
  • Spring has sprung and some people are itching for change. Now is the perfect time to incorporate sustainability into your cleaning routine.
  • stack of folded clothes
    Thrifting goes hand in hand with a sustainable lifestyle. With Americans throwing away over 13 million tons of clothing each year, fast fashion and overconsumption lead to excess waste in landfills, carbon emissions from textile manufacturing and
  • clothes on a rack
    As the cold weather creeps into Boulder, you’ll soon turn to sweaters, cardigans, and crewnecks. Those are some bulky clothing items, and your closet may be cramped for space, which makes this the perfect time to slim down your wardrobe and the pieces you have in your closet. Here are a few tips and tricks on cleaning your closet and getting ready for winter!
  • beach sunset
    Travel can be exciting, but it can also negatively impact the environment. Whether you travel for vacation, to visit family or out of necessity, there are many ways to incorporate sustainable, eco-friendly practices into your travel plans.ÌýHere
  • CU pumpkin on campus
    Halloween kicks off the holiday season, but with a little planning, you can celebrate sustainably by reducing costume waste, avoiding non-recyclable candy wrappers, and making eco-friendly choices.
  • sustainability students outside
    Living an eco-conscious lifestyle rather than one of consumerism is essential to lower your carbon footprint and demonstrate dedication to sustainability. You can consider how your actions impact the environment and your overall well-being and
  • activists on a polluted beach
    It takes more than 1,000 years for plastic to decompose. Every plastic bottle, straw and container ever thrown away is still intact and somewhere on earth. The plastic problem affects every part of the planet, from the top of Mount Everest to the
  • students sorting waste
    The week before classes start is always a busy and exciting time for campus, over 7000 students move into the residence hall during this time. This year the Zero Waste program provided recycling services for over a dozen welcome events, recycled 20
  • clothes on a rack
    Now that the temperatures have dropped and we’ve had our first snowfall of the season, sweaters, cardigans and jackets are go-to items in the wardrobe. These clothing items tend to take up more space, potentially crowding your closet. That makes
  • clothing rack
    Did you know that your fashion choices can positively impact the environment? When you choose clothes made with recycled fabrics, you can help save water and lower carbon emissions.
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