Karl Linden

Fox 31 highlights Linden research on UV light disinfection for COVID-19

Oct. 4, 2021

BOULDER COUNTY, Colo. 鈥 麻豆视频 researchers say a specific wavelength of ultraviolet light is effective at killing the COVID-19 virus and is safe for use in public places like concert halls and airports. Caught on camera: Burst of light from meteor can be seen for miles in...

Ben Livneh

Livneh quoted in Kaiser Health News wildfire story

Sept. 28, 2021

The 鈥楤urn Scars鈥 of Wildfires Threaten the West鈥檚 Drinking Water Colorado saw its worst fire season last year, with the three largest fires in state history and more than 600,000 acres burned. But some of the effects didn鈥檛 appear until this July, when heavy rain pushed sediment from damaged forests...

Marina Vance

Amid wildfires and a pandemic, here鈥檚 how to keep your indoor air clean

Sept. 7, 2021

It鈥檚 no secret: The air quality is bad in Colorado this summer. Thus far, the state has issued 59 Ozone Action Day alerts since May 31鈥攖he most in a single year since record-keeping began a decade ago. At least one day in August, Denver boasted the worst air quality of...

Music students practice safe COVID-safe protocols in Prof. Don McKinnney鈥檚 wind symphony class at the CU Boulder College of Music during the fall 2020 semester.

Simple safety measures reduce musical COVID-19 transmission

Aug. 27, 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe in 2020, musicians around the world were desperate for the answers to two pressing questions: Can playing musical instruments transmit COVID-19? And if so, what can be done? Now, halfway through 2021, the first official research results are in鈥攁nd it鈥檚 good news: The...

Mark Hernandez

COVID-19 has spurred investments in air filtration for K-12 schools 鈥 but these technologies aren鈥檛 an instant fix

Aug. 24, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought increased attention to indoor air quality and the effect that ventilation has on reducing disease transmission in indoor spaces. A recent infrastructure survey reported that of the nearly 100,000 operating public school buildings across the U.S., more than a third have an immediate need for...

Whitney Knoop

EVEN undergraduate part of summer water reclamation research

Aug. 24, 2021

Whitney Knoop 鈥 an undergraduate in the Environmental Engineering Program 鈥 spent her summer creating pasta-shaped 3D-printed plastic for use in water reclamation efforts.

A view of the Fourmile Canyon Fire burning west of Boulder from an overlook in Louisville, Colorado on Sept. 6, 2010.

CU Boulder receives $1.1 million in EPA grants to reduce public exposure to wildland fire smoke

Aug. 23, 2021

Banner Image: A view of the Fourmile Canyon Fire burning west of Boulder from an overlook in Louisville, Colorado on Sept. 6, 2010. (Credit: Glenn Asakawa/University of Colorado) Researchers at the 麻豆视频 have been awarded $1.1 million from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for two projects...

Marina Vance

Denver CBS4: The Best Methods To Filter Indoor Air, According To A Pollution Expert At CU Boulder

Aug. 11, 2021

"You may not be able to tell the difference today or tomorrow in your quality of life, but it could make a big difference over the course of your lifetime if you protect yourself from air pollution,鈥 said Dr. Marina Vance, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and environmental engineering...

Nina Vance

Video: Vance on creativity, engineering and accessibility

Aug. 3, 2021

Assistant Professor Marina Vance uses her passion for drawing to educate and inspire by creating animated science videos that share her research in aerosol particle transformation in easily accessible ways. As a recent NSF CAREER Award recipient , Vance will continue her research at the 麻豆视频 while...

The aftermath of July 2021 floods in Poudre Canyon, west of Fort Collins.

How fire today will impact water tomorrow

July 29, 2021

In 2020, Colorado battled the four largest wildfires in its history, leaving residents anxious for another intense wildfire season this year. But last week, fires weren鈥檛 the issue鈥攊t was their aftermath. When heavy rains fell over the burn scar from the 2020 Cameron Peak fire, they triggered flash flooding and...
