Capacity Building in Engineering

Dr. Bolhari’s Lab harnesses the diverse skills, knowledge, and experiences that stakeholders bring from their families, communities, and lived experiences to strengthen capacity in engineering. Our research spans from fostering innovation confidence in neurodivergent engineering students to leveraging community resources for building resilience against natural hazards.

1- Building Capacity in Engineering Education Research

This research focuses on enhancing STEM education, faculty development, and promoting diversity in engineering. Dr. Bolhari co-leads workshops that help STEM faculty design high-quality educational research, particularly using qualitative methods. Her contributions to STEM education include developing hands-on learning activities, such as an oil spill cleanup and polarity lesson for K-12 and integrating augmented and virtual reality into the Environmental Engineering curriculum. Bolhari also explores the cultural wealth of engineering students through quantitative studies, highlighting the diverse assets they bring to their education. Additionally, her work extends to understanding how citizen scientists perceive engineers and addressing IT ethics by examining how the perceived possibility of disclosure influences ethical behavior. Together, her research aims to foster innovation, improve educational practices, and increase broader participation in engineering.


  • Morelock, J., J. Jarvie-Eggart, M.E., Wilson, S., Reck, R.M., Bolhari, A., Smith, C.K., Srougi, M., Chenette, H Crosson, K., Dodson, K. (2024, June). A workshop for faculty developers: An accessible process for helping STEM faculty scope and design educational research and SOTL! Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
  • Vaisanen*,ÌýV., Tyson*, E., Wood*, R., Nelson*, R., Dupeyron*, T., Shahi * *, A., Bolhari, A., Bielefeldt, A. (2024). A Slippery Situation: Oil Spill Cleanup and Polarity. TeachEngineering.Ìý
  • Morelock, J., Jarvie-Eggart, M.E., Chenette, H., Hooshangi, S., Chestnutt, B., Wilson, S., Bolhari, A. Dodson, K., Pavlova, I., Reck, R.M., (2023, October). Learn how to design high-quality qualitative educational research! - A workshop for disciplinary STEM faculty by disciplinary STEM faculty. Paper presented at 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, College Station, Texas.
  • Bolhari, A. (2023, June), Board 109: BYOE: Laboratory Exercise using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Environmental Engineering Curriculum. Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.Ìý
  • Higgins*, C. P., Kamp*, E. J., Stewart, K., Bolhari, A., Castaneda, D. I. (2023, June), Surveying the Cultural Assets of Engineering Students: An Exploratory Quantitative Study. Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.Ìý
  • Stewart, K., Castaneda, D.I.; Bolhari, A. (2020). Work in Progress: Citizen Scientists’ Description of an Engineer presented at 2020 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Virtual Conference. DOI: 10.18260/1-2--35620
  • Bolhari, AR., Bolhari, A. (2018).ÌýIT Ethics and the Role of Perceived Possibility of Disclosure: An Interventional Research.ÌýAmerican Society for Engineering Education. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, Utah. DOI: 10.18260/1-2--30738Ìý Ìý

2- Navigating Engineering Opportunities for Neurodivergent Engineering Students

Our research shows that a notable percentage of engineering students identify as neurodivergent (30-45%), and therefore engineering faculty should ensure these students feel supported. In our institution, a survey of over 1,000 students found that 18% identified as neurodivergent, 19% as maybe neurodivergent, and 62% as neurotypical. A higher percentage of female compared to male students self-identified as ND or maybe ND. Large percentages of students indicating a gender other than male or female also self-identified as neurodivergent. Higher education institutions should also prioritize systematic planning and programming to support the retention and success of neurodivergent (ND) students.

Research Team: Dr. Bielefeldt, Maya Leizerovich, Caroline Steely, Shane Gavney, Anvie Gowrishankar


  • Bolhari, A., Bielefeldt, A., Dyer, S. (2024, October).ÌýWIP: Comparison of Neurodivergent Student Prevalence in Engineering Across Two Institutions. IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Washington, D.C.
  • Bolhari, A., Bielefeldt, A. R. (2024, June), Board 316: Innovation Self-Efficacy: Empowering Environmental Engineering Students to InnovateÌýPaper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.Ìý
  • Bolhari, A., Bielefeldt, A. R. (2023, June), Board 140: Work in Progress: Exploring Innovation Self-Efficacy in Neurodiverse Engineering Students. Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.Ìý
  • Bielefeldt, A., Bolhari, A. (2024, May).ÌýWork-in-Progress: Neurodivergence and Intersecting Demographics Among Engineering Students.ÌýPaper presented at 2024 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, Boulder, Colorado.Ìý/engineering/sites/default/files/attached-files/asee_2024_schedule_with_updated_locations.pdf

3- Engineering Students’ Innovation Self-EfficacyÌý

Cultivating Innovation ConfidenceÌýInnovation drives economic growth and sustainable development, and engineers must think creatively to generate novel ideas. This NSF-funded project (award#Ìý) focuses on the innovation self-efficacy (ISE) of engineering students, measuring their belief in their capacity to execute innovative designs and investigates how ISE is enhanced. More specifically, we explore development of ISE constructs which are questioning, observation, experimentation, associational thinking, and idea networking skills across an engineering curriculum. We utilize standardized surveys, reflective memos, interviews and engineering project analysis to assess the ISE development. Join us in fostering a more innovative engineering future!

