You're Valued

We value each and every one of our supporters;without you our work would not be possible.Thank you for believing in our cause and in the future of education.Many alumni, faculty, staff, and friends have led the way with significant contributions that enabled the school tohave a tremendous impact, educating the next generationand keeping access and opportunity alive.Your collaboration, partnership, and passion are why we work hard each year for more successes.

Why Give?

If you're not a current supporter, feel free to explore the many ways you can give to the School of Education.Making a gift should never be difficult, in fact it should bring you joy.As a donor, you are able to choose which type of giving is easiest, most meaningful, and, has the desired effect. No matter the size or the frequency, each contribution we receive has a significant impact on our school. Below, hear why supporting the school makes a valuable impact on our donors, too.