School of Education ranks No. 29 out of 300+ education programs nationwide
“We are pleased that our ranking has held steady,” said Kathy Schultz, dean of the School of Education. “This is especially impressive given the small size of our education school and given that the metrics of this ranking tend to privilege the larger schools with more access to grant money and therefore more well-known profiles.
“We are excited about our plans for the future, especially our deep work in the local schools and communities across Colorado as well as our national presence in providing perspectives on national policy issues.”
Together with Schultz, who joined the school asdean in August 2016, we look forward to continuing to serve our students and communities well through several newinitiatives. Our work is important to our students and members of our community locally and nationally.
The School of Education is a nationally recognized leader in education research with the school consistently ranking in 90th percentile of faculty scholarly productivity among colleges and schools of education nationwide.
While many researchers have called attention to the limited methodology of the U.S. News and World Report'srankings system, annual report'smethodology includes surveys of 379 schools granting education doctoral degrees. Rankings are based on quality assessments from education deans, school superintendents, and employers; student selectivity; faculty resources; and research activities.
Learn more about our graduate programs
For a complete listing of CU Boulder's 2018 U.S. News and World Report graduate rankings, visit .