Shelly Miller

Miller discusses airborne COVID spread with Eos

June 2, 2022

Shelly Miller is interviewed in "Indoor Air Pollution in the Time of Coronavirus", a new long-format piece by Eos, the journal of the American Geophysical Union. Miller is a professor of mechanical and environmental engineering at the Â鶹ÊÓƵ and an expert on indoor air quality. She has...

Jana Milford

A look back on CU Boulder Professor Jana Milford’s career as she prepares to retire

May 24, 2022

After nearly three decades serving the College of Engineering and Applied Science, Professor Jana Milford is set to retire August 2022. Milford has held many titles during her distinguished career – from Department of Mechanical Engineering Chair and the first director of the Environmental Engineering Program, to founding faculty advisor...

CU Boulder campus from the air.

Environmental Engineering Spring 2022 Award Winners

May 16, 2022

The Â鶹ÊÓƵ Environmental Engineering Program is recognizing eight students and one faculty member for outstanding achievements for Spring 2022. Congratulations to the individuals below for their accomplishments at CU Boulder!

The graduation ceremony

Flickr Album: 2022 Graduation Ceremony Photos

May 6, 2022

Fernando Rosario-Ortiz

Smoke in the water - Engineers examine effects on land and water after wildfires are extinguished

April 25, 2022

The three largest wildfires in Colorado’s known history all occurred in 2020. More than 600,000 acres burned, with the Cameron Peak Fire alone causing $6 million in property damage. Fernando Rosario-Ortiz Professor, Environmental Engineering While the last embers of the Cameron Peak Fire are long since extinguished, researchers are increasingly...

Two students walking in a school hallway.

Clearing the Air on COVID-19: Duo Campus Project Aimed at Keeping Schools Open

April 20, 2022

The classrooms of Barnum Elementary School in Denver echo with the chatter of students and the instruction of teachers. The white, waist-high, curved machine in the corner is quiet as can be. The machine, which looks like a less-complicated R2D2, contains a NASA-designed HEPA filter and is part of a...

Sherri Cook

Sherri Cook discusses wastewater management with KGNU

April 20, 2022

Assistant Professor Sherri Cook is featured in a new piece by KGNU radio on "Putting Wastewater to Work in Boulder County." Cook, an expert in sustainable water design and resource recovery from waste, discusses opportunities for wastewater to benefit humanity. Listen on

An engineering looking at graphics

Newly published paper revolutionizes global engineering curriculum

March 28, 2022

A new publication headed by the Mortenson Center in Global Engineering seeks to create better alignment among academic programs and sector needs when it comes to training engineers in global development. The publication comes after the center hosted over 100 participants from universities, donors, government agencies and industry partners for...

Joe Ryan in a stream.

Faces of Engaged Scholarship: Professor Joe Ryan

Feb. 22, 2022

Joe Ryan started doing community-engaged scholarship in 1999 and hasn’t looked back. “I had moved up near Jamestown and realized I was driving past old mine sites. I connected with a community group concerned about off-road vehicle use along James Creek and the effects on the water supply. The treatment...

Joseph Kasprzyk

Kasprzyk talks how snowy start to 2022 affects state drought with Denver 9 News

Feb. 4, 2022

Associate Professor Joseph Kasprzyk was featured by Denver's NBC affiliate in a news piece focusing on the ongoing drought in Colorado. Kasprzyk, who conducts research in water resources planning and management, discussed how significant snowfall in January and early February impacts the state's multi-year shortfall in moisture levels. Watch the...