Research Team: Dr. Bielefeldt, Maya Leizerovich, Caroline Steely, Shane Gavney, Anvie Gowrishankar


·Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýBolhari, A., Bielefeldt, A. R., Saxton, R. W., Gowrishankar*, A., Leizerovich*, M., Gavney*, S. (2024, June), Exploring the Relationships between Artistic Creativity and Innovation Attitudes in Engineering Students Paper presented at 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.Ìý

  • Gavney*, S., Leizerovich*, M., Gowrishankar*, A., Bolhari, A., Bielefeldt, A. (2024, May). Role of Reflective Memos in Enhancing Questioning Skills of Engineering Students.ÌýPoster presented at 2024 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, Boulder, Colorado.Ìý/engineering/sites/default/files/attached-files/asee_2024_schedule_with_updated_locations.pdf
  • Leizerovich*, M., Gowrishankar*, A., Gavney*, S., Bolhari, A., Bielefeldt, A. (2024, May). Role of Reflective Memos in Enhancing Experimentation Skill of Engineering Students.ÌýPoster presented at 2024 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, Boulder, Colorado.Ìý/engineering/sites/default/files/attached-files/asee_2024_schedule_with_updated_locations.pdf
  • Gowrishankar*, A., Leizerovich*, M., Gavney*, S., Bolhari, A., Bielefeldt, A. (2024, May). Role of Reflective Memos in Enhancing Associational Thinking Skill of Engineering Students.ÌýPoster presented at 2024 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, Boulder, Colorado.Ìý/engineering/sites/default/files/attached-files/asee_2024_schedule_with_updated_locations.pdf
  • Bolhari, A., Bielefeldt, A. R. (2023, June), Exploring the Role of Mentorship in Enhancing Engineering Students’ Innovation Self-Efficacy. Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.Ìý
  • Bolhari, A., Tillema*, S. (2022). Enhancing Engineering Students’ Innovation Self-Efficacy through Design of K-12 STEM Projects. Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.Ìý

4- Community Capacity & Resiliency in Natural Hazards

Capacity building for drought resiliency and wildfire preparedness revealed key insights into how households in a community mobilized their community cultural wealth (CCW) throughout a disaster. The research team observed that each household tapped into various forms of CCW—such as familial, social, navigational, and aspirational capital—at different stages of the adverse event. For example, some families leveraged knowledge passed down through generations (familial capital) to develop water conservation practices, while others relied on their social networks to access resources and information about fire prevention. Additionally, households demonstrated navigational capital by successfully navigating local bureaucracies to obtain the necessary permits or aid. Aspirational capital, rooted in long-term goals for community survival and safety, also played a role in fostering collective action and resilience. This research underscores the critical role that local knowledge, cultural assets, and community collaboration play in responding to environmental challenges such as droughts and wildfires.

Building sustainable rainwater harvesting tanks with the community for capacity building against recurring droughts.

Building sustainable rainwater harvesting tanks with the community for capacity building against recurring droughts.

Future Rural Archive: Prairie Restoration through Snow Harvesting

Future Rural Archive: Prairie Restoration through Snow Harvesting

Research Team: Manish Vankudre, Sulaiman AlKhalfan


  • Castaneda, D.I.; Stewart, K., Bolhari, A. Exploring How Community Cultural Wealth Manifests in a Citizen Science Engineering ProjectÌý(Manuscript under preparation).
  • Albright, E. A., Crow, D. A., Dickinson, K., Devoss, R., Rumbach, A., Bolhari, A. (2023). CWC: The Politics of Multilevel Disasters, Recovery and Rebuilding. Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, January 11-14, 2023 - St. Pete Beach, Florida focused on disasters and recovery.
  • Bolhari, A., & Flaska**, E. M., Stewart, K. (2023, June), Board 52: Engagement in Practice: Role of Community Engagement in Disaster Recovery. Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.Ìý
  • Bolhari, A., Castaneda, D.I., Arehart, J., Tillema*, S. (2022). Performance Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment of Acrylic Concrete Structures for Rainwater Harvesting. RCR Advances 13 (2022) 200063 doi: 10.1016/j.rcradv.2022.200063.
  • Dickinson, S., Devoss, K., Albright, R., Crow, E., Rumbach, D., Bean, A., Fraser, H., Reid, T., Bolhari, A., Welton-Mitchell, Andre, C. Aldrich, D., Morss, R. Whelton, Javernick-Will, A., Irvine, L., du Bray, M., Rubenfeld, S.*, Tillema, S.*(2022). "Marshall Fire Unified Survey", in RAPID: Can Big Ideas Â鶹ÊÓƵ Resilience Survive the Reality of a Disaster? Built Environment Policy and Recovery After the Marshall Fire. DesignSafe-CI. doi: 10.17603/ds2-0yc8-4h27
  • Bolhari, A., Tillema, S. (2022). Exploring a New Model for Engineering Capacity and Resiliency: Households in the Aftermath of the 2021 Marshall Fire. Poster Presentation at Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, St. Louis MO: AEESP June 28-30, 2022.
  • Bolhari, A.; Castaneda, D.I.; Stewart, K. (2020). Work in Progress: An Exploratory Study of the Sustainability Mindset through a Citizen Science Project in a Vulnerable Latinx Community presented at 2020 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Virtual Conference. DOI: 10.18260/1-2--35609
  • Bolhari, A. & Baker**, C. (2018). Ecological Fence: Snow Harvesting.ÌýIn M. Handwerker, J. Garrett-Davis, C. Sauter, R. Saxton (Eds.)ÌýFuture Rural Archive: Snow Harvesting for Site Revitalization (pp.74-115). Netherlands: Jap Sam Books & Last Chance, Colorado: Last Chance Press.