milford, J.B., Peel, J., Vedal, S., “The Short-Term Association of Selected Components of Fine Particulate Matter and Mortality in the Denver Aerosol Sources and Health (DASH) Study,” Environmental Health, 14:49, DOI 10.1186/s12940-015-0037-4, 2015.
  • Lapina, K., Henze, D.K., Milford, J.B., Cuvelier, C., Seltzer, M., “Implications of RCP Emissions for Future Changes in Vegetative Exposure to Ozone in the Western U.S.,” Geophysical Research Letters,  DOI 10.1002/2015GL063529, 2015.
  • Milford, J.B. “Out in Front?  State and Federal Regulation of Air Pollution Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Activities in the Western United States,” Natural Resources Journal, 55:1-45, 2014.
  • McLeod, J.**, Brinkman, G., Milford, J.B., “Emissions Implications of Future Natural Gas Production and Use in the U.S. and in the Rocky Mountain Region,” Environ. Sci. Technol., 48:13036-13044, 2014.
  • Clements, N.**, Eav, J.*, Xie, M., Hannigan, M., Miller, S.L., Navidi, W., Peel, J., Schauer, J.J., Shafer, M., Milford, J.B., “Concentrations and Source Insights for Trace Elements in Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter,” Atmospheric Environment, 89:373-381, 2014.
  • Archie, K.**, Dilling, L., Milford, J., Pampel, F., “Unpacking the 'Information Barrier': Comparing Perspectives on Information as a Barrier to Climate Change Adaptation in the Interior Mountain West,” Journal of Environmental Management, 133:397-410, 2014.
  • Lapina, K., Henze, D.K., Milford, J.B., Huang, M., Lin, M., Fiore, A.M., Carmichael, G., Pfister, G., Bowman, K., “Assessment of Source Contributions to Seasonal Vegetative Exposure to Ozone in the U.S.,” Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JD020905, 2014.
  • Clements, N.**, Milford, J.B., Miller, S.L., Navidi, W., Peel, J.L., Hannigan, M.P. “Errors in Coarse Particulate Matter (PM10-2.5) Mass Concentrations and Spatiotemporal Characteristics when Using Subtraction Estimation Methods,” Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 63(12):1386-1398, 2013.
  • Helmig D., Daly R.W.**, Milford J., and Guenther A. “Seasonal trends in biogenic terpene emissions,” Chemosphere, 93:35-46, 2013.
  • Brown, K.**, Henze, D., Milford, J.B. "Accounting for Climate and Air Quality Damages in Future US Electricity Generation Scenarios," Environmental Science and Technology, 47:3065-3072, 2013.
  • Xie, M.**, Piedrahita, R.**, Dutton, S., Milford, J., Hemann, J., Peel, J., Miller, S., Kim, S-Y, Vedal, S., Sheppard, L., Hannigan, M. “Positive Matrix Factorization of a 32-month Series of Daily PM2.5 Speciation Data with Incorporation of Temperature Stratification,” Atmospheric Environment, 65:11-20, 2013.
  • Xie, M.**, Hannigan, M., Dutton, S., Milford, J., Hemann, J.**, Miller, S., Schauer, J., Peel, J., Vedal, S., “Positive Matrix Factorization of PM2.5 – Comparison and Implications of Using Different Speciation Data Sets,” Environmental Science and Technology, 46(21):11962-11970, 2012.
  • Archie, K.**, Dilling, L., Milford, J.B., Pampel, F., “Climate Change and Western Public Lands: A Survey of U.S. Federal Land Managers on the Status of Adaptation Efforts,” Ecology and Society, 17(4): article 20, 2012.
  • Xie, M.**, Coons, T.L.**, Hemann, J.**, Dutton, S., Peel, J., Milford, J.B., Miller, S.L., Kim, S-Y, Vedal, S., Hannigan, M.P., “Intra-urban Spatial Variability and Uncertainty Assessment of PM2.5 Sources Based on Carbonaceous Species,” Atmospheric Environment, 60:305-315, 2012.
  • Xie, M.**, Coons, T.L.**, Dutton, S.J., Milford, J.B., Miller, S.L., Peel, J.L., Vedal, S., Hannigan, M.P., “Intra-urban Spatial Variability of PM2.5-Bound Carbonaceous Components,” Atmospheric Environment, 60:486-494, 2012.
  • Ellenwood, M.*, Dilling, L., Milford, J.B. “Managing U.S. Public Lands in Response to Climate Change:  A View From the Ground Up,” Environmental Management, 49(5):954-967, 2012.
  • Clements, N.**, Piedrahita, R.**, Ortega, J., Peel, J., Hannigan, M., Miller, S.L., Milford, J.B., “Characterization and Nonparametric Regression of Rural and Coarse Particulate Matter Mass Concentrations in Northeastern Colorado,” Aerosol Science and Technology, 46(1):108-123, 2012.

*undergraduate student
** graduate student