Kunal Korgaonkar, Joseph Izraelevitz, Jishen Zhao, and Steven Swanson. Vorpal: Vector clock ordering for large persistent memory systems. In: 2019 ACM Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing. PODC ’19. Toronto ON, Canada, 2019.
Jian Yang, Joseph Izraelevitz, and Steven Swanson. Orion: A distributed file system for non-volatile main memories and RDMA-capable networks. In: 17th USENIX Conf. on File and Storage Technologies. FAST  ’19. Boston, MA, 2019.
Qingrui Liu, Joseph Izraelevitz, Se Kwon Lee, Michael L. Scott, Sam H. Noh, and Changhee Jung. Ido: Compiler-directed failure atomicity for nonvolatile memory. In: 51st IEEE/ACM Intl. Symp. on Microar- chitecture. MICRO ’18. Fukuoka, Japan, 2018.
Haosen Wen, Joseph Izraelevitz, Wentao Cai, H. Alan Beadle, and Michael L.  Scott. Interval based memory reclamation. In: 23rd ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. PPoPP ’18. Vienna, Austria, 2018.
Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. Generality and speed in nonblocking dual containers. In: ACM Trans. on Parallel Computing, 3(4):22:1–22:37, 2017.
Joseph Izraelevitz, Lingxiang Xiang, and Michael L. Scott. Performance improvement via always-abort HTM. In: 26th Intl. Conf. on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques. PACT ’17. Portland, OR, USA, 2017.
Faisal Nawab, Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, Charles B. Morrey, Dhruva Chakrabarti, and Michael L. Scott. DalĂ: A periodically persistent hash map. In: 31st Intl. Symp. on Distributed Computing. DISC ’17. Vienna, Austria, 2017.
Matthew Graichen, Joseph Izraelevitz, and Michael L. Scott. An unbounded nonblocking double-ended queue. In: 45th Intl. Conf. on Parallel Processing. ICPP ’16. Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2016.
Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, and Aasheesh Kolli. Failure-atomic persistent memory updates via JUSTDO logging. In: 21st Intl. Conf. on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. ASPLOS XXI. Atlanta, GA, USA, 2016.
Joseph Izraelevitz, Hammurabi Mendes, and Michael L. Scott. Linearizability of persistent memory objects under a full-system-crash failure model. In: 30th Intl. Conf. on Distributed Computing. DISC ’16. Paris, France, 2016.
Short Peer-reviewed Publications (Workshop papers, posters, etc.)
Faisal Nawab, Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, Charles B. Morrey, Dhruva Chakrabarti, and Michael L. Scott. DalĂ: A periodically persistent hash map. In: 9th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Wkshp. NVMW ’18. San Diego, CA, USA, 2018.
Joseph Izraelevitz, Virendra Marathe, and Michael L. Scott. Poster presentation: Composing durable data structures. In: 8th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Wkshp. NVMW ’17. San Diego, CA, USA, 2017.
Joseph Izraelevitz, Lingxiang Xiang, and Michael L. Scott. Performance improvement via always-abort HTM. In: 12th ACM SIGPLAN Wkshp. on Transactional Computing. TRANSACT ’17. Austin, TX, USA, 2017.
Joseph Izraelevitz, Alex Kogan, and Yossi Lev. Implicit acceleration of critical sections via unsuccessful speculation. In: 11th ACM SIGPLAN Wkshp. on Transactional Computing. TRANSACT ’16. Barcelona, Spain, 2016.
Joseph Izraelevitz, Hammurabi Mendes, and Michael L Scott. Brief announcement: Preserving happens- before in persistent memory. In: 28th ACM Symp. on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. SPAA’16. Asilomar Beach, CA, USA, 2016.
Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. Brief announcement: A generic construction for nonblocking dual containers. In: 2014 ACM Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing. PODC ’14. Paris, France, 2014.
Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. Brief announcement: Fast dual ring queues. In: 26th ACM Symp. on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. SPAA ’14. Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.
Patents and Patent Applications
Virendra Marathe and Joseph Izraelevitz. Systems and methods for constructing composable persistent data structures. Patent US10007581B2. Oracle International Corporation. US, 2018.
Terence Kelly, Charles B. Morrey, Dhruva Chakrabarti, Aasheesh Kolli, Qiong Cai, Andrew C. Walton, and Joseph Izraelevitz. Register store. Patent application filed. Hewlett Packard Enterprise. US, 2016.
Faisal Nawab, Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, Charles B. Morrey, and Dhruva Chakrabarti. Memory system to access uncorrupted data. Patent application filed. Hewlett Packard Enterprise. US, 2016.
Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, Aasheesh Kolli, and Charles B. Morrey. Resuming execution in response to failure. Patent application filed (WO2017074451). Hewlett Packard Enterprise. US, 2015.
Unrefereed Publications (TRs, theses, etc.)
Joseph Izraelevitz, Jian Yang, Lu Zhang, Amirsaman Memaripour, Yun Joon Soh, Subramanya R. Dul- loor, Jishen Zhao, Juno Kim, Xiao Liu, Zixuan Wang, Yi Xu, and Steven Swanson. Basic performance measurements of the intel optane dc persistent memory module. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.05714, 2019.
Jian Yang, Juno Kim, Morteza Hoseinzadeh, Joseph Izraelevitz, and Steven Swanson. An empirical guide to the behavior and use of scalable persistent memory. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.03583, 2019.
Joseph Izraelevitz. Concurrency implications of nonvolatile byte-addressable memory. Ph.D. Thesis. De- partment of Computer Science, University of Rochester, 2018.
Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. A generic construction for nonblocking dual containers. Technical report (TR 992). Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester, 2014.
Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. Fast dual ring queues. Technical report (TR 990). Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester, 2014.
Joseph Izraelevitz. Automated archaeological survey of ancient irrigation canals. Master’s Thesis. Department of Computer Science, Washington University in St. Louis, 2009.
Joseph Izraelevitz. Poster presentation: Analyzing software dependencies on supercomputers with REV. In: Los Alamos National Laboratory Student Symp. Los Alamos, NM, USA, 2007.