- Sam, a Sustainable Buff and CU Boulder student, talks about the three Rs - reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Going to large music festivals, clubs, raves and parties appeals to many people, and after not being able to participate in these large gatherings during the covid-19 pandemic, people are eager to return. PLUR -- Peace, Love, Unity and Respect -- is a common phrase in rave culture; valuing and respecting the earth that you have the privilege of partying on is the best way to spread love. It's important to practice the mantra, “No Planet, No Party."
- Join the sustainable fashion movement and break free from the fast fashion industry at the Environmental Center's upcoming Drop and Swap event, while also finding community and support along the way.
- The western United States is facing water scarcity issues. You can do your part by saving water.
- These household and lifestyle DIYs will help you take care of yourself and your home with the earth and your wallet in mind.
- The E-Center can help you become a Sustainable Buff! Save money and energy through the cultivation of everyday sustainable habits to start the new year off right.
- Carbon footprint is something we have all heard about, read about and probably talked about in class, but do we truly understand what it means and its role in our lives? Probably not. According to the Nature Conservatory, carbon
- You have probably heard about reducing your carbon footprint, but have you considered your water footprint? Use the water footprint calculator to estimate how many gallons of water you and your family use a day.
- With so much content coming our way every day, it can be difficult to differentiate between true facts and myths, especially when it comes to recycling. We're here to help clarify some of those common myths that you may have read about or heard.
- Each year, over 90 million tons of recyclable materials end up in U.S. landfills. The inefficiency of the recycling system in the U.S. is largely due to contamination, or the disposal of non-recyclable materials into